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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TR Course Bugs Handling - B710815

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo TR Course Super Hats

TR Course Bugs Handling

Extensive Flag research on the TR Course has revealed some very key data.

A. A student can believe he is overrun on a TR, particularly OT TR-0 and/or TR-0. Student bogging can be traced to apparent Overrun.

Symptoms: Student has major stable win, does very well and then to complete the time limit of a TR, carries on but runs into grinding and goes downhill.

B. A student bog can be traced to a False Pass on an earlier TR. Symptoms: Student seems to get stuck and cannot progress beyond current TR.

C. Another bug is Misprogramming. For instance-putting Adv Course and Solo Course students on TRs in the middle of restimulated upper level materials. For example — having a student in the middle of TRs go to Qual for a session word clearing while doing the TRs in between the word clearing sessions (Method 1). Session Word Clearing is done either before or after TRs. Another example is routing a person onto TRs in the middle of a major auditing cycle or medical or ethics cycle.

Symptoms: Student can't seem to make any real progress at all despite efforts to handle and resolve troubles. They are very tough students.


The actual breakthrough by Ron on this is that overrun can occur on OT TR-0, TR-0 and TR-0 bullbaited. The wins on these particular TRs are incredible and when by-passed, react like an overrun process.

Therefore time requirements on TRs are cancelled. Each TR is done to a major stable win. (It may take minutes to 50 hrs — whatever — to get the win.) Hard way procedure stays in full full force.

Of the above — overrun is found in most cases. Second in rating of occurrence is false passes. Third in rating of occurrence is mis-programming.


In a recent survey on Flag, 79 incomplete and overdue TR Course Students were, rounded up and meter-checked. The two questions which were asked were:

1. On the TR Course have you been falsely passed?

2. On the TR Course have you been overrun?

It was found that 45% of the students had been falsely passed. Their answers varied from "Sure, many times", to "I blinked but the supervisor didn't see me!"

On the second question, there were 57 students who had been overrun on the two TR Course drills (OT TR-0 and/or TR-0 Confront). This is 74%. When taken back to the TR win the students had, (rehabbed) and acknowledged, these 57 students were certified complete on the drill they were overrun on. Two of these students refused certification at the time of survey, stating they still wished to complete.

The remaining 55 students, after having had their wins validated, proceeded swiftly through their remaining TRs on the course with GIs.

There were 4 students out of the 79 meter checked whose statements indicated they were overrun, but did not rehab. They have been referred to the C/S for handling, along with 6 others who had GIs, BDs and wrote success stories, but didn't F/N.

So, all students passed on any drill as a result of the meter survey will now be programmed back onto the TR Course to continue their next TR and on up to full completion. Students queried have expressed keen interest in doing so.


The following procedure is to be followed exactly by all TR Course supervisors: collect and round up all overdue and incompletes on TR Course, anyone and everyone who was on the TR Course and did not complete. Each one is to be checked on the meter — on the course (not in Qual or somewhere else). Full meter check report on each student is to be made on the questions above.

Reads on overrun are rehabbed-taken back to TRs win the student had, to VGIs, F/N. This is acknowledged and they are told, "We certify you complete on that" at end of meter check. Send the student to success.

These students are now continued on with the remaining TRs and complete the course, with the exception of those who had been routed off in compliance with HCOB 2 Aug 71 "TRs, Solo Course And Advanced Courses".

This is a quick and efficient drill. Those that don't rehab easily are referred to C/S for immediate handling in getting rehabbed.

If your TR course is getting bogged with overdue and incomplete students this meter check drill is your immediate remedy.

This drill is very exact and very effective and guarantees resurgence in TR students' wins and progress. The drill can be done anytime when it is needed.


In the first place TR Course routing forms should cover all check points necessary to prevent against misprogramming.

If a TR Course Supervisor finds a misprogrammed person on the TR Course, he/she should be immediately gotten to a flat point on the TR they are on and routed off Course.

A third question can be added if the other two are not working:

3. Were you put on the TR Course in the middle of another auditing action?

If this reads or is the case, tell the student to complete the other action and then return to complete the TR Course. Make a note of the person in the roll book so with a star as incomplete he can be recalled to TRs when the other action is complete.


When all else fails in rehabbing or handling a student, as a fourth

4. While on the TR Course did you already have an (a) upset in life (meter)? (b) a heavy problem (meter)? (c) an unwillingness to let something be known (meter)?

These are ruds for rudiments gotten in at a session start. Ruds consist of ARC Brks, Problems, Withholds. An upset one gets sad. A pc with problems will accumulate mental mass. A withholdy one gets nattery.

If you find this send the pc to C/S with a request to "put the pc's ruds in, long duration".

Don't use this no. 4 except as a last resort when all else fails as it has to be quite a serious out rud to mess up a TR Course student.


A final bug was located, having to do with not changing twins. It is not advisable to change twins but sometimes you have to. This applies not only to re-twinning students of comparable magnitude, but to re-twinning students when (A) student needs Method No. 2 Word Clearing (by meter in the classroom), or (B) student accelerates on gradient route.

By not re-twinning, students (A) were not getting Method No. 2 Word Clearing as often as needed and students (B) were being held back waiting for twin to make the next step.

When handled properly in advance with ARC by the supervisor, and agreement obtained that a change of twins might occur, all students cheerfully accepted a new twin.


A TR Course taught by Supers that have not passed the course or who have not been word cleared will fail so TR Course Supervisors must be successful TR Course graduates and must have been successfully word cleared and have a reality on all three methods of Word Clearing (see Word Clearing Series).

When HCO P/L 16 Mar 71, What Is a Course, is not scrupulously followed with checksheets, routing form, roll book, TR HCOBs in students' hands, time clocks, etc, the course is too sloppy to run and collapses from out-admin.


A TR Course must have a student chaser upper. A Student Contact Officer is sometimes worn as a second hat by TR Cse personnel but must exist. Don't ever let a student blow. Get him back if only to patch him up. Don't mess up your field with TR Cse failures.

Part time students are of course twinned with part time students on the same part time study period — never otherwise.

Do not use this tech to get into quickie TRs. The wins are there to be had. Keep it winning.

Flag TR Course Supervisors