To establish the new world wide expansion of Scientology, our first order of business, having resolved technical and dissemination, is to bring about even more effective HCOs.
The following will remain stable as to duties and policies of HCO.
The first action in bringing order to an area is to establish order in HCO so that HCO can establish order.
The duties and policies of HCO are as follows:
The following actions of HCO are the actions: of HCO in the following order of importance.
Under these sub heads we get all the actions of HCO.
A. Communication: The first action of HCO is Communication. Before anything else is done Communicate and take care of communications. Then do other things. Communication has priority over all other actions. HCO is first a Communication Office and then other things. HCO is my Comm Centre in a Central Org. My comms have priority over all other comms. HCO relays them, deletes backflash and keeps me informed.
The good order of Central Org Comm lines is also the business of HCO.
The primary comm line to the public is handled by HCO.
B. Collection: The second most important action of HCO is my collections both for its survival, for my research and for our survival.
HCO must be solvent. Even if a Central Org is teetering, HCO must remain solvent with money in the bank. Otherwise, who is to handle emergency if a Central Org slips?
For ages, Central Orgs thought they could survive only if they absorbed my book money, royalties and special events. When these were taken away by HCO Central Orgs began to gain some self respect. No Central Org now needs any part of them. Before they pay the light bill they pay HCO.
HCO must have a creditor folder in a Central Org's bill file with all it owes me or HCO in it.
HCO must keep its accounts and stay solvent. Otherwise my terminal might vanish and the area could collapse, according to long experience.
Give to HCO what is Ron's.
HCO WW owns all HCO bank accounts and may draw them down at will. There is no percentile arrangement between an HCO and HCO WW.
If an HCO has the money it should have I can operate in an area. If it doesn't I tend to stay away as it means other areas must bear the expense of a low HCO.
HCO's Accounts must always be capable of being summarized by an accountant.
I must always have a signature on all HCO accounts.
C. Technical: HCO is the technical repository and library of an area. Its bulletin files, tape library, book section and policy letters must form a complete knowledge of Scientology and administration, available to itself, the Central Org and Scientology personnel. This library must be so composed as not to lose its bits and so as to be able to issue HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters with ease always retaining a master copy.
HCO must make sure technology in use is understood by all technical personnel - executives, auditors and instructors. This is done by "hat checking" them on vital HCO Bulletins signed by me. The foremost hat of any Scientologist is the hat of a Scientologist. HCO makes sure it is worn technically. After all, in November of 1960 we finally ceased to grope on any technical matter. We now know we know. It's time all Scientologists, old or new, got that idea too.
The first and most fatal breakdown in any area is technical. When technical goes, all else goes. New good personnel — the new executives — surety by registration people — auditor morale — student confidence — income — all these things fall if technical fails. All these things happen if technical stays up.
I said in 1950, "it would go as far as it works". Now it's working. It will go as far as it is supervised and checked.
HCO guarantees technical excellence by technical hat checking Central Org people.
Do it and win. Keep the library and win. Hold the technical fort and win against the lot. Our ammunition is know-how. Fire it and replenish the magazine.
D. Administration: The Administrative pattern of a Central Org is known to us and is a perfection drill.
If all Central Orgs have the same pattern and reports, I can administer Scientology and it can grow. If they're all different or if one fumbles, my task becomes heroic.
The pattern of the posts, lines, terminals, actions and reports of a Central Org are becoming an exact pattern.
This pattern must be hat-checked into solid existence by HCO.
D. Security: Under Administrative excellence comes security. When security fails we know administration ceases.
Security checking is part of administration.
This is not a moral problem. It is one of getting the job done.
When Security fails we get Dev-T, unrest and emergencies on the Admin lines.
We care not for the personality of the man or girl on the post. What we care about is the post, its particles and flows. Face the post, not the personality. If the personality fails, send it to the D of P and keep the post functioning. It's kinder on the personality.
E. Dissemination: Broad, mass dissemination (mags, books, ads) is the province of HCO. Individual dissemination to individuals is the province of the Central Org.
HCO sets the quality. The literature, the sound of tapes, the excellence of the broad appeal is all the province of HCO.
F. Ethics: Field and Org ethics and methods of enforcement are a minor function of HCO. It must be done but is not the end-all that the medics made it. We shall soon see every Scientologist state licensed, I hope. That, with us running it, will make this job easy. Meanwhile — cope. After ABCD and E are done.
G. Certificates and Awards: These are issued promptly and, on merit, by HCO.
Please know the above, HCO and get the picture in perspective. It will be easier. Thank you.