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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Specific for Terror Stomach (PAB 107) - PAB570300

P.A.B. No. 107
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

1 March 1957


There is a specific process which goes this way. You ask the preclear to put into the six sides of the room, the four walls, the ceiling and the floor, in regular order, the statement to him or to some part of his body “This means go to “ and the preclear furnishes the location. He does this with each wall, the floor and the ceiling, in rotation. Now you had better let him have the walls, etc., first of all say it to him, then after a while say it to his body. Now the next time round you get him to put into the walls, etc. “This means don’t go to .” Then the next time we go around to “This means go to ,” and finally we get this thing flat. These commands are run in alternation until it seems fairly flat.

Now the reason why you ask him to supply the name of the location each time is simply to see how his communication lag is coming along. If you didn’t ask him to add the name you would not see his comm lag. When you ask him to originate a location this puts a little stopper on the line. Now when we have that pair of commands fairly flat we go on into the next pair. “This means stay in “ is completed with all the six sides of the room, and the alternation command in this case is “This means don’t stay in ,” and we run these alternately covering the six sides of the room each time.

Now, of course, this is essentially the anatomy of the confusion — the confusion basically of a person doing, or trying to do, two things at once. So we get him to sort out the stable data. This is a technique which has been with us for some time. It is what we call one of our specifics, and it is a specific for a terror stomach.

Now this is something for you to have because these terror stomachs can cause you some difficulty. For instance, one of the commonest things that you find in prison work or in people who are under pressure from the police in one way or another is the terror stomach. With some people just the thought of possibly being arrested would turn one on. Now just why the police are the commonest restimulator of the terror stomach lies, of course, on the back track.

The stomach is guilty of the overt act of eating, it is continuously guilty of this act and becomes quite frantic on the whole subject of being incarcerated. This is rather funny, because the stomach is already incarcerated and is continually incarcerating — it puts food into jail three times a day; and so we get police putting somebody away as being the commonest restimulator of the terror stomach. A terror stomach is simply a confusion in a high degree of restimulation in the vicinity of the vagus nerve. This is one of the larger nerves and it goes into agitation under this restimulation. Now medical science has already solved this, already knows how to take care of it: they simply cut the vagus nerve — that it brings on a fairly early death and completely disrupts the entirety of the gastric system is, of course, not considered. It is comparable with electric shock, which, incidentally, is almost uniformly followed by an early stroke.

Now here we have a specific and this somatic has not had any alleviation from any other process prior to Spring, 1956. At that time some other processes came in which are, to some degree, faster. But they have not yet been tested on a terror stomach with any thoroughness. They are more powerful, but they have not been thoroughly tested against this specific somatic.

With good auditing and good communication we can, apparently at any tone level, seem to be able to use this process successfully. This is quite remarkable. The terror stomach flattens out and if it does recur, it will be quite minor. But the preclear should be warned about this so that if it does recur he can come in again to see the auditor, who can continue the process and flatten it further.

It is a specific and for a long time I figured out the confusion of where to go and where to stay, and figured out the disenfranchisement of the game somewhat. Disenfranchisement brought about a condition of confusion which was best expressed in the stomach evidently. We can handle that today. I can tell you with some confidence that the only thing that would interrupt your ability to handle this would, of course, be your communication with the preclear. This would have to be pretty good before you could use this process. To establish communication with a preclear suffering from the terror stomach is, of course, one of the more interesting things to do because the preclear is quite frantic. He leaps around, goes in and out of session, etc. Nevertheless, in spite of this, the process does level out the terror stomach which is just a bundle of confusion.

With this process one would apparently be dealing with a no-games condition, because something is talking to the preclear. But remember that the preclear is making something talk to him for the first time. The walls are always telling people something, and when walls become warnings and when the various items of the physical universe become associated all under the headings of warnings, then you have a terror stomach. Well the common denominator of a warning is not conditional actually, it is a warning about change of position. What has deteriorated in the preclear is the ability to differentiate messages so that all messages mean “Go to , don’t go to____’ stay in , and don’t stay in .” The process runs out, in essence, the bad 8-C of the universe and you just turn it into good 8-C.

When running the process, ask the preclear if he is putting the postulate behind the wall, in the wall, just ahead of the wall, ask him how it is going now, what is the progress of the various points, how much space is the postulate occupying now, has he any inclination to put the postulate into the whole building, or compulsion to do this or that, and so on. You just go on policing it you see, but don’t slow it down with too much policing because this process is a quantity process — unlike almost any other process we have — it’s very low scale and so is quantitative, i.e. how many times he gets it into the wall. So you want him to do as many of these commands as possible.

Now the reason I bring up this process is to acquaint you with it and also because it is so wonderfully illustrative of the relationship between aberration and learning rate, a subject which I will be continuing in another PAB.