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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Proclamation - Power to Forgive - B781110-1R78
- Proclamation - Power to Forgive - Addition - B781110-1R78

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Провозглашение - Власть Прощения - Б781110-1R78
- Провозглашение - Власть Прощения, Добавление - Б781110-1RA78-1
- Сертификат Власть Прощения - Б781110-2
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Revised 3 December 1978
Remimeo (Revision in this type style)
(Also issued as an HCO Policy Letter under same date and title.)


A Scientology minister who has been duly trained and certified in the Confessional procedure of the Church of Scientology and is in good standing with the Church with his certificates in force, is invested with the power to forgive the admitted sins of an individual to whom he has administered full Confessional procedure.

Confessionals have been part and parcel of religion nearly as long as religion has existed.

It has been broadly recognized down through the ages that only when a person has owned up to his sins can he experience relief from the burden of guilt he carries because of them.

In Scientology we have had, since the early years, procedures whereby an individual is able to confess his withholds and the overt acts underlying them. We have long known that confessing one’s overt acts is the first step toward taking responsibility for them and seeking to make things right again.

The acknowledgement that follows each confession in Scientology procedure is an assurance to the person that his confession has been heard.

Such assurance helps him to end cycle on the bad things he has done and unsticks him from a preoccupation with his guilt over them to where he can then put his attention on constructive activities.

That is the purpose of any Confessional.

There is another element that further helps the individual to accomplish this, and that is forgiveness.

Thus, at the end of a Confessional, when it has been fully completed, the Scientology auditor who has administered the Confessional must inform the person that he is forgiven for the sins he has just confessed, and that he is cleared of these sins and free of them.

The statement that is used is:

“By the power invested in me, any overts and withholds you have fully and truthfully told me are forgiven by Scientologists.”

A special certificate is to be issued to each Scientology minister who has been trained and certified on the Level II Course or the Confessional Course to administer Confessional procedure, and who is in good standing with the Church with his certificates in force, investing him with the power to forgive the sins confessed to him by an individual in a Confessional session.

Any auditor who is trained to deliver the Ethics Repair List has priority in the issuance of such certificate.
