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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R2-12 - Practical Drills - B621128

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Academies


The following drills were prepared by Brian Pope, Practical Supervisor Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. These drills may be used in any Academy or Course.


To teach a student to audit with 2-12 he must have certain basic auditing skills.

These are:

When an auditor has these skills he is capable of running 2-12 and can produce results without exception.


The Coach has the student use the 12 steps of 2-12 in Model Session. His purpose is to give the student a reality on the mechanics of what he is doing and coach him to be able to stick to the rote procedure without variation. The coach uses the HCO Bulletin November 23 step by step giving the student on a gradient scale anything he is likely to have to handle during R2-12.

Student uses a dummy meter and coach uses a pen as a needle during listing and nulling Items.


  1. The coach has student assess List 1 calling off each Item one at a time and makes sure that the student can null this list using a standard marking system and marking in any meter or pc phenomena which may be of value to him, i.e. , Rock Slams, Pn or Sen, Dirty Reads, etc.
  2. Coach has student drilled in Tiger Drilling the last 3-4 Items in as per “Tiger” (HCO Bulletin August 1, 1962).
  3. Coach shows student various things that could happen on a List One assessment.
    e.g. 2 Rock Slamming Items stay in, 1 RS Item stays in, Sporadic Item stays in, nothing stays in, and teaches student what to do with the Item he is left with (Step 3 of 2-12).
  4. Coach shows student how to get a represent list from a reading Item (Step 4, 2-12) coaching him on marking his list with any useful data that shows up during listing or nulling. Coach gives student reality on dirty needles and incomplete lists by “turning on” dirty needles during nulling, also gives student reality on outrudiments during nulling causing Items to stay in — 3 Items in a row stay in shows a Mid Rud out somewhere — coach has student have a complete list before nulling.
  5. Coach has student null the list by saying each Item once until only 3 or 4 react.
  6. Coach has student TD last few Items as in Step 2 to a Reliable — or 2 Reliable Items.
  7. Coach has student do Step 7 of 2-12 practising all he has learned regarding needle behaviour and coaches student to recognise a term or an oppterm (HCO Bulletin November 8, 1962).
  8. Coach has student complete the Steps 8-12 of R2-12 having him handle anything which may come up during a session and find a package or recognise a blown Item.

Instructor passes student when he can run the whole 2-12 steps and find a “package” on Instructor without any variation from procedure.

Coach uses HCO Bulletin on 2-12 throughout as his reference for coaching.

Coach should look for:


  1. Poor marking system in nulling.
  2. Incomplete lists.
  3. Too many Mid Ruds.
  4. Failure to get in Mid Ruds.
  5. Failure to add Items to list.
  6. Poor Tiger Drilling (Tiger Drill is a dust-off not a full-scale cleaning up job like a prepcheck).
  7. Student failure to note RS Items during listing or nulling also failure to note any Pn or Sen pc originates.
  8. Poor R factor — not keeping pc informed.
  9. Failure to recognise a blown Item or package.