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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Condition of Liability (0.CONDITIONS) - P671006
- Condition of Liability (0.CONDITIONS) - P671006R77
- HCO Exec Sec Condition (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P671006

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Состояние Ответственного Секретаря ОХС - И671006-1
- Состояния Помехи и Сомнения - И671006-2R77
- Состояния Помехи и Сомнения (ц) - И671006-2R77
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Below Non-Existence there is the Condition of Liability. The being has ceased to be simply non-existent as a team member and has taken on the colour of an enemy.

It is assigned where careless or malicious and knowing damage is caused to projects, orgs or activities. It is adjudicated that it is malicious and knowing because orders have been published against it or because it is contrary to the intentions and actions of the remainder of the team or the purpose of the project or org.

It is a liability to have such a person unwatched as the person may do or continue to do things to stop or impede the forward progress of the project or org and such a person cannot be trusted. No discipline or the assignment of conditions above it has been of any avail. The person has just kept on messing it up.

The condition is usually assigned when several dangers and non-existences have been assigned or when a long unchanged pattern of conduct has been detected.

When all others are looking for the reason mail is getting lost, such a being would keep on losing the mail covertly.

The condition is assigned for the benefit of others so they won't get tripped up trusting the person in any way.

Such a person, assigned a "Condition of Liability, may not wear any insignia or uniform or similar clothing to the group and must wear a dirty grey rag tied around the left arm.

The formula of liability is:

1. Decide who are one's friends.

2. Deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group one has been pretending to be part of despite personal danger.

3. Make up the damage one has done by personal contribution far beyond the ordinary demands of a group member.

4. Apply for re-entry to the group by asking the permission of each member of it to rejoin and rejoining only by majority permission, and if refused, repeating 2 and 3 and 4 until one is allowed to be a group member again.


When one knowingly takes the pay or favours of a group's or project's enemies while appearing to be a friend of or part of the group or project, the Condition is Treason.

The formula for Treason Condition is:

1. Deliver a paralyzing blow to the enemies of the group one has worked against and betrayed.

2. Perform a self-damaging act that furthers the purposes and or objectives of the group one has betrayed.

3. Inform the group, project or org one has betrayed of one's previous betrayal and 1 and 2 above and petition each member for forgiveness.

4. Abide by their reaction or decision.


When one cannot make up one's mind as to an individual, a group, org or project a Condition of Doubt exists.

The formula is:

1. Inform oneself honestly of the actual intentions and activities of that group, project or org brushing aside all bias and rumour.

2. Examine the statistics of the individual, group, project or org.

3. Decide on the basis of "the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics" whether or not it should be attacked, harmed or suppressed or helped.

4. Evaluate oneself or one's own group, project or org as to intentions and objectives.

5. Evaluate one's own or one's group, project or org's statistics.

6. Join or remain in or befriend the one which progresses toward the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics and announce the fact publicly to both sides.

7. Do everything possible to improve the actions and statistics of the person, group, project or org one has remained in or joined.

8. Suffer on up through the conditions in the new group if one has changed sides, or the conditions of the group one has remained in if wavering from it has lowered one's status.


When a person is an avowed and knowing enemy of an individual, a group, project or org, a Condition of Enemy exists.

The formula is:

1. Examine oneself and one's mind or have it examined to be sure that one's attitude is not based on prejudice or aberration or mere similarity to something else.

2. Decide if one's reaction to the individual, group, project or org is based on one's personal fear or the urging of others or on actual menace.

3. Assume the Condition of Doubt and apply its formula.


[The formulas for the Conditions of Enemy and Treason given above were modified by HCO P/L 23 October 1967, Enemy Formula, page 245, and HCO P/L 16 October 1968, page 247, respectively. The penalties (grey rag, etc) associated with the above conditions formulas were cancelled by HCO P/L 6 October 1970 Issue III, Ethics Penalties, and reinstated by HCO P/L 19 October 1971 (corrected & reissued 22 Oct 71), Ethics Penalties Reinstated, and then later modified by HCO P/L 16 November 1971, Conditions, Awards and Penances. These Policies can be found in the 1970 and 1971 Year Books. A corrected table of Conditions is given in HCO P/L 14 March 1968 on page 247.]