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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Scientology, Current State of the Subject and Materials - B730730

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


There is a possibility that some Scientologists have not realized the extent of technical materials which exist in Dianetics and Scientology on the subject of the spirit, mind and life.

For instance, there are about 25,000,000 words on tape in archives which provide the consecutive path of discovery.

When placed chronologically with books, HCOBs, HCO PLs and other issues this gives a nearly complete record of all discoveries and applications in these subjects.

The total numbers of words or even the number of tapes and issues to date have not been reliably calculated.

From time to time various efforts have been made to transcribe and issue all the materials. The task should be done, especially before the decay of magnetic tape, some of which was of poor quality, eradicates the material. But proper and safe equipment and trustworthy technicians who would not turn out an overt product have been lacking. A project of assembly in the 1960s was balked by inadequate record pressing material available in the society around us. A more strenuous and reliable effort should be made to place these archives into a more durable form than magnetic tape.

More or less complete sets of all materials exist in many places on the planet to safeguard against destruction.

It is from this tremendous archives that study packs and other materials are made up. These and their checksheets are very numerous and available.

A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms, for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods. It is for this reason that the Saint Hill Briefing Course checksheet should consist only of the chronological materials, studied in chronological order, excepting only the Study Tapes (Primary Rundown) which should be done first if not previously done properly.

An enormous amount of this material does exist in issuable form. While not strictly technical, HCO PLs, almost all of them, now exist in books grouped by subjects and 1 think will soon exist in chronological form also. It is projected that this be done with HCOBs, but these of course should be only in chronological and complete order and the points where books and tapes were part of this track should be indicated. Transcriptions and edited versions of tapes (which do not however rearrange meaning or alter data) exist for a great many tapes and it is projected that these shall also be the subject of a future issue. For instance, the "Philadelphia Lectures" have recently been transcribed and could easily be edited into volumes for issue and should be, due to their popularity.

The subject of Scientology is to some degree developed in reverse order. The task was to undercut the current level of Man and this was the general target. Therefore one finds the higher levels publicly spoken of most frequently in the earlier books and tapes (between '51 and '55). In seeking full application to others and attainment for them of their potentials it was necessary to codify the materials and develop processes for them.

Any difficulties people were having with going Clear were handled in the mid '60s and OT levels as they exist in Advanced Orgs were completed by '68. There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more people's full attainment of OT VI & VII.

In the early '70s the bottom was found with the discoveries of exactly what psychosis was and the development of processes to handle it. This was outside the scope of organizations at the time and is not in general use; but it did finalize the task of undercutting low enough to include all spiritual and mental materials, then, within the subject of Scientology, in a state of applicability.

Many people believe that Scientology materials contain mainly processes. They think of Scientology as processing. This is a very narrow view. It is understandable enough as processing is the way out for them. But this neglects the more considerable materials which deal with basics and fundamentals; processes are only one use of these.

Other people, having gotten their smallest toe damp as an HAS then wander off to other fields looking for answers, whereas had they taken Dianetics or Scientology Grade training, to say nothing of the Saint Hill Briefing Course, they would have found more fundamentals than exist in all other subjects combined, a fact which any advanced student of Scientology can confirm.

Still others think that the "newest" is of course the most advanced and are looking for new "processes" to be issued or new materials; whereas the process to resolve their case was most likely issued in earlier years. An amusing instance of this is one whole continental area where an exact set of principles was isolated and exact processes released that handle that exact national type; yet, waiting for something new because they did not know the old, they were found earlier this year to be ignoring this rundown even on new preclears and of course were having a hard time of it for those ARE the basic processes for that continent, for those people DO have that barrier.

For quite a while I have had the "hat of finder of lost tech". Whole sections of knowledge drop out of view, whole arrays of processes (and administrative principles) go out of use and preclears there and the organization of the area sag; but recovery is swift the moment the "lost" knowledge is pulled out of their own file cabinets and restored.

Further, people in organizations are quite often at high case levels. They have already experienced the bridging knowledge which connects the subject to the man in the street. It is not new to THEM. They sometimes err in believing it is not new to the world. Thus gaps are permitted to exist. The solution is to recover the "lost" tech.

But it is also true that many in organizations work very hard to keep the knowledge bridge in. And do well in accomplishing it.

