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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Deputy FBOs for Marketing of Org - Resources for Exchange (D-FBO for M.O.R.E.) (FIN-33R) - P820727R82

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Заместитель Банковского Администратора Флага по МОРО (Серия ФИНАНСЫ 25) (ц) - И820727RA91
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revised only to change the title of the D/FBO, per Finance Series 35, from D/FBO for Marketing, Meters, Books, Tapes and Films to D/FBO for Marketing of Org Resources for Exchange [D/FBO for M.O.R.E.], and to add some additional references.)
Remimeo Finance Series 33R




As covered in HCO PL 9 May 82, BOOKS ARE ASSETS, books, meters, cassettes, films and insignia are assets of an organization. They are not merely assets in the sense of their dollar value, but are in fact the gold and diamonds that give the way to Man’s total freedom. Therefore, it is vital that they not only be safeguarded, but that they be gotten into the hands of the public to point the way to the road out.

Add to the above the marketing of those assets and the marketing of Dianetics and Scientology training and processing services and you have a very broad area of responsibility which has been entrusted to the FBO Network.

To handle this added responsibility, a new post has been created which is the Deputy FBO for Marketing of Org Resources for Exchange (D/FBO for M.O.R.E.). At this writing this post is being filled in each org around the world with high caliber staff. In their hands lies the potential of achieving planetary dissemination at a rapid rate. This is no desk job but requires very dynamic individuals who will work effectively on these high-powered lines.


The org D/FBO for M.O.R.E. is located in Department 21, as is the FBO. He comes under the FBO but also has a direct line with his network seniors at continental and international levels for the routine operation of his post, reports and compliances.

At continental and international level, the D/FBO area is its own branch in the Cont and Int Finance Offices.

In Pubs Orgs an analogous post exists who would have lines to org D/FBOs for liaison, information exchange and alerts on any situation needing attention.


The key duties of a D/FBO for M.O.R.E. are

1. Ensuring that at least minimum bookstocks are maintained at all times. (Ref: LRH ED 5 INT)

2. Being the final authority on the use of and administration of the HCO Book Account and to ensure the per-policy use of the same.

3. Ensuring that weekly bookstock reports are done and that regular inventories are done of all stocks.

4. Seeing that book orders are filled immediately — any order not filled within 24 hours of receipt of the order is simply unthinkable!

5. Seeing that books are not loaned out or given away and seeing that appropriate ethics action is taken and carried through when this does occur.

6. Bringing criminal proceedings against those found to have embezzled HCO Book Account funds or stolen books or other items from the org.

7. Using the points listed in HCO PL 10 May 82, BOOKSTORE OFFICER HAT, as a daily checklist and to ensure that all points go in and remain in.

8. Ensuring that there is a Bookstore Officer on post and that his seniors take adequate responsibility for this area of the org. No executives can be considered bonus eligible until this post is manned by a competent person who can and does get his duties done per HCO PL 10 May 82, BOOKSTORE OFFICER HAT.

9. Approving the HCO Book Account FP and issuing the checkbooks for check writing only on the approval of an FP, and then recovering and holding this checkbook once the FP is activated.

10. Ensuring that Treasury and the Bookstore Officer maintain perfect records of all HCO Book Account transactions.

11. Getting in, in an org, all the points of HCO PL 20 Nov. 65R, THE PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS OF AN ORGANIZATION which apply to his sphere of responsibility.

12. In liaison with the org FBO, ensuring that the FP Committee uses LRH ED 245R, FINANCIAL PLANNING CHECKLIST FOR THE PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS OF AN ORGANIZATION, as they apply to his area and get these items POed for, bought and then used.

13. Seeing that all tapes, films and cine equipment are properly cared for and calling for ethics action on those being negligent in their responsibilities.

14. Getting films and tapes in full use in the org.

15. Liaising with the D/Service Product Officer for Books in the org to ensure maximum book marketing and sales in the local area.

16. Receiving the weekly Book Account Stock Report and using this as an income sources summary for books to isolate which books in which areas are selling well and why and to reinforce these actions, including noting which book campaigns have been successful and resurrecting these. Then to isolate which books and areas are not doing well per sales and debugging these.

