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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Security Checks Again - B620912

CONTENTS Security Checks Again
1812 19th Street, N. W. , Washington 9, D.C.

Security Checks Again

With the advent of Dynamic Assessment a new method of Security Checking, far better than any previous Security Checking, has emerged.

Nothing in this bulletin of course detracts in any way from the value of missed withholds, pulling missed withholds or handling missed withholds on preclears or other persons in the Organisation.

If the following questions are asked of a person on a meter it can be at once established whether or not this person will inadvertently, covertly, or unknowingly attempt to ruin, wreck, stop and otherwise interfere with an Organisation, Scientology, or an Auditor.

The questions are as follows:

Consider committing overts against Scientology.

Consider committing overts against Ron.

Consider committing overts against the Organisation.

Consider committing overts against me. (the auditor)

It will be found that such a person has a goal which the person considers to be impossible to achieve so long as any one of the above four exist, therefore destructive actions will at all times be manifested no matter how “constructive” they appear.

The Rock Slam produced must be a wide Rock Slam to be decisive. By wide Rock Slam is meant a quarter of a dial Rock Slam to a full dial Rock Slam.

The action which should be taken if this condition is found to exist is to suspend the person or otherwise put the person away from communication lines until such time as the person’s Dynamic, Item, and Goal are found. Sometimes it is almost enough merely to find the Item, as the foolishness of the conclusion that Scientology stands immediately and directly in their road will appear to the preclear at that time.

By “A Goal which is an overt against Scientology” is meant something which the pc considers to be a goal which is an overt against. When you finally see such goals appear they will not be apparent to the auditor as overts. However, the pc so interprets them. For instance a pc may have a fixed idea against any spiritual activity, interpreting it as a harsh activity which forbids dancing, and the pc may have a goal to dance. However the person’s Item lying above the goal to dance will be found to be a spiritual group and this of course would make Scientology appear to the person to be highly antipathetic to the goal to dance.

I cannot too strongly urge the fact that when the above occurs no possible good will result until the Dynamic, Item, and Goal are found. Therefore this should be expedited. All care should be taken not to punish the person unduly, but to carry on because often the person is unaware of the destructiveness of his or her own actions.

In a marriage, if the husband were to place the wife on an E-Meter and ask the question “Consider committing overts against me” and find a wide Rock Slam immediately results, he will be then in total possession of what has been wrong with his marriage. Similarly, a wife finding this manifestation on a husband would also be informed.

The remedy in such a case is not to sack somebody, to shoot somebody, to divorce somebody or take some drastic final action, because we now have all the answer we need to resolve this and it will be found that as soon as the person’s goal has been found the condition of hostility will cease.

The Rock Slam produced must be at sensitivity 16 on the meter. If a dirty needle occurs it is necessary to pull the person’s missed withholds because these obviously exist. This should not be neglected. By Dirty Needle is meant a quarter of an inch agitation of the needle as an instant response to the asking of the above questions.

This is the new security programme. Any person responsible for maintaining security in an Organisation or a home should perform the above tests and take the remedial action.

I cannot too strongly urge that while this is absolute, or near as it can be, and positive in its diagnosis, it is not permanent because we can now clear, and clearing consists of doing away with the Rock Slam and not the offending person.