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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Releasing and Preparing a Case for S.O.P. Goals - B610525

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


S.O.P. Goals takes a great deal of accurate Scientology to run. One has to be the kind of expert one would become from studying at Saint Hill or under a person who has been here who graduated with honors.

One has to have his TRs 0 to 4 perfect. One has to know an E-Meter backwards and forwards. One has to know Model Session so well that he or she can pass all TRs while doing it. And one has to know assessment.

There is nothing, however, so bad as to get a wrong S.O.P. Goals Assessment on a case. It condemns the pc to an infinity of auditing. He or she will never get Clear until a right assessment is done. And the auditing in between is wasted.

So until you get to Saint Hill or get a special course in S.O.P. Goals from a Saint Hill honor graduate, or from Australia’s Peter Williams, whom I taught in South Africa, or unless I am right on the other end of a Telex as I am for London, may I please ask you to content yourself (and get marvellous case gains) releasing people with the preparatory steps of S.O.P. Goals and skip trying to run S.O.P. Goals on wrong assessments.

These Steps release people.

The Preparatory Steps of S.O.P. Goals consist of only two things:

  1. The Johannesburg Security Check, well done (the revised issue of which will come to you next week), and
  2. General runs on the Pre-Hav Scale after proper assessment of the pc on that scale.

You can easily learn to give a “Joburg”. You can easily learn to assess on a Pre- Hav Scale. And you can’t do any real damage and can get the fastest case gains you’ve ever seen.


If withholds make the pc get no gains, then what better way to clear them up than by a fabulously thorough check on withholds such as is found in the “Joburg Check”.

Ask every question in various ways until the pc gets no further needle action on that question with sensitivity raised way up.

The General Runs on Pre-Hav: Assess the Pre-Hav Scale saying each level once to the pc on the meter going up it. Saying each level once to the pc going back down it. Write down every fall, theta bop or rock slam and how much. Take the level which gave the most reaction going up and down.

Take that Pre-Hav level that reacted most.

Using your good sense, make up a five-way bracket auditing command from the level.

Suppose the most reactive level was Overts. This translates as “DONE TO”. The 5-way command is “What have you done to someone?” “What has someone done to you?” “What has someone done to another?” “What has another done to others?” “What has someone done to himself?”

Run the process watching the meter Tone Arm.

When the Tone Arm moves more than 1/4 of a Tone Arm Division movement up or down (no matter how many times it went up or down), continue the process, no matter what the pc says about its being flat.

When the Tone Arm moves less than 1/4 Of a division of the Tone Arm Dial in 20 minutes, change the process. Bridge out, reassess on the Pre-Hav Scale as before. Take the next level, make up a five-way bracket the pc can do and flatten it off as above.

Audit by the Tone Arm (except in rock slam). Assess by the needle. For rock slam, just run the slam out of the level until it’s gone for 20 minutes.

Then, with two Pre-Hav levels flat on the Tone Arm, do a new “Joburg” Security Check.

It will have changed!

Do it all in Model Session. Handle the Rudiments. Do a “Joburg”, then a couple of Pre-Hav levels, then a “Joburg”, then a couple of Pre-Hav levels, then a “Joburg”, etc, etc, on and on.

The case will soar.


This is the production of a Release.

It is the simplest and fastest way to produce a Release.

It has to be done anyway to set a case up for an S.O.P. Goals Assessment.


You can louse up a pc by:

  1. Failing to get a nul needle on every “Joburg” question as and when you ask it. Get each question cleared, not by Auditing, just by watching the needle and asking until the pc tells you the withhold.
  2. Running several levels without flattening any. This puts the whole case in a stew. The movement of the Tone Arm as you run it tells you when something is still unflat. As long as the Tone Arm of the Meter is moved by the process, continue the process. It’s a code breach not to!
  3. Running a level too long. You can stick the Tone Arm by overrunning the level. This is more serious than leaving one slightly unflat. If a Tone Arm for twenty minutes is only moving between, say, 3.25 and 3.35, you are already in danger of sticking the Tone Arm. Get off of it! If you do overrun, it’s hard to reassess for the new level and hard also on the pc. A remedy for overrunning is to assess the auditor on the Pre-Hav Scale and run the auditor out of the pc for about ten, fifteen minutes — if the needle moves at all.
  4. Dwelling on levels in the Assessment, repeating them over and over instead of just once each, can start an avalanche on the pc. Don’t do it. Take the meter needle reads when they happen. Jot them down. Then take the most reaction. That’s it.
  5. Sad to relate, it’s been done. But don’t think you just take the first level of the Pre-Hav and run it and then go up one and run it and then the next one up. That’s murder. Assess them with an E-Meter and run the levels of the Pre-Hav that react when they react.
  6. Don’t skip the “Joburgs” because they make pcs squirm. This is how you find and get the withholds off. The case won’t move if you don’t. And give many Joburgs, one after every long Pre-Hav run, one or two levels, for the case responsibility comes up and as it comes up new overts are realized and they’ve got to come off.


You’ll do the most for the pc by taking him or her to release with Preparatory S.O.P. Goals runs.

This is strong, powerful auditing. The pcs will thank you. They won’t if you try

S.O.P. Goals when you don’t know how. That’s the way to make enemies.

E-Meter Essentials is coming out soon. A new Pre-Hav (same one you have but extended) Scale is being issued in another Clearing Series book. And I’m giving you straight dope and the best tools in these Bulletins. How can you lose. You’re sunk. You can’t!