Within the same civilization, many other subjects than Scientology exist. Many of these other subjects are in a very primitive state while pretending a very advanced position. Psychiatry and Psychology are a pair of these. Their pretenses, inhumanities and even cruelties muddy up the field of the spirit and mind. Because they produce negative or even damaging results and because they were "authority" before Scientology began to guide the field toward saner and more civilized levels, Scientology's task of handling the public is made far more difficult than if the public had not been so harmed and made suspicious of the field of the mind. Yet the most mind-wrenching problems Psychiatry and Psychology practitioners think they have (they have not confronted the real ones) give way before the lowest most pedestrian levels of Scientology. There is an amusing story of a Scientologist who attended a social meeting of Psychiatrists and Psychologists and listened to them for a while as they moaned about their patients and their own cases and then, being compassionate, began to explain to them in a sort of technical baby talk the nature and resolution of these "vast" "unsolvable" "problems". As he took no offense at their ignorant arrogance which first greeted him and as he did seem to have a grasp of their troubles, they kept him up until four AM going over their "problems" in detail and gave him more and more absorbed attention and began to cognite. They were very tame and very respectful when he left, certain they had heard the guru of all time: and this is amusing because he was not a trained auditor in any sense of the word and had only read a few Scientology books! Yet to them he was their dean as a professional by comparative and sensible knowledge.

Many Scientologists have had similar experiences. In the field of Scientology Admin tech a staff member who had not had an Org Exec Course but had been hatted in HCO went home for a vacation. His father who, like some fathers, was certain his son was stupid, permitted him, with misgivings, to reorganize the administration of his medical clinic along Scientology lines. The son trained the small staff for only a week, lines began to whizz, patients began to get handled, records went straight, income rose and the father became absolutely convinced that his son was the brightest organizational genius in the country; yet in the org they had considered he had a long way to go to be a good Ethics Officer! Gives you some comparative idea of where the lowest rudimentary levels of Scientology sit in relation to current technologies.

Above such small bits of fringe information the bulk of Scientology knowledge towers into mountains. It is accessible, in the main, to those who seek it. The only barriers are usually their own lack of command of their own language and the misconceptions of study ground into them from kindergarten on. Means of solving these are also available and are daily applied to countless newcomers over the world.

The actual barrier in the society is a failure to practice truth. Living lives of white lies, they find it difficult to grasp that truth actually exists. This can hang on as a habit during the first studies of a student and he can defeat himself utterly by continuing a dishonesty in his study — skipping this, not doing that. For Scientology is the road to truth and he who would follow it must take true steps.

Some, seeing out of their own ambitious eyes and as jealous of any imagined rival as any ferocious boy friend, seek to assert that Scientology is interested in healing. This is something like saying that a Cadillac engineer is interested only in window polish. For when you begin to handle the causative force in Man he often also gets well. The "proofs" of supposing Scientology is a healing activity are abundant enough if one sees the recovery lists in any org. But they were not processed to heal them, only to free them. A recent example of this occurred when a preclear broke her ankle and was given medical treatment. Naturally the org was anxious to get on with her program of processing and the ankle injury was in the way. After weeks in medical hands with the ankle getting worse, the engram of the injury was run out, the ankle got well and the person was again being routinely processed a few days later. The auditor could be said to have been engaged in healing. All he was doing was getting a body difficulty out of his road so he could get on with it.

Recently, having found bottom on the mind and spirit some years ago, I have been looking into physical nutrition and biochemistry. These latter levels lie below the spirit and mind and could be loosely considered to be an undercut as they do impede spiritual gain.

Many people are mainly fixated on the body and living as they do in an intensely materialistic society, they are caught between being a body in the work-a-day world and achieving spiritual freedom. This is of course paradoxical. The game of being a body is the only game they have in their eyes. Thus if something is wrong with their body they manifest having heavy problems and they are anxious at the thought of losing a body: in other words they have a hidden standard of body health as their measure of spiritual attainment which, though illogical, is where they are and what they are doing.

Scientology has long pursued the firm policy of sending the sick to the medical doctor. There is no place they can send the insane as to send them to psychiatry would be to condemn them to horror, and so orgs do not usually handle them at all as they are not equipt to do so even when technically able.