17. Noting any discrepancies on the Book Account Stock Report and ensuring the Bookstore Officer locates the reason(s) for such discrepancies and, failing this, locating the reason(s) himself. Then getting adequate handlings done so the situation never occurs again!

18. Getting FP to cover the costs of any Bookstore items found to be missing after the weekly stock report is done and when the missing item cannot be otherwise located.

19. Ensuring that translated books exist in the org for all languages used in the local area.

20. Monitoring the planning and use of the HCO Book Account funds to ensure maximum profit, and not blowing the profits on “Two-bit FPs” and short-range or extravagant planning.

21. Execution of marketing programs authorized for execution on D/FBO lines.

22. Ensuring compliance to HCO PL 11 Mar. 82, PROPORTIONATE MARKETING.

23. Seeing that the org invests in marketing and promo actions which result in increased income and body flow into the org (bean theory).


The post statistics of the org D/FBO for M.O.R.E. are

1. Total retail value of all properly secured and inventoried assets calculated from the weekly bookstock report. (Covers all Bookstore items: books, meters, tapes, cassettes, insignia, etc.) This is based on the weekly stock report done at the end of the previous week. The D/FBO must actually inspect the state of the stocks and may not count any items improperly stored which presents a threat to their value through damage or theft.

2. Gross book sales of the org.

3. Total amount paid out for restocking or for new Bookstore items for the week.

4. Amount of film lease payments for the week actually paid out, per film lease agreement.

5. Allocation/production ratio computed as follows: Total amount actually spent in the previous week (not just set aside) on marketing and promo measured against the total org gross income for the current week. It reads as a ratio so that the allocation is always 1 and the production figure varies according to its relationship to the allocation.

(E.g., allocation amount equals $2,000.00 and GI equals $20,000.00 so the ratio is 1:10.)

The weekly condition of the D/FBO is based on the above major stats. In addition to these the following substats are to be calculated and reported weekly:

a. Books portion of the GBS.

b. Meters portion of the GBS.

c. Tapes and cassettes portion of the GBS.

d. Insignia and jewelry portion of the GBS.

e. Hat and course packs portion of the GBS.

f. Books portion of the restocking stat.

g. Meters portion of the restocking stat.

h. Tapes and cassettes portion of the restocking stat.

i. Insignia and jewelry portion of the restocking stat.

j. Hat and course packs portion of the restocking stat.

Accurately calculating and reporting these statistics will show the effectiveness of the D/FBO and will enable accurate management of the area to occur.

The D/FBO in an org is to report his statistics weekly to his continental senior who then forwards the reports from all the orgs in the continent to the Int FBO for M.O.R.E.


Orgs in the past have tended to remain small or grow slowly because they did not properly or extensively market their wares.

The primary block on marketing has been org miscomprehensions of finance as it relates to marketing, promotion and sales. Hence, these functions are placed in the Finance Network where they can be expertly monitored by trained and competent personnel with a knowledge of both finance and marketing.

Today’s money wisely invested in marketing an org’s wares results in tomorrow’s GI.Orgs in the past spent their promo monies only on BMO (bulk mail out) — which is to say, only on the Sen field they already had sold.

To expand, an org must continually reach not only old and on-lines public but especially new public. It is upon this that future expansion depends.

Every book, every cassette sold to raw public potentially increases Sen public to whom, then, even more books, cassettes, AND NOW org minor and major services can be sold. Every public film properly shown the public potentially increases org GI. Every Academy film potentially increases MPT (money paid for training) — IF the public knows of them.

The future GI and size of the org is regulated (given in-tech service and on-policy admin) by the proper placement of books, cassettes and insignia in public hands, and the exhibition of films. There is a direct co-relationship between the marketing of books, cassettes, insignia and films, and the future GI of the org.

This is why the D/FBO for M.O.R.E. is there. Never before has there been a network for this purpose.

The formation of this network is a direct push for individual org expansion, a direct and heavy forward thrust into the population, and upon it may well depend the future of this planet.

Over to you. D/FBO.

Good luck!

Written at the request of the
Adopted as official Church policy by the