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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Processing a New Mother - B581220



(An article for any Scientology Magazine authorized by a Central Organization)

The handling of a woman during and after pregnancy has a specific successful drill which should be generally known. This is not an attempt to give all the known data concerning pregnancy, delivery and child care. I will someday summarize all these. At this time I wish to give you only the processes and general use.

First, a woman should not be processed on engrams after the early months. Therefore a pregnant woman should be processed toward clear early and well. In other words she should be gotten into good shape soon in the pregnancy. Old Expanded Gita on babies, husbands, wives, bodies is definitely indicated.

After the sixth month only havingness and general Scientology processes can be run without injuring the baby — no engrams.

Next, the delivery itself should carry as little anaesthetic as possible, be as calm and no-talk as possible and the baby should not be bathed or chilled but should be wrapped somewhat tightly in a warm blanket, very soft, and then left alone for a day or so.

At once after delivery the woman should have simple havingness run — “Look around here and find something you have” — preferably by the husband. One hour of this at once, one more hour same day, two hours following day, all havingness and havingness only should be run.

After two days run the following:

“Invent something worse than — a delivery” (flatten it), “… a baby” (flatten it), “… a doctor” (flatten it), “… a nurse” (flatten it), “… a delivery room” (flatten it), “… a mother” (flatten it), “… a husband” (flatten it),”… an abdomen” (flatten it), “… a womb” (flatten it).

This should be done in next many days following the delivery. This and more factual havingness (all 3 commands) should straighten up the mother. It would be well if the six buttons and inventing were cleared away in early pregnancy so the post pregnancy processes will run easily. She shouldn’t face a new processing idea in the first few days after delivery, so if the processes are early prepared, all will be well.

On the baby, perhaps the best thing is no processing for three days. Then talk to the baby, tell the newcomer he or she is welcome, then make friends. Various things can be done — touch assist is best. Even the birth engram can be run but that’s a little adventurous in a lot of cases.

The most to know about the baby is not to tire him or her unduly for a week or two, feed a protein formula if mother not breast feeding. This formula is most like human milk. I picked it up in Roman days and have used it since — 15 ounces of barley water, 10 ounces of homogenized milk, 3 ounces Karo syrup (this can be multiplied by any number according to the number of bottles desired but the ratio remains the same). Evaporated or condensed milk and heavy sugar make fat not bone. Protein is the thing that heals and makes strong growth. Modern hospital formulas and patent mixes for babies are not just bad, they are criminal.

Then the next important thing for a baby is to know he or she is winning. Don’t expect him or her to do more than a baby can do. Grant beingness to a baby.

“You make that body lie in that cradle” is wonderful on babies up to six months.

Let the child see Mama and Daddy both at least once a day. Never quarrel or argue in front of a baby or a child — it destroys security.

Always treat mama and baby with courtesy and respect and they’ll thrive. After all, they have done something. They’re keeping the human race going.