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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Scientology Auditing CS-1 - B780715

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- КС-1 Саентологического Одитинга - Б780715
- КС-1 Саентологического Одитинга - Б780715RA84
- Приложение, Лист Определений - Б780715RA84

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Cancels BTB 8 Jan 71R, Auditing CS-1 for Dianetics and Scientology)


The Scientology CS-1 is to give a pc new to Scientology or a previously audited pc, as needed, the necessary data and R-Factor on basics and auditing procedure so that he understands and is able and willing to be audited successfully.

NOTE: Some pcs who have been trained or audited previously may protest that they know the terms and procedure. If this happens, acknowledge with excellent TRs and without invalidation or evaluation and tell them that this CS is intended to make auditing more effective for all pcs. If the auditor uses excellent TRs and good R-Factor, no ARC breaks should ever occur and the pc will have tremendous wins.

It is not necessary to reclear those sections of this Scn CS-1 which the pc may have already covered in a recent and thorough Dianetics CS-1, provided the auditor is certain of the pc’s understanding of the terms.

The auditor should be fully familiar with this issue as well as:

He will need to take a very thorough look at what has to be covered with the pc in this CS‑1 and know his materials very well and have them ready in the CS-1 session for reference and clearing any misunderstoods or questions the pc may have.

The following will be needed in the auditing room:

and the auditor makes full use of these as necessary. If further references are needed, ensure source materials are used.

A. Have the pc define each Scientology (or other) term, using the references. (Note: You don’t ask: “Do you know what this word means?” You ask: “What is the definition of _____?”)

When he has done so, have him give you a sentence or two using the term correctly. Where it applies, have him give you examples, using his experiences where possible or those of relatives or friends and/or have him demonstrate the item using a demo kit. Cover by exact definition all terms used.

B. Check for any questions (or misunderstoods) as you go along and ensure any such get handled so the pc winds up with a clear understanding of the word, item or procedure.

Don’t settle for glibness that does not show understanding, but, on the other hand, don’t overrun or put duress on the pc either.

Ensure that each word cleared on the pc is taken to F/N.


1. Give pc the R-Factor that you are going to do a Scientology Auditing CS-1 to familiarize him with auditing procedure and any basic data that may require clarification.

2. Clear the word: Scientology.

3. Clear the words: a) auditing b) auditing session c) auditor d) clear e) preclear

4. Clear the words: a) thetan b) mind c) body

Have pc use the demo kit as well as the references to ensure he gets the relationship between these.

5. Now clear the words: a) picture b) mental image picture c) reactive mind d) bank

Have the pc give you examples of how the reactive mind works on a stimulus response basis, and have him demo it.

6. Clear with the pc:

a) the communication cycle.

Get the pc to give you examples he has observed. Have him demo the communication cycle.

b) the auditing comm cycle.

Get the pc to explain the difference between a comm cycle and the auditing comm cycle. Have him demonstrate it.

You can also ask him questions like: “Have you eaten dinner?” (or breakfast or lunch) and when he replies, ask: “What did you do when I asked you that question?”

7. Go over the TRs with the pc, demonstrating each with him, until he has a good idea of how they are used in auditing.

8. Clear the words: a) charge b) mental mass

9. Go over with the pc what the meter does (registers charge/mental mass).

For demonstration, you can do a “pinch test” where you explain to the pc that to show him how the meter registers mental mass you will give him a pinch as part of the demonstration. Then get him to think of the pinch (while he is holding the cans) showing him the meter reaction and explaining how it registers mental mass.

10. a) Clear the words: 1. key-in 2. key-out and have the pc demo and give you examples of each.

b) Clear the word: release. Have the pc demo it.

11. a) Clear the word: postulate.

b) Have pc give you examples of a time or two when he postulated something and got it.

12. a) Clear the word: cognition.

b) Have the pc give you some examples of a cognition.

13. Clear: floating needle.

14. a) Give the pc an R-Factor on rudiments and when these would be used.

b) Clear the word: rudiment.

c) Clear: 1. affinity 2. reality 3. communication

Have pc give you examples of each.

d) Clear: ARC break.

Have the pc demo it for you.

e) Clear the words: curious, desired, enforced, inhibited, no, refused.

f) Clear: 1. problem 2. present time problem

Have the pc demo: 1) a problem 2) a present time problem.

g) Clear: 1) overt 2) withhold 3) missed withhold.

Have the pc demo: 1) an overt 2) withhold 3) missed withhold.

(Use Definitions Sheet, or other references as needed.)

15. a) Clear the words: 1. similar 2. earlier.

b) Then clear: “earlier similar.” Give the pc examples of where it would be used.

16. Clear with the pc what a repetitive process is. Ensure he understands why and how it is done. Have the pc demo it for you.

17. a) Clear the word: flow.

b) Clear each of the Flows 1, 2, 3, 0.

c) Have the pc give you an example and demo of each.

