Note: (The following HCO B is broadly released despite the fact that it contains technical terms and upper level tech programs. A person who is taking this route has a right to know where he should go and where he shouldn’t.
The amount of improvement a person can receive is so great that it takes a long series of actions to do it. As for „handling bad mental conditions“ this is too simple and is not the business we are in. Just by handling the current upsets, problems, overts and withholds of a person in an hour’s session, Scientology can make more case advance than was possible in any past century. So there is a vast difference between handling disturbed people and obtaining all the advance of which a person is capable of obtaining.
The data in this HCO B is issued to straighten out a current error being made in routing some cases.)
A long series of tests and many case results have for some time demonstrated that there is a No Interference Area between R6EW and OT III.
A study of many cases and their results demonstrated conclusively that one does not audit Dianetics or Lower Scientology Grades on a pre-clear or pre-OT (Operating Thetan) after he has begun Solo VI (the 1st Solo step) or before he has reached OT III (a higher Solo step per grade chart).
Upsets of varying degree were found in all cases tampered with in the No Interference Area.
Repair actions to repair errors made by the Solo Auditor are all that can be beneficially audited on a person between R6EW and OT III.
Even the powerful L10, when done between R6EW and OT III will fail. Above and below the No Interference Area L10 is fantastically successful.
Nothing is superior to the Solo Grades.
Therefore, it is vital that a case be fully set up before beginning actual Solo Auditing.
For information, the following list, taken from HCO B 8 Jan 72, Issue II, is what constitutes a „set-up“.
1. C/S Series 54 (former injuries, illnesses, etc., run out by Dianetics) completed?
2. GF40XRR (Resistive Cases List) assessed? Engrams of it handled?
3. Dianetics Full Flow Table run? To Dn Completion?
4. Full Drug, Alcohol, medicine handling done?
5. Dianetics ran well? To End Phenomena?
6. All Grades run, single, triple or Expanded?
7. Green Form (case repair) items handled?
8. Attained End Phenomena of each grade?
9. Interiorization Rundown done? Int is okay?
10. C/S Series 53 (any abnormal Tone Arm positions) handled?
11. Power to End Phenomena. Single? Triple? Power Plus?
12. Tone Arm Range okay?
13. Power, no illness after?
14. Power, no ethics troubles after?
15. Success stories okay?
16. Director of Processing Interview okay? Pc not wanting something handled?
17. Graph of Oxford Capacity Analysis Personality Test (or American Personality Analysis Test) with no point below middle of graph?
A. Pc set up and okay to go to R6EW Solo?
B. Pc needs further set-up and repair before Solo?
The above is a checklist used by Solo Course Case Supervisors. (It is not the program sequence by which the case is handled. This is given in the Grade Chart.) These are the points checked.
Once onto Solo, whether these points are in or not, that’s it, hands off.
Once on Solo the pc is into the Non Interference Area. He may not have Dianetics or Grades. He may only have the lists and repairs given to Solo Auditors.
Of all these actions a full thorough drug-medicine-alcohol rundown is the most important. People who have been on heavy drugs, pot, etc or who have been alcoholics get things turned on in their banks and sometimes become terrified of them and will not Solo. They are unable to confront their pictures.
The remedy is to have a thorough drug-alcohol-medicine rundown.
The only people who can’t Solo are these poor devils who got onto these psychiatric type drugs.
These can be handled by a competent drug rundown.
The ideal program appears on the Grade Chart, displayed in most orgs and often sent out.
The chart has many symbols on it. A full glossary of these symbols and terms exists in HCO B 20 Aug 71, Issue II, „Classification and Gradation Chart, Abbreviations Explained“, which should be posted alongside the chart.
A fast summary of the steps would be
Into this program can be placed the engram handling GF40RR for resistive cases, past practices, etc.
A Drug Rundown would occur in the area of Dianetics.
An Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown would be given after the pc exteriorized. This usually occurs early on in processing and has to be handled.
A C/S 53 (for TA misbehavior) could be given anywhere.
The actual program run on the pc varies according to what the Case Supervisor requires, but it follows the Grade Chart.
The Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) or the American Personality Analysis (APA) is a graph which shows desirable and undesirable characteristics in a case.
The points on the graph are moved up by processing. And Dianetics and Scientology processes below R6EW are very capable of moving these points into desirable range.
Above R6EW, the first Solo step, the graph can change but the person is moving out of the normal range of humanity and the Solo grades are not designed to change a human test graph and in fact these tests do not measure the OT band of abilities.
The test graph should be in normal range before Solo is begun.
Auditing below Solo is quite capable of handling the graph points and bringing them up to desirable range.
The Ideal Solo Program is as follows:
1. Set-up done and all items on the checklist okay.
2. Good training as a Solo Auditor. Can include the Professional Route of Class VI. Or the Social Counselor Course plus Solo. Or (at this time) the Solo Course only. One Solo Audits as well as he is trained and no better.
3. R6EW Solo Auditing to End Phenomena and attest.
4. Clearing Course Solo to Clear.
5. Operating Thetan I to attest.
6. Operating Thetan II to attest.
7. Operating Thetan III to attest.
8. Operating Thetan VII (audited by an auditor level) to attest.
9. OT III Expanded to attest.
10. OT IV.
11. OT V.
12. OT VI.
13. OT VIII as released.
After 7 above (OT III) or after 9 above (OT III Expanded) one can run more Dianetics, Expanded Grades, GF40, the famous L10 or do any other case action. One cannot profitably do these actions between Solo R6 and OT III. That’s just the way the bank is.
You will note that „OT VII“ is apparently out of sequence. It originally went OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI, OT VII. Then it was found that there was a level OT III Expanded. So it can go OT III, OT VII, OT IIIX, OT IV, OT V, OT VI or it can go OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI, OT VII, OT IIIX. One gets the most out of it by taking VII after OT III and then OT IV, OT V and OT VI really bite. Many persons were too nervous of OT III to do it well until a drug rundown and OT VII were done. Others thought OT III was endless and OT VII handled that.
The actual materials of these levels are held under tight security at Advanced Orgs because when they are shown to persons who haven’t moved up the grades, they usually cave in. Thus the materials are only available in Advanced Orgs.
Auditing at levels below Power is available from field auditors, Franchises and Scientology Orgs.
Power is available at Saint Hill Orgs in LA, Saint Hill UK, and Denmark.
All Solo levels are only available at Advanced Organizations.
A person goes from Field Auditor to Franchise to Scientology Org to a Saint Hill Org to an Advanced Org to obtain auditing of the whole Grade Chart.
Going from Clear back to lower grades — or from an Advanced Org back to a Franchise within the No Interference band — is liable to upset his case as it is being run out of sequence. He could go to a Franchise or a Scientology Org after OT III for Dianetics, Drug Rundown or other actions but not between R6 and OT III.
Processing and the mind is a technical subject. In Dianetics and Scientology, the answers have been found.
Like all technical material, you can’t apply it poorly or backwards and expect results.
I try — and very successfully in most cases — to hold the lines straight and keep the materials purely and workably applied.
In the past year alone, fantastic tech advances have been made and are available in terms of refined application within the existing framework of the Grade Chart.
But the fundamentals do not change, the progress of the person up the Grade Chart must be regular and on course. Otherwise he will not receive full benefits.
It is my job to do all I can to make sure that full benefit is received. This is not always easy to do on a rather aberrated planet. But if it weren’t so aberrated we wouldn’t be here doing something about it. Right?