The Organization Secretary in Washington is here at Saint Hill for briefing on future US campaigns.
When I showed her how to do a security check and gave her a demonstration, she made the following notes. They are of considerable interest to all Central Orgs and HCOs as well as auditors. Therefore, I give them to you in full.
1. Stable data — you are not processing but looking for needle or tone arm action that will not blow off. (Clear up on investigation — further questioning and E-Meter exploration.)
2. Rising needle means nothing except you aren’t asking right questions.
3. You are looking for significant drops or tone arm changes that will not clear up. It is something that person is consciously withholding and as he continues to withhold it on further questioning the needle or the tone arm action will increase.
4. You start out by asking non-significant questions — 50% of questions are to be these, i.e. , if you have 10 significant (security) questions to ask you start out with 10 non-significant questions. If you have a needle pattern on non-significant questions you note it and it doesn’t count on security questions.
5. On significant questions — any question that gets drop or TA action — you don’t go any further but explore on this question. You may be getting action on past life or rather unimportant this life acts — i.e. , sniping a balloon from a store as a small child. Clear this out. The needle may cool off (less action) but still be reacting. If so, explore further — see if you can clear it off. If on exploration the action increases, the person is consciously sitting on something he doesn’t want you to know. If he’s handing you up something else to explain the needle action (i.e. , trying to clear it up by handing you something else) the action will increase because he’s basically lying. If the action increases you can tell him he’s sitting on something he won’t tell and that he’s a risk. He may break down and let go of it at this time. If so — he still needs processing on it and is a risk until he’s responsible for it. Just letting go of the withhold doesn’t make him responsible for it. He is not retained on staff while being processed to clear it up. What you are looking for is that which won’t cool off. You can cool something off and go on to the next security check question and then later come back to the reacting question. It may have built up again. If so, explore some more.
6. On a Security Check Sheet you only note those questions that wouldn’t clear. If something won’t clear or cool off the person is a security risk. If he does tell you and clear it, if it’s a heavy crime, note it.
7. E-Meter — use of in security check — check out meter before connecting person to be checked. See former bulletin on checking out E-Meter. Generally you set the sensitivity straight up on American meter unless the needle is very very sticky. English meter is more sensitive — so you set it lower. Then set the TA — have the person squeeze the cans. You want about a 1/3 dial drop so you can adjust the sensitivity if the action is too much or too small on the can squeeze. Put the person at ease. Don’t act accusative. You don’t want to restimulate all the interrogation in the bank. It’ll just take that much longer to clear it off.
8. There may once in a while be a person who reads nicely at their clear reading with no action and you’re very suspicious the guy isn’t clear. This could be a complete “blab” no responsibility case — a mockery of clear. You can check this out as follows. Make a somewhat accusative statement to the person that would be real to him — i.e. , “You never get your work done.” The mockery of clear person will wildly justify and blame. Check this person out on help — 2-way — on an employer, etc. They will be real nowhere on help — i.e. , can’t conceive of helping an employer — can’t run 2-way help, etc. This person, no matter how secure he may seem, is an employment risk because he can’t help and will only cause difficulties on a post. He’ll be a camouflaged hole.
9. Along with security check on staffs a help check should be given. If the person is sticky on help (can conceive of some help in some areas but has several areas of no help, especially on 3rd dynamic), he needs processing before he can be hired. If he’s nowhere on help — can’t run 2-way or can’t conceive of helping an employer or an organization, he is not hirable until he’s flat on help which will probably take many hours. He’s probably a CCH case.
10. Remember, as a security checker you are not merely an observer, or an auditor, you are a detective.
I trust these notes will be of use.