18. Clear the words: a) assess b) assessment.

19. a) Explain to the pc that if at any time there is any difficulty in the auditing, you (or another auditor) will be using a prepared list to find and handle the exact difficulty.

b) Ensure he understands that when such a list is being assessed he sits quietly holding the cans while the auditor calls the list and takes meter reads to locate the difficulty.

20. Go over the Auditor’s Code, Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18, 19 and 22.

Check for and clear up any questions or misunderstoods the pc may have on this.

21. a) Clear: Examiner.

b) Give the pc an R-Factor on the Examiner and the fact that he will go to the Examiner immediately after each auditing session. Ensure he understands the Examiner says nothing to the preclear at that time, only recording what the pc says and noting down the tone arm position and state of the needle.

Also, be sure the pc understands that the Examiner is the person he sees if he wishes to make any sort of statement regarding his case.

22. Turn the folder in to the C/S.

The C/S can also order any additional actions to the above.

The Scientology Auditing CS-1 can usually be completed in one session. If it takes more than one session, the first session should be ended off at the end of a step or completion of a word or demonstration — never in the middle of an action.

Make sure you do not leave your preclear with a question or a misunderstood or confusion. Know the preclear in front of you and get your product of an educated pc who can run Scientology processes easily and with gain.


The Scientology Auditing CS-1 does not preclude clearing the commands of each process or clearing a procedure in a session where the pc is begun on a new process or procedure. (Ref: HCOB 9 Aug 78 II, CLEARING COMMANDS)

This would include the first time the pc is given a two-way comm session or a listing & nulling session, where the procedure would first be fully cleared on the pc by the auditor.


In addition to the CS-1, to fully prepare the pc for his auditing up the Grade Chart, it is standard to clear the words on the various correction lists very early in auditing, before the need for them arises. (Otherwise, it is difficult to clear the words of a correction list over heavy bypassed charge.) Thus, when the need for correction lists does arise the words have already been cleared and the correction list can be used without delay. (Ref: HCOB 9 Aug 78 II, CLEARING COMMANDS, Items 7 and 8.)

This would be done as ordered by the C/S.

LRH:dr HCOB 15.7.78 Attachment I


The following definitions have been taken from the Technical Dictionary and from the glossary of the book Dianetics Today.

Use these in conjunction with the Basic Scientology Picture Book. If further references are needed when clearing these terms and concepts, ensure source materials are used. For any non-Scientology terms use a good non-dinky dictionary.


An applied religious philosophy developed by L. Ron Hubbard dealing with the study of knowledge, which through the application of its technology can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life.

(Taken from the Latin word scio, knowing in the fullest sense of the word, and the Greek word logos, to study.)

A body of knowledge which, when properly used, gives freedom and truth to the individual.


Processing, the application of Scientology (or Dianetic) processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. The exact definition of auditing is: the action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer.


A period in which an auditor and preclear are in a quiet place where they will not be disturbed. The auditor gives the preclear certain and exact commands which the preclear can follow.


A person trained and qualified in applying Scientology and/or Dianetic processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means “one who listens.” An auditor is a minister of the Church of Scientology.

*[An additional reference on Clear is: HCOB 24 September 1978. Issue III, Dianetic Clear, “The State of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics.”]


A thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the first dynamic (survival for self). The state of Clear is above the release grades of Scientology (all of which are requisite to clearing) and is attained by completion of the Clearing Course at an Advanced Church of Scientology.


From pre-Clear, a person not yet Clear; generally a person being audited, who is thus on the road to Clear; a person who, through Scientology and Dianetic processing, is finding out more about himself and life.


From THETA (life static), a word taken from the Greek symbol or letter: theta, traditional symbol for thought or spirit. The thetan is the individual himself - not the body or the mind. The thetan is the “I”; one doesn’t have or own a thetan; one is a thetan.


A control system between the thetan and the physical universe. It is not the brain. The mind is the accumulated recordings of thoughts, conclusions, decisions, observations and perceptions of a thetan throughout his entire existence. The thetan can and does use the mind in handling life and the physical universe.


The organized physical composition or substance of an animal or man whether living or dead.


An exact likeness; image. A mental image.


Mental pictures; facsimiles and mock-ups; a copy of one’s perceptions of the physical universe sometime in the past.


Reactive bank. The portion of the mind which works on a stimulus-response basis (given a certain stimulus it will automatically give a certain response) which is not under a person’s volitional control and which exerts force and power over a person’s awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions.

The reactive mind never stops operating. Pictures of the environment, of a very low order, are taken by this mind even in some states of unconsciousness.


A colloquial name for the reactive mind. The mental image picture collection of the pc.


A completed communication, including origination of the communication, receipt of the communication, and answer or acknowledgement of the communication. A communication cycle consists of just: cause, distance, effect, with intention, attention, duplication and understanding.


