And here we are ten years after the date I wrote the first book with the solution to both types of cases that give us trouble. And that’s a good anniversary release.
Of course you saw the first book after January of 1950 but in the cold bitter winter of Bay Head, New Jersey, I was busy writing down the research of years which would become first a best seller and then a long term steady seller across the world, beating most book records.
You know “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health” and you know its data, and you know also that any case could be cleared if you could run all the engrams off the case. And you know as well that you have run into cases that resisted all efforts to run engrams or penetrate the bank. It was only these cases that kept Dianetics and all its goals from being realised by all auditors.
We have concocted many dodges and much training skill has been perfected, all to run just two types of cases — for most of the cases around in the public could still be cleared by straight Dianetic processing right out of Book One.
In this and the next bulletin I am going to take up these two types of cases and their solution. Valuable data? You stated it correctly.
The first of these two types was the case which didn’t experience any improvement even after you had run the exact engram necessary to resolve the case.
The hallmark of this case was unreality. It either went through it all with no emotional change or it jumped all over the track and de-railed at unlikely moments. This case also ARC broke very easily and was plain hell to keep in session, or it was so apathetic it continually slumped. When the case did make a gain it promptly relapsed and was telling everyone how bad the auditor was.
Well, we’ve actually been talking about this case for several bulletins. It is the case which mustn’t let anyone find out. Its earmarks are one or more of the following:
l. Runs with no reality
2. Skids around on the track
3. Goes out of Communication easily
4. Experiences little if any gain in processing
5. Criticises the Auditor
6. Propitiates
7. Tries to blow
Any one of the above and probably several more characteristics may be present in such a case. But it just can’t run engrams whatever else can be said about it and it just doesn’t make progress.
One of the things this case is doing is using auditing to make people guilty of overt acts. As an auditor this case won’t really get down to auditing and as a preclear the case just doesn’t ever get up and fly.
There are various degrees of this case. Almost anyone has sooner or later run into one or another of these. But the whole summary is contained in one fact: The person gets little benefit from Dianetics or Scientology.
If all the cases in Scientology were really wheeling we’d get no hold-ups either as auditor or as pc. Further we wouldn’t be tiptoeing around holding on to so many pc secrets that we ourselves get giddy making sure nobody tries to capitalise on them. We would be in fact a free people, the only free people on earth.
Further we can only be harmed by those things we have harmed and if all of us — for you have an influence in this too, remember — had our worst overts and withholds off no person or agency on earth would be able to touch a Scientologist harmfully. And that’s worth working for isn’t it?
The failed case doesn’t move (as listed above) and doesn’t audit very well, since it just can’t confront overts from another and turns them away.
Well, that’s the Dianetic failed case. And it’s the Scientology failed case. And knowing this we begin the road to freedom as a group as well as individuals.
The case that does not advance under auditing is the case that has undisclosed overts and withholds. The main ones that are harmful to an advance of the case are in the present lifetime and are known to the preclear (but sometimes are a trifle out of sight and bounce into view quite suddenly and painfully).
Get the overts and withholds off the case and run responsibility on them and you have a case that is wheeling at last. It can run anything and it can be cleared.
Well that’s the main Dianetic failed case and why.
Remember that when a pc tells you his current lifetime overts and withholds you are code bound to run responsibility on them.
Now, let’s face up to it and do it, do it, do it.