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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Команды R3RA-Ш3ПА (Серия ДНЭ 7RA) (2) - Б780628RA78
- Команды R3RA-Ш3ПА (Серия ДНЭ 7RA) (3) - Б780628RA78
- Команды R3RA-Ш3ПА (Серия ДНЭ 7RA) (4) - Б780628RA78
- Команды R3RA-Ш3ПА (Серия ДНЭ 7RA) - Б780628RA78
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revisions in this type style)
Remimeo All Auditors New Era Dianetics Series 7RA

Important: Included in the vital revisions of this Bulletin is a change in the order of R3RA commands.


This is a short list on R3RA commands.

STEP 1: “Locate a time when you had_______.”

STEP 2: “When was it?” (Note: You accept any time or date or approximation the pc gives you. Do not attempt any dating drill.)

STEP 3: “Move to that incident.” (This step is omitted if the pc keeps telling you he is there already.)

STEP 4: “What is the duration of that incident?” (Accept any duration the pc gives you or any statement he makes about it. Do not attempt to meter him a more accurate duration.)

STEP 5: “Move to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there.”

STEP 6: “What do you see?” (If the pc’s eyes are open, tell the pc first, “Close your eyes,” acknowledge him quietly for doing so and then give him the command.)

STEP 7: “Move through that incident to a point (duration pc said) later.”

STEP 8: If pc comments before reaching the end say “OK, continue.”

STEP 9: When pc has reached the end of the incident ask “What happened?”

If the TA has risen (from its position at Step 1) the auditor immediately checks for an earlier incident (Step G). If no earlier incident, he asks for an earlier beginning to the incident (Step H).

If the TA is the same or lower, he runs the incident through again (Step A).

In going through an incident the second or successive times one does not ask for date and duration or any description.

A. (When the pa has told what happened and the auditor has acknowledged) “Move to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there.”

B. “Move through to the end of that incident.”

C. (When the pa has done so) “Tell me what happened.”

Ca. “Is that incident erasing or going more solid?” (TA rising means the: incident has gone more solid so the question is unnecessary if TA is higher.)

If the incident is erasing, go through it again (Step D).

If it has gone more solid, ask for an earlier incident (Step G) and if no earlier incident, ask for an earlier beginning (Step H).

D. “Return to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there.”

E. “Move through to the end of that incident.”

F. “Tell me what happened.”

Fa. “Is that incident erasing or going more solid?” (TA rising means the incident has gone more solid so the question is unnecessary if TA is higher.)

If the incident is erasing, go through it again (Step D).

If it has gone more solid, ask for an earlier incident (Step G) and if no earlier incident, ask for an earlier beginning (Step H).

G. “Is there an earlier incident when you had a (exact same somatic)?”

Continue on down the chain of the same somatic using Steps 2-9, A, B. C, D, E, F. G. H and EYE.

H. “Is there an earlier beginning to this incident?” or “Does the one we are running start earlier?” or “Does there seem to be an earlier starting point to this incident?”

(If not, give command D and put the pc through the incident again. If there is an earlier beginning, give command EYE.)

EYE. “Go to the new beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there.” (Followed by B. C.)

When it appears that you have reached the basic incident of the chain and that it is erasing, after each pass through, ask:

“Has it erased?”

The pc sometimes thinks the incident is erasing but it’s not erasing, so you have to go back to your G. H. EYE, followed by 2-9, A-EYE. In some cases this can happen several times in one chain.


The postulate coming off is the EP of the chain and means that you have obtained an erasure. This will be accompanied by F/N and VGIs.

Getting the postulate is the important thing. Even if you get an F/N you don’t call the F/N UNTIL you’ve gotten the postulate, at which time you have reached the EP and end off on that chain.

If the pc says the chain has erased, but the postulate made during the time of the incident has not been volunteered by the pc ask:

“Did you make a postulate at the time of that incident?”

Only when the postulate has come off to F/N and VGIs can one consider that the full EP of a Dianetic incident or chain has been reached.

You must recognize what the postulate is when it comes up. If you overrun past the postulate you can really mess a pa up and he may need extensive repair. All you’re trying to get off the line is the postulate. That is what is keeping the chain there.

If the pc has given the postulate to F/N and VGIs, that is it. You have the EP of that chain.


Ordinarily one runs an incident through twice, (Steps 1-9 then A-C), to unburden it and allow the pc to locate earlier incidents on the chain.

However, the TA rising on Step 9 is an indication that there is something earlier. If the auditor observes the TA rising, he should ask the pc if there is an earlier incident, using in the command the exact same somatic or feeling used in Step One. If there is no earlier he asks if there is an earlier beginning.

An auditor should never solidify a pc’s bank by putting him through an incident twice, when by observation of the TA it is clear that the incident has gone more solid by the end of the first run through.

Checking for an earlier incident after the first run through (if the TA has risen) is the solution to this.

If, after the second pass through, when you have asked the pc “Is the incident erasing or going more solid?” and the pc doesn’t know or isn’t sure, ask for an earlier incident.

Never ask erasing/solid in the middle of an incident.


If the pc is out of the session, out of the incident, bounces from the incident, etc. you would have to have him or her return to the beginning of the incident and move through the incident, returning the pc to the incident as necessary.

The pc who bounces out of an incident on a “bouncer” has to be put back into the incident and continue running it.

The commands to do this are: As soon as you have seen that the pc has bounced give him command D (“Return to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there.”), followed with E, F. Fa.

FLOWS 2, 3 AND 0


STEP ONE: “Locate an incident of your causing another _____ (the exact somatic or feeling in Flow 1).”

STEP G: “Is there an earlier incident of your causing another _____ (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)?”


STEP ONE: “Locate an incident of others causing others _____ (plural of the somatic or feeling used in Flow 1).”

STEP G. : “Is there an earlier incident of others causing others _____ (plural of the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)?”


STEP ONE: “Locate an incident of you causing yourself _____ (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1).”

STEP G: “Is there an earlier incident of you causing yourself _____ (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)?”


The commands for Narrative are:


STEP ONE: “Return to the time you (specific incident) and tell me when you are there.”

Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, “Return to the time…”).

Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pc to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C.

If there is no earlier beginning, return the pc to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use Steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pc is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, “Is there an earlier similar incident?”


STEP ONE: “Return to the time you caused another to/a (specific incident) and tell me when you are there.”

Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, “Return to the time… “).

Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pc to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C.

If there is no earlier beginning, return the pc to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use Steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pc is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, “Is there an earlier similar incident?”


STEP ONE: “Return to the time others caused others to/a (specific incident) and tell me when you are there.”

Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, “Return to the time…”).

Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pc to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C.

If there is no earlier beginning, return the pc to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use Steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pc is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, “Is there an earlier similar incident?”


STEP ONE: “Return to the time you caused yourself to (specific incident) and tell me when you are there.”

Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, “Return to the time…”).

Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pc to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C.

If there is no earlier beginning, return the pc to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use Steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pc is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, “Is there an earlier similar incident?”


Secondaries are run with the same commands as R3RA. If they are narrative secondaries they are run with the same commands as Narrative R3RA engrams.

The earlier similar command is “Is there an earlier similar incident?”

Always run narrative incidents Triple or Quad flow as above.

Auditors must be thoroughly drilled on these commands until they have them down cold using TR 101, 102, 103 and 104.

This must be done before the auditor audits the pc on Dianetics.