(HCOB 30 Apr 71) This is the auditing comm cycle that is always in use:

(1) is the pc ready to receive the command? (appearance, presence)

(2) auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect)

(3) pc looks to bank for answer…

(4) pc receives answer from bank

(5) pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect)

(6) auditor acknowledges pc

(7) auditor sees that pc received acknowledgement (attention)

(8) new cycle beginning with (1).


The stored quantities of energy in the time track; stored energy or stored or recreatable potentials of energy. The electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. Harmful energy or force accumulated and generated in the reactive mind, resulting from the conflicts and unpleasant experiences that a person has had.


Mocking up matter, energy, space and time. Its proportionate weight would be terribly slight compared to the real object which the person is mocking up a picture of.


The action of recording a lock on a secondary or engram; the moment an earlier upset or earlier incident has been restimulated.


An action of an engram or secondary dropping away without being erased. Released or separate from one’s reactive mind or some portion of it.


A preclear whose reactive mind or some major portion of it is keyed-out and is not influencing him.

A series of gradual key-outs. At any given one of those key-outs the individual detaches from the remainder of his reactive bank.

In Scientology processing there are eight major grades of Release. They are, from the lowest to the highest: Grade 0 Communications Release, Grade I Problems Release, Grade II Relief Release, Grade III Freedom Release, Grade IV Ability Release, Grade V Power Release, Grade VA Power Plus Release, Grade VI Whole Track Release. Each is a distinct and definite step toward greater levels of awareness and ability.


A conclusion, decision or resolution made by the individual himself; to conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the past.

… We mean, by postulate, a self-created truth. A postulate is, of course, that thing which is directed desire or order, or inhibition, or enforcement, on the part of the individual in the form of an idea.

… Postulate means to cause a thinkingness or consideration.


A pc origination indicating he has “come to realize.” It’s a “What do you know? I…” statement. A new realization of life. It results in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one’s endeavors in life.


A floating needle is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle.

It is always accompanied by very good indicators in the pc. (Ref: HCOB 10 Dec 76R, C/S Series 99R SCN F/N AND TA POSITION, HCOB 21 Jul 78 WHAT IS AN F/N.)


First principles, steps, stages or conditions. The basic actions done at the beginning of a session to set up the pc for the major session action; ARC breaks, PTPs, withholds.


Degree of liking or affection or lack of it. Affinity is a tolerance of distance. A great affinity would be a tolerance of or liking of close proximity. A lack of affinity would be an intolerance of or dislike of close proximity. Affinity is one of the components of understanding, the other components being reality and communication.


The agreed upon apparency of existence. A reality is any data that agrees with the person’s perceptions, computations and education. Reality is one of the compon-ents of understanding. Reality is what is.


The interchange of ideas or objects between two people or terminals. More precisely the definition of communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to receipt point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication of that which emanated from the source point. The formula of communication is: cause, distance, effect, with attention and duplication. Communication by definition does not need to be two-way. Communication is one of the component parts of understanding.


A sudden drop or cutting of one’s affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. It is pronounced by its letters A-R-C break.


Anything which has opposing sides of equal force; especially postulate-counter-postulate, intention-counter-intention or idea-counter-idea; an intention-counter-intention that worries the preclear.


A specific problem that exists in the physical universe now, on which a person has his attention fixed.

… Any set of circumstances that so engages the attention of the preclear that he feels he should be doing something about it instead of being audited.


An overt act is an act of omission or commission which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics.

… An aggressive or destructive act by the individual against one or more of the eight dynamics (self, family, group, mankind, animals or plants, mest, life or the infinite). That thing which you do which you aren’t willing to have happen to you.


An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act.


An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not.


… A process that is run over and over with the same question of the pc.... we don’t expect the auditor to do anything but state the command (or ask the question) with no variation, acknowledge the pc’s answer and handle the pc origins by understanding and acknowledging what the pc said. A process which permits the individual to examine his mind and environment and out of it select the unimportances and importances.


A progress of energy between two points.

An impulse or direction of energy particles or thought or masses between terminals.

The progress of particles or impulses or waves from Point A to Point B.


To choose, from a list of statements - which item or thing has the longest read and the pc’s interest. The longest read usually will also have the pc’s interest.


… an action done from a prepared list. Assessment is done by the auditor between the pc’s bank and the meter.... just notes which item has the longest Fall or Blowdown. The auditor looks at the meter while doing an assessment. Assessment is the whole action of obtaining a significant item from a pc.


Preclear Examiner. The person in a Scientology church to whom preclears are sent immediately after any auditing session. The Examiner says nothing to the preclear in this situation, noting only what the pc’s tone arm position and state of the needle are on the E-Meter and recording what the pc says, if anything. The Examiner is also the person a preclear sees if he wishes to make any sort of statement regarding his case, or if there is something he wants handled regarding his case.