At times the results of "ordinary" Scientology tech are extremely impressive, even to me. I am by this time, quite accustomed to miracles as usual, but magic is not quite so commonplace an occurrence, even these days, and is worthy of special note.
Many times the suppressive person to whom the pc is PTS exists in present time and is still capable of causing trouble or upset for the pc. It is to this situation that the Suppressed Person Rundown is addressed.
This new rundown, the Suppressed Person Rundown, produces the wondrous result of changing the disposition of an antagonistic terminal at a distance, by auditing the PTS preclear. Where this terminal was antagonistic, invalidative, hostile or downright suppressive, he will suddenly have a change of heart and seek to make peace with the PTS pc.
This rundown is not considered complete until the magic occurs; that is on this rundown, we take a PTS pc and we audit this pc and audit him and audit him on Problems Processes until a major change occurs in the antagonistic persons universe which prompts him to make a friendly overture to or concerning the pc.
This friendly and unprompted origination or attempt at origination from the antagonistic terminal to or concerning the pc will occur in all cases if Problems Processes are run and are fully flattened. This happens no matter how out of comm the two terminals have been or what length of time has intervened between their last communication.
The rundown is continued until the EP occurs. Each problem process is run to its own EP.
When the PTS Rundown engram running has to be omitted because of Clear or OT this Suppressed Person Rundown can be substituted for the engram part of the PTS Rundown but if so, it is still run to the full EP of the Suppressed Person Rundown.
This is how it works. The pc, due to some act or acts previously committed, has gone the effect of the antagonistic terminal. The terminal then attempts to suppress the pc. The pc, already the effect of the terminal becomes the effect of the suppression. So the pc's own postulate to improve himself and his conditions is countered by the suppressive terminal's counter-postulate, and he is thus given a present time problem of sufficient magnitude to prevent case gain, as only a present time problem will halt the progress of a case. To the present time problem are added ARC breaks with the antagonistic terminal, and as only ARC breaks will worsen a case, the result is no gain or deterioration of a case by reason of the suppressive connection in the environment.
A possible simple explanation for what occurs is: the pc, on running Problems Processes, comes up to cause on his problems with the terminal and when he is continued on problems, he will break through and actually run out the antagonistic terminal's problems which he has given to him.
When this occurs, the formerly antagonistic terminal will get into communication with the pc or by communicating in a friendly way to others about the pc. He will write a letter to make peace, or he will make a phone call to say "All is well," or he will tell Aunt Sally he feels much better about the pc and has decided to let bygones be bygones. It sometimes occurs that the antago person does not know where the pc is but he will still try to communicate.
This friendly origination by the antagonistic terminal is the EP of the rundown. If the terminal hasn't yet originated, you haven't run enough Problems Processes. The only time this doesn't work is when you haven't run all possible problems processes or have run them with out-tech such as a broken meter.
The Suppressed Person Rundown is done after the education step laid out in HCOB 31 Dec 78 III Educating the Potential Trouble Source, The First Step Toward Handling: PTS C/S-1, and after a PTS interview or a 10 August interview or an S&D has located the antagonistic terminal and handlings on that terminal have been done, and after the PTS Rundown has been done.
This procedure is run on the antagonistic terminal in all instances, even when the PTS scene has apparently been relieved for the pc on earlier PTS handling. Always run this problems procedure, no matter how successful earlier handlings were. This RD is to repair the relationship.
The pc is given the R-Factor to let the auditor know of any communication he receives from or about the antagonistic terminal. (He should not, however, be told what the EP of the rundown is.)
The Problems Processes used in the Suppressed Person Rundown are given in HCOB 30 Dec 78 Suppressed Person Rundown — Problems Processes and are run Triple or Quad Flow in the order they are given. Each flow is checked for a read before running and each charged flow is taken to the EP of F/N, cog, VGIs.
The EP of the rundown has been reached when the antagonistic terminal originates in a friendly way to the preclear or seeks to communicate to the pc in a friendly manner. It's not just a cessation of hostilities, it's more than that. Even if the antagonistic terminal doesn't know the pc's address he will find out, or he will put word out and the pc will hear from or about the antagonistic terminal. And it will be a friendly message. Even if the antagonistic terminal doesn't know the pc's address, news will reach the pc that the antagonistic terminal wishes bygones to be bygones. That is the EP you are aiming for, and you continue to audit Problems Processes on the pc on the antagonistic terminal until that occurs.
It is very important not to underrun the rundown. Some auditors will be tempted to end off the rundown because the pc has had a major win or ability regained or some such. When the pc has had a major win, you would of course let him have his win and would leave him off auditing until the persistent F/N dies down, but you do not accept as the EP of the rundown anything other than the formerly antagonistic terminal originating, with no coaxing, in a friendly way to or about the pc. You keep running problems until the EP is attained. You do want to see the magic, don't you? And the only way this rundown can fail is by not continuing to run Problems Processes until this EP is attained.
The Suppressed Person Rundown can be done on any PTS person of any case level. It is run with good success on Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears as well as pcs just beginning their auditing. The only requirement is that any pc who receives the rundown must first have received the PTS C/S-1 per HCOB 31 Dec 78 III and must, if previously unindoctrinated, have been educated into the procedures of Scientology auditing by a Scientology C/S-1 per HCOB 15 Jul 78 Scientology Auditing C/S-1.
And of course, like any other auditing, it is done with the pc's rudiments in.
One of the many advantages of the Suppressed Person Rundown is its simplicity. There are very few places where it can go off the rails. This rundown does, however, require expert metering and very standard handling, and the C/S should be alert to the following:
1) The auditor must realize that the target of this rundown is not just the pc; the target is the antagonistic terminal the pc is connected to. And the EP is not just a change in the pc, but a change in the antagonistic terminal of a positive, friendly communication to the pc. The auditor and C/S must realize that the above is the target and EP for this rundown.
2) All Problems Processes must be run on the antagonistic terminal, and failure to run enough Problems Processes is the only thing that will prevent this rundown from working.
3) Metering. The auditor who does this rundown must be skilled at metering so he doesn't miss reads and fail to run reading flows or attempt to run unreading flows. Imprecise metering can undermine the results of the rundown as the running of all charged flows on problems is vital. The auditor must be able to read a meter and must take instant reads which occur instantly on calling the command. (Reference: HCOB 5 Aug 78 Instant Reads)
4) EPs. Each reading flow of each Problems Process must be taken to its full EP which is cog, F/N and VGIs. The C/S should ensure that the processes are indeed taken to EP and should suspect, if there is trouble attaining the rundown EP, that one or more Problems Processes have been left underrun, unflat or unrun.
Some auditors may say they've done the rundown and the pc's in beautiful shape and he's had tremendous gains and now the Suppressed Person Rundown is complete.
Your answer to this is: "Finish the rundown. Continue until the terminal gets in touch with the pc to make peace. " And sure enough, a day or two or three later the pc, in utter amazement, will report that her sister, who hasn't spoken to her for 10 years has just sent her an affectionate letter or that his father, who disowned him when he got into Scientology, has just called to say "Hello" and that they had a great chat, just like old times.
It always happens when Problems Processes are fully run.
So there you have it, the Suppressed Person Rundown, quite an amazing magical feat, and very easily achieved with good standard auditing. Use it well and fully and you'll get smashing one-for-one successes on PTS pcs.