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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- S.O.P. Goals - Marvellous New Breakthrough - Be-Do-Have Coordinated - B610218

Marvellous New Breakthrough
BE — DO — HAVE Coordinated
S.O.P. Goals Intensives Example
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO Secs Assn Secs Ds of P All HGC Personnel All Auditors Auditing Staff All 22nd American ACC Students All 3rd S.A. ACC Students

Marvellous New Breakthrough
BE — DO — HAVE Coordinated

On all staff cases without exception the following Goals Standard Operating Procedure will be used.

This data I developed for the 3rd S. A. ACC is a major breakthrough. I want it run on all staff cases now no matter what was being run before. Take note of what was being run for later application or for use as terminals after Goals Assessment if they fit and are only partially flat on older processes.

S.O.P. Goals Intensives

Use Model Session throughout. Heavily stress Rudiments. Use “What part of that problem could you be responsible for” for PTPs. Use TR 5N for ARC breaks (“What have I done to you”, “What have you done to me”).

  1. Go over Rudiments carefully.
  2. Do a Goals Assessment.
    Find out every goal the pc can recall ever having. Make a list. Get in particular any secret goals, or withheld goals. Go over list with a meter. Take goal that falls the most.
  3. Convert goal to a terminal.
    Get wording of terminal simple but make sure the version you select falls as much as possible on meter. HCO Bulletin of February 2nd, 1961 (some issues were dated March 9, 1961, from HCO Saint Hill), gives sample general commands to which terminal can be added.
  4. Assess this terminal on the Pre-Havingness Scale from bottom to top. Take level that falls the most.
  5. Develop an auditing command, preferably two-way, that uses terminal and pre-havingness level.
    The right commands fall as much as goal or terminal did.
  6. Run the command until tone arm becomes less active.
  7. Go one down on the Pre-Havingness Scale. Develop a command for next level that falls.
  8. Run the command until the tone arm becomes less active.
  9. Return to first commands and run them (the first level found).
    Alternate the higher and one-down level commands, ten minutes of one level, ten minutes or so of the other level.
  10. When the tone arm loses its action on these two commands and tends to stick, no matter whether high or low arm (one half hour is a good test), REASSESS TERMINAL ON PRE-HAVINGNESS SCALE from bottom up until a level falls hard.
  11. Proceed as in Steps 5 to 11.
  12. When the first terminal selected, run at several levels of the scale and the one just below, seems flat, return to Goals Assessment, REASSESS GOALS. Proceed from Steps 5 to 12.
  13. When tone arm stabilizing around clear read (two or three terminals run), LOCATE HAVINGNESS PROCESS from the 36 Presessions.
  14. Add the havingness process into the processes run, using it at appropriate places (certainly at session end) while continuing Goals S.O.P.
  15. When havingness process has been used for a couple of sessions to help Goals S.O.P. , find the CONFRONT PROCESS.
  16. Add the Confront Process into the Model Session.
  17. If you run out of goals, get a NEW LIST OF GOALS from the pc and proceed as above.

Beingness, Doingness and Havingness must be balanced. Each must be flexible in the pc for a stable gain.

Goals processing finds the beingness and the mind’s doingness toward it (Pre-Hav Scale) and results in Havingness.

On Assessments you may find, going from bottom toward top of the PreHavingness Scale (No Effect upwards), that after several levels the pc’s needle begins to rise consistently. It is probably useless to go higher on the scale as a rising needle means “no confront”. A quicker way than assessing the whole scale would be, then, to assess upwards to a rising needle action and then go back down until the needle stops rising. Hunt from that point down for the biggest fall and you won’t go very wrong.


Tone arm movement is the keynote to Case gain — No tone arm action = no gain. 1 to 2 Divisions of the Six Divisions of the Tone Arm Circle movement per half hour is good movement.


If a pc does not respond well to Goals S.O.P. (about 15% won’t) do the following: Go over Rudiments with high sensitivity setting on meter. Clean up the withholds.

If that doesn’t work, run the following for a few hours (it’s the lowest but most general process now known):

What was your attention concentrated upon? When was your attention shifted?

This should get the tone arm moving. When tone arm is moving well for a few hours move back into Goals S.O.P. Step 2 and get the case going. It may be necessary to run Formula 15 and/or Formula 13 on some cases if Goals S.O.P. still finds a quiet tone arm.

Cases don’t move when heavy withholds or PTPs are present. Cover Rudiments and End Rudiments carefully every session.


Model Session is begun. Rudiments well covered. Goals Assessment shows up strongest goal to be “to get over having a painful body”. Terminal is chosen, “Painful Body” is shown to fall most as terminal wording.

“Painful Body” is assessed on Pre-Havingness Scale. Endure falls most.

Auditing command is developed which falls on meter, “What should a painful body endure?” No additional command developed for Endure.

Developed command is run (heavy somatics) until the tone arm ceases to get 2 divisions of action, gets only one. Process ended.

Command is developed for Failed Endure, next lower level, “What has a painful body failed to endure?” This starts heavy tone arm action again.

When action cooled, same “endure” command is run again.

After three runs of Endure and two of Failed Endure command tone arm stiffens at 5 on the scale. A 15 minute test of both commands fails to get it moving; “Painful Body” is reassessed in the Pre-Havingness Scale and is found now to drop at Withheld.

Command is developed for Withheld that falls on meter (the command causes the fall), “What should be withheld from a painful body?”

This new command run and tone arm again in motion. TA motion gets less.

Dropping down one level of Pre-Havingness Scale to Failed Withhold, command is developed that falls on needle — ”What have you failed to withhold from a painful body?”

Command is run and restores motion to tone arm. When motion dies down a bit, Withhold command is resumed.

After 2 runs of Withhold and two of Failed Withhold, tone arm became slow at 3. “Painful Body” reassessed on Pre-Havingness Scale, is now found at Inverted Communication.

“Painful Body” added to command given on HCO Bulletin, 2nd February, 1961, for Inverted Communication. This run for 1 hour. Then Inverted Interest run on “Painful Body”. Etc. Etc.

Data on all this will be found on the 17 hours of tape lectures of the 3rd S. A. ACC. This condensation is not on the tapes.

The Pre-Havingness Scale referred to has been the subject of two February 1961 HCO Bulletins. (Some issues were dated March 9, 1961, from HCO Saint Hill.)

An expanded scale will shortly be released. The shorter scale works, however.


As this is the fastest road to Clear, I want all staff members to be processed on nothing else, from scratch, former auditing not to be taken into account. We want clear staffs. They deserve it.


[This HCO B is modified by HCO B 31 March 1961, S.O.P. Coals Modified. ]