But the sick have been another matter. The gentlemanly thing to do was to give the doctor his due and trust that he would respect the courtesy. Instead, anxious for a total monopoly of health which he is quite incapable of delivering especially in the USA, he seeks to eradicate all fancied rivals. Thus this policy will one day come to an end. It is quite legal to heal by spiritual means and even part of the law of most states and countries and, indeed, was the sole province of religion for thousands of years before the medical doctor came along. But this is no reason why Scientology would make any effort to replace the medical doctor since he has considerable value in the mechanics of bones and structural matters. The only place he falls down is in handling general illnesses, especially of a chronic nature.

Medicine has been overtaken in healing by nutritionists and biochemists. They still seek to exclude these skills from their knowledge and experience. Indeed, when demanding $46,000,000 to research heart disease from a not always bright Congress in the U.S. , medicine was contradicted by no less than the head of Health, Education and Welfare who stated that their "research" as planned did not include biochemistry, a rather strange omission since this is the most result-filled field. It goes without mention that the demand also excluded nutritional research. Many individual doctors are prone to attack any patients they find "on vitamins" or who timidly mention Vitamin E. And one is struck with the fact that heart disease is the largest income source, I believe, of the doctor.

Thus there is a blindness in medical circles to the most productive and curative practices in the field of illness and thus, policy or not, organizations will soon have to bend to public demand and route the bill to doctors only when they have broken bones or need surgery to get the bullets or steering wheels out, and all others to the nutritionist who DOES use all the modern developments in food, vitamins, minerals and advanced biochemistry and use them intelligently.

An estimation of this latter field was therefore in order and I have for some time now been engaged in an evaluation of it and a study of it.

What I have found is that the field lacks coordination of its knowledge, not just from nutritionist to nutritionist but in the works of the same person. A tremendous amount of material has been brought forth in the last three decades. It is in a state of near chaos.

Liquefied grass and other dietary fads have become confused into the sober routine subject of nutrition. Food fadism and nutritional knowledge are interlocked in the public mind to such a degree that some unscrupulous fellow who knows better could advise people to eat only tree bark and they accommodatingly would. For instance there are books and books and books out currently, by M. D. s and others who should have done their homework, inveighing against "cholesterol": This is a biochemical composition of animal oils and fats. They say it gets into the arteries and causes strokes and heart attacks. Well, that is all very well. But did you also know that every glandular secretion in the body, the secretions which keep one young and functioning are ALL made by the glands from cholesterol? If people do not take in cholesterol bearing foods they, by simple logic, could be seen to rapidly age and die. What's wanted is the knowledge of how to keep cholesterol controlled not how to take everyone off cholesterol. One would think the American Medical Association owned shares in undertaking parlors.

A coordination of actual knowledge in these fields of nutrition and biochemistry is what is lacking. Apparently researchers are clever enough to isolate materials but are not wise enough to coordinate them fact against fact into an intelligible subject.

While examining this scene I have found that nutrition and biochemistry ARE the leaders, however. The subjects are actually arts and in a rather primitive state. But illnesses still puzzling medicine are in many cases quite old hat to the nutritionist.

If one wanted further proof, medical organizations, especially in the US, are fighting nutrition with their usual violence where their pocket book is threatened — black propaganda, government seizure orders and all the routine mechanisms medicine has employed in its history to "safeguard" its interests are in full play against the health food store and the vitamin counter. That is enough to prove the point that nutrition is the leader in our contemporary times where physical health body treatment is concerned.

While the medical doctor and his psychiatry branch flood out the useless and destructive "tranquilizers", the nutritionist hands out a couple tablets of magnesium which actually cool a person off beautifully and far more effectively without the physical damage carried by the tranquilizer.

The medical doctor and his psychiatry branch gave the world its greatest wave of drug addiction. Their friend the German-oriented psychologist, with his man-is-animal teaching of the young and destruction of orthodox religion, has given the world its greatest period of crime. They are on their way out even though they are fighting a dirty and violent rearguard action. So why bet on losers? They won't make it.

Nutrition's star is rising into a blazing sun in the field of physical treatment of the body. It is also wise enough to know and repeatedly state that spiritual and mental stress MUST be handled before too much result can be obtained, which is perfectly true.

Thus I have going at this particular time a project of codification and coordination of what is known in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry, not to be wiser than they, but to get some order into this field so that its potential can be more fully realized.

