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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Choosing PE and Registration Personnel (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P610221-2

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Модель Городских Офисов - И610221
- Отбор Персонала по Регистрации и на Курс Повышения Способностей Человека - И610221-2
- Отбор Персонала по Регистрации и на Курс Повышения Способностей Человека (ц) - И610221-2
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II


Control = Income.

When you have people who cannot control people on PE and Registration posts your income falls or vanishes.

This comes about from the state of "self-determinism" in the society today. What with advertising and stepped up political and economic controls, the "self-determinism" of the general public is only re-activism.

As any control we exert upon the public brings about a better society, we are entirely justified in using control.

The best control, for PE and Registration purposes, includes the greater good of the applicant. Therefore, KNOWINGNESS must be included with Control. One must discover what is best for the applicant and then control him into obtaining it. Leaving it up to his "self-determinism" is really leaving it up to his reactive mind.

With our current run-down of processing (S.O.P. Goals) any staff member will sooner or later get his or her control button freed up.

But if there are financial emergencies, as these affect all staff, the entire staff should be tested out for knowingness and control and those members who are best at it should be placed in Registration and the PE Foundation.

Priority of personnel by degree of ability to control is as follows:


The best test for good control is not the E-Meter. The E-Meter mainly registers bad control and selects people out, rather than in. The E-Meter is better used for elimination of candidates rather than their choice.

The best test is Upper Indoc. By conducting an Upper Indoc class for the whole staff, income would be bettered anyway. But carefully grading all staff who take it will result in singling out the persons capable of good control.


A good control person for our purposes would have a free or nul needle on control and help and would probably have high E and F traits on the graph. A high S trait is probably not disqualifying for our purposes here.


Disqualification for a Registration or PE post would be:


Falls or changes Pattern when control is mentioned.

Falls or changes pattern when help is mentioned.


Has a low E and/or F trait.

Has a low S trait.


Has an I.Q. below 120.

APTITUDE (Accident Test)

Has a bad score.


Does not respond to Rising Scale Processing. (Note: SCS behaviour as a pc is not a good index as control ability may be obsessive and still serve our purpose.)


Cannot get intention into the ash tray.

Is easily flunked by person being "processed".

Is balked by failures to control.


The control factor of a staff member in the Registration and PE Posts is sufficiently important to warrant such study and care by an HCO Sec or Assn Sec. Time spent on this for a bit is better spent than on "some new campaign". Bad control personnel on Reg and PE posts will waste whoever is driven in anyway.



HASI London has a very poor control index. This is due to the historical bad character of control in England.

HASI London has had a very difficult time with finance of recent years.

These two facts are associated closely. Due to the control character of the British public, the control necessary from HASI London to the public is called upon to be extraordinarily good, better than anywhere else.

To substantiate this, once Mary Sue, whose control factor is good, took over suddenly as Registrar — D of P in London, and in her first week of office signed up (and got wins for) 15 preclears as opposed to the average 5 when a bad control personnel had the post. Her 15 pcs (with wins) continued as long as she was Reg — D of P, a matter of many weeks.

As soon as she went off, the organization dipped back toward 5 a week. No announcement of her presence or departure was made. No extraordinary promotion was attempted. Control must have been a primary factor as this was many, many years ago when her altitude was slight.



Dominance of others is a control symptom. We are not looking for pleasant control - we are looking for effective control. It is sometimes found in rather aberrated persons. Napoleon had a high control factor and a high I.Q. and practically nothing else. But the control factor does not need to be aberrated as per the above case history.

As a staff member, if you want to know why your unit is low, demand a view of the results of all the above mentioned tests on Registration and PE personnel and require that those persons in the organization who show up best on the above-listed tests be placed in the Registration and PE posts in accordance with the above priority. Your income will go up.


At this stage it is necessary that our best control personnel come into the closest contact with the public.

Income is proportional to the control exertion of our personnel.

People with an abiding faith in the "self-determinism" of public persons should not be allowed near PE and Registration lines.

The control skill of a staff member can be tested. Bad control factors are most easily recognised. Staffs should be tested on control.

Current run-down will eventually boost up all staff members to a high level of control. We may not be able to afford to wait and let income suffer.

The whole staff can have its control level raised by Upper Indoc. Upper Indoc is the most reliable test of control skill.

People who can control others are not necessarily our sanest people but are our most effective people on PE and Registration lines.

HCO Secs and Assn Secs should review this control factor in PE and Registration personnel as the fastest means of improving income. Steps taken, however, should keep in view the morale of staff and staff members, and that control can be directly remedied by processing. A seriously bad control person on PE and Registration lines should, however, be transferred rather than processed at once.


We have always seen that our best auditors made our best staff members. Well, these were, of course, our highest persons on control.

L. RON HUBBARD LRH:js.vmm.cden