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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Class of Auditors - P611129

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil Franchise CenOCon BPI


(Adds to HCO Pol Ltr of Sept 29,1961 — ”HGC Allowed Processes”)

All auditors shall be considered Class I until validated Class II by a Saint Hill Graduate or a Central Organization or at Saint Hill.

Classification as Class II may not be awarded by any class. It may be attained only by severe practical demonstration, and oral examination by an HCO Secretary or an appointee of HCO.

Class II auditors trained by anyone may not have pay status as Class II in a Central Organization until given a complete examination after going on staff by the HCO Area Secretary, regardless of any earlier examination. The only exception is a Saint Hill Graduate who has been specifically examined and specifically designated as Class II by HCO examiners at Saint Hill.

No auditor may be designated as or draw pay in a Central Organization as a Class III auditor unless first designated Class II and thereafter passing all examinations for Class III under the tutelage of a Saint Hill Graduate and operating as a Class III auditor. A Class III auditor must have successfully and correctly assessed and run preclears. Class III auditors must be examined and their preclears examined by HCO before the award of Class III is given.

A Class II auditor may assess and run advanced procedures only under the close personal supervision of a Saint Hill Graduate, and not by mail, telegrams or long distance telephone, but personally.

At Saint Hill all enrollees will be trained up to and examined as Class II auditors on arrival, regardless of any earlier training by anyone or any organization. No assessment or advanced procedures may be run by the Saint Hill trainee before Class II classification is awarded and only then under the closest supervision. When examined for Class II the passing grade is perfect.

(It follows that persons earlier classified as Class II will be able to reach Class II much more rapidly at Saint Hill. It also follows that a field classification as Class II may be able to reach Class II more rapidly in a Central Organization. But prior classification has no bearing on the Saint Hill Course and field classification has no bearing on Central Organization or City Office classification.)

Unauthorized Processes

Any auditor found using Class III skills in violation of the above shall be subject to suspension of certificate and, if continuing in fault, subject to public warning and revocation of all certificates and awards.

Serious damage can be done to Scientology and preclears by unauthorized use of Routine 3, 3A and 3D.

While no penalty attaches to a Class I auditor trying to Security Check and running Problems Intensives, he or she should clearly understand that all pc upset in their area is traceable to inexpert handling of Security Checks.

Class I auditors are free to handle and use any procedure earlier than Security Checking (or October 1, 1960) except “Step 6” and Creative Processes.

Class I auditors are urged to obtain Class II classification as soon as possible in order to increase their results and minimize area disturbance. Good use of Class II skills gives wins. Use by persons not yet classified gives loses. Any inexpert use of Class III skills can be ruinous by actual test. We have, in Class III skills, for the first time violated the maxim that any auditing is better than no auditing. This is still true of processes prior to October 1, 1960. With clearing at speed has come liability of misuse. If we’re going to have clears, we must have accurate Class III auditors.

Appended to these policies it is understood that Class II and Class III auditing will be done only on British Mark IV E-Meters or as improved. The discovery that 1958-59-60 and 61 American meters are wholly unsuitable for clearing and that squirrel meters are even less useful, makes it mandatory upon us, in order to guarantee any result, to insist upon the use only of meters I have supervised in construction and which have been tested after manufacture by HCO WW. The only American meter suitable for clearing was the 1957 blue meter I supervised. Unknown to me the pattern was thereafter altered. The only suitable U. K. meters prior to the Mark IV were the “Green and Gold” ACC Meter actually used on that London ACC, the Mark I, the Mark II, and the Mark III. I cannot guarantee any meter I did not check on. This is not a commercial statement. It is a vital fact in clearing. Therefore Class II and III auditors may not be classified as such unless they own or are issued a British Mark IV (or improved) E-Meter checked out by HCO WW.

These policies are vital and are binding on receipt.