This work is almost incidental to Scientology research. I am completing something I started in 1945, which was a survey of biochemistry potentials in order to decide a direction of research: did the mind monitor structure or structure, as medicine thought, monitor the mind? The former was in 1945 found to be the true case to an overwhelming degree.

But at the same time, when people are so body fixated that they have problems of a physical nature too intense to admit of any other consideration, bringing them true power and freedom becomes difficult unless one pays some attention to where their attention is fixated.

Malnutrition, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, chronic illnesses and unhealing wounds are all needlessly distracting but they are nevertheless distracting.

There apparently exist easy ways to handle these things. There is no sense in processing someone for a hundred hours only to find his only interest is curing his headache and to discover that he has a headache because he is allergic to bread and eats bread nearly as his sole diet! Or to find that the overweight fellow is just getting processed to get his body thin and after scores of hours discover he is living on candy bars and has been diabetic for years! Not when you can simply take the former off bread and wheat and give the latter some trivalent chromium and protein and put a guard on the candy store. Make no mistake — one CAN process over the top of these things and even handle, for the spirit and mind dominate them. But why? It's far easier to parallel the mind and get the distraction handled so one can THEN get to why he got that way in the first place if he is still interested, though well. One can do things the hard way or the easy way.

So nutrition and biochemistry are vital subjects and, due to medical influence, very badly neglected subjects even in the presence of positive and even vital value.

My current review of these is in the nature of an assist to processing. As such, of course, they have to embrace the factors of predisposition to, precipitation and prolongation of physical illness.

It has already been established, prior to present records, while I was working with the general field of life in 1945, and has been confirmed by contemporary researchers in nutrition and biochemistry that Stress is the basic cause in physical illness. Thus, such nutritional research cannot supplant the handling of stress. Further, conditions can exist where nutrition and biochemistry cannot work at all until stress is relieved by processing. Therefore, in lower stages of handling there is a band where thought and physical beingness tend to merge. In this lower zone, assist type processing and nutritional or biochemical aids seem to be simultaneously necessary. In such instances one must alternate them or co-apply them.

There are also a few deficiencies which produce manifestations quite similar in appearance to insanity.

Where the illness or injury is acute and severe immediate physical attention is mandatory and can be assisted only by the lightest possible address to the mental factors, perhaps as light as simply being comforting or gentle. In a case such as a person in a long continued coma, where nutrition is intravenous, processing is still possible by gently causing the person's hand to make repeated contact on command with a pillow or the bed. Thus it can be seen, processing can reach a long way down.

Above all this physical level material of course, the subject has been for a long time wrapped up. Persons continuing to play the body game limit themselves in various ways and by the nature of life and this civilization have their ups and downs even when well processed. If they have attained a relatively high state as a bodied person they can however be rehabilitated, usually simply by running out their overt acts and withholds and restoring their exterior perception: they are, however, despite their continued physical beingness, quite capable of easily assuming their full potentials: they usually prefer to go on with the game by imposing limitations, for instance to continue using their eyes. One rarely sees them do the stunts and tricks of the Indian fakir even where they can since they have risen above exhibitionism or the need to overwhelm or prove things and they are of course continuing to play the game of human being, since that is the main game they have available around them.

There is undoubtedly a considerable amount of neating up that I could do, including making all materials more readily available, seeing to the compilation of a very extensive dictionary of terms, filling in incidental gaps where material may not have been fully recorded. These are difficulties of a minor nature compared to the research in making the result attainable.

It has been difficult working in a confused and, yes, even primitive society that is starved for workable knowledge in the humanities. The very condition that made it vital to seek out and release the material also made it difficult to do the job in the first place.

Scientology now has more than enough data and technology to handle even the broad problems in the humanities. The main task now is getting it fully used, and along this line there are hundreds of thousands working every day around the world.

Scientology is the fastest growing Religion on the planet by actual surveys and statements by sociologists. And this is the more remarkable as in this period orthodox Religions have shrunk before the materialistic onslaught of our times.

The materials of Scientology are the result of forty-three years of search, coordination and application to millions. The organizations of Scientology have been building and expanding for nineteen years (despite the fears and hates and jealousies of this civilization) on five continents and making it all the way, thanks to the magnificent people of Scientology.

We are very rich in materials, in results and in the potential future. Through our hardest times we have endured. Into our brightest times we are expanding.

These materials contain the full basics of the only game in the universe where everyone wins, the game of triumphant life itself.
