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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Tiger Drilling - B621003

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise Airmail


I recently noticed that a pc's goal at start of listing sessions was only rock slamming or ticking, and the pc's TA very high.

I told the auditor to clean it up so it would read with rockets. I told her to stress failed to reveal, invalidate and careful of.

Here is the auditor's note giving result.

Dear Ron,

Thanks for your note re Jane.

The RS on her goal showed up during the 13 buttons + and-, in the body of the question, and I had seen it earlier in tiger drill on the goal, but not since.

I did work those 3 buttons (f to r, careful of and inval) hard in yesterday's session; got a cleaner read on the goal, but no rocket. Today, I reworked specifically the auditing in which the goal was found, after which it read with a slow only; then the listing, and got one small rocket a trifle latent; then did instructor's check and got a small instant fall. (The auditor who found the goal RSed. Uncovered more invalidations in that bit of auditing, and got the rest of the inadvertent missed W/H from the time during listing when she thought the goal had blown.)

TA came down to 2.25, and we listed about 900 goals in the remaining 1l/4 hours with TA 2.25 - 3.25, (. 5 -. 65 per 20 min), needle looser and clean.




Here is the case of an altered goal wording which kept the pc from going clear over four months of constant auditing:

Dear Ron,

Further to my letter of yesterday I had a wonderful session with Esta today. The Tone Arm came down from 5 - 3 and a stuck needle went free.

I was running "Since April 1962 (1 month before goal was found) on the goal 'To express myself' what has been agreed upon," and the stuck point and the missed withhold emerged and I pulled it.

After the goal was found in May (by another auditor) Esta was run on 4 lines but the goal was altered from "Myself" to "Himself". Esta agreed to this but thereafter ran himself instead of herself. She cognited she had partially gone into her son's valence and had been trying all the time to clear her son and other sons. She had been sitting there wanting to get clear herself and instead was running himself. Since then she had been avoiding auditing until now, and searching for herself. The missed withhold was herself as a result of the substitution of himself. This also restimulated her Rock — for this was a Sun — but her goal was before the Rock.

There was an RS on Son/Sun. Esta cognited she had switched valences from "Myself" to "Himself".

So there has been this missed W/H since last May. She had identified with Son/Sun as a first creation.

Her goal is now reading well.

So it proves over and over again the terrible importance of not altering goal wordings and getting the lines exactly right.

It was a Session which seemed like a miracle.

All my love, Ron,



And here is what happens when a goal is right and is made to read well at session beginning and is listed as per HCO Bulletin of 1 October 1962:

Dear Ron,

I listed on the new lines today. It really was marvellous. I must have listed around about 1500 items and on one line I went up to 75 items before I comm-lagged. The big thing I noticed, Ron, was that I didn't have to "think" or figure-figure on what the lines were about. I just dealt the items off my bank (like you say). Once my auditor cleared the questions with me and I had the understanding of it, I was away. I knew when I had given him all the items and I just stopped. It really was very textbook. Not much 2- way comm, my auditor occasionally asking me — "How I was doing" and me just sitting there chanting items. Marvellous — Thanks Ron.


