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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Processes to Be Run on HGC Preclears from This Date - B570909



The following processes are to be run on HGC preclears from this date until otherwise notified.

ON PRECLEARS WHO HAVE POINTS BELOW THE ZERO LINE OF APAs: Very brief rudiments. Then CCH 1, CCH 2, CCH 3 and CCH 4. These processes are not run on a basis where each is killed dead before the auditor goes on. Each is run to a flat spot and then bridged to the next. It would be amazing to run one of them more than a couple of hours except perhaps CCH 4 Book Mimicry, but even this is only run to a mediumly flat spot. As soon as the auditor has gone through these four processes once he goes over each one again, possibly using now CCH I (b), Don’t give me that hand, instead of Give me that hand. It will be noted that each one of these tends to unflatten the other three. Further a pc may get no response at all on CCH I until he has run CCH 3 and CCH 4. Hence to grind on one only is folly of the first order.

The object of these processes CCH 1-4 is to get the person under control, by which is meant the body. Only when that is done can an auditor hope to go on with success.

Once the person is under control it is quite easy to put attention under control. This is best done by TRAINING 10 Locational Processing. It is to be noted on a low scale case that TR 10 can be enforced. Thus the pc does not fly out of control.

ON PRECLEARS WHO HAVE MOST POINTS ABOVE THE ZERO LINE OF AN APA: Here again we have to hit the CCH steps but in this case we first handle rudiments with the following thoroughness:

1. We clear help. Can the auditor help the pc. Can the pc help the auditor. Do people ever help people. Etc. On a two way comm basis break this down until the pc comes through any compulsive help or wasting help.

2. We clear pt problem making sure again that the pc can invent a problem of some sort about something. We run pt problem on a terminal only, never on a condition. Further, we run this until the pc is willing to let the pt problem ride. We don’t want him to be “willing to do something about it”. But we NEVER let this process occupy 15% of an intensive. Why? Because havingness is the clue to problems and a person obsessively has problems when he doesn’t have havingness. If a problem takes too long to clear, the auditor blundered by running pt problem and should come off of it at the first logical spot and return to it AFTER he has later run havingness.

3. Goals are then cleared in full. It doesn’t matter if this takes the rest of the intensive. The questions are formally audited as follows: “Tell me something that you’re absolutely certain will be there in _________,” “Tell me something you would really like to have in ________.” The times are one minute, five minutes, one hour, one day, three days, one week, one month, three months, six months, one year, two years, three years, ten years. These times are not absolute, but may be changed by the auditor. But they are close to pat as given. The auditor does not figure out for the preclear the dates on which these times will occur. The pc’s figuring out the date is part of the process.

From here the auditor selectively shoots up APA by running old-time Trio with all three parts. In this he knocks out “remain” and “dispense with” as well as “have”. He runs this Trio as follows. He runs many haves, then bridges to many remains, then bridges to many, many, many dispense withs. Then he bridges to haves, then runs many, many, many remains, and bridges to many dispense withs. Then he bridges to many, many, many haves, runs many remains (into which he bridges), and then bridges to many dispense withs. He can keep this up in this order. Each one of the legs of Trio tends to unflatten the other two legs. All three have to wind up flat. This is run first inside and then, if being concentrated on, outside. Goals can be run again as above if desired for then will run differently.

If the auditor has any suspicion that he does not have the pc under control he runs the early CCH steps briefly and accomplishes it.

If the foregoing basic things are done, then many other things can be done. An analysis of a profile will tell us a few things about a preclear and while we do not yet have every point on an APA taped, we do have several.

Foremost is the point “nervous-depressed”. When this is low, the pc doesn’t have any reality on anything. No stable datum. The first stable datum the pc gets may well be achieved by the oldy ARC STRAIGHTWIRE gone through just a few times. That’s cracked plenty of people’s cases. The early CCH steps are all aimed squarely at that point. “Look at me who am l?” also hammers at that point. When I see a before and after with no change on nervous-depressed when it was low (always about - 90) I think, “The pc never found the auditor”. Actually it’s lack on any stable datum of any kind. The auditor may be found only after the pc has gotten hold of some very minor stable datum, “Something that’s really real in the room.” “Recall a moment that is really real to you.”

The second point we have even better established through test is the CRITICAL. When this is low, the pc is on obsessive change and will LET NOTHING REMAIN. Getting him to let just one thing remain (and to be still) can shift this critical. Letting things remain is the key to a low critical.

IQ is another big win for us now since we know what IQ is all about. IQ is the ABILITY TO WlTHHOLD OR GIVE OUT A DATUM ON A SELF DETERMINED BASIS. Incidentally we also shoot valences with WITHHOLD. It is run the same way whether shooting valences or raising IQ. One finds the weak valence from which the pc could withhold nothing and finally gets the pc to be able to withhold things from that valence.

EXTERIORIZATION is accomplished by “Recall a moment of loss”. When a pc gets this flat he can then be run on old S-C-S routine (not Stop-C-S) and he will exteriorize easily.

Psychosomatic difficulties have been vanished rather easily on withhold. “Look around here and find something from which you could withhold that _______” skin-rash, leg, whatever.

EYESIGHT can be shifted by CONTROL TRIO with emphasis on Disappear.

THE FAILED CASE is a case in which thought can always be overpowered by Mest. The pc’s ability to make his thinkingness prevail against Mest has failed too often and cannot change. Only Mest changes, therefore. This is usually the below zero on the APA pc. Making him think things and do things doesn’t much change him because he is too weak in thinking to prevail against Mest. “Look at it and tell me something about it you could handle” or “Think a thought that would be all right for you to think”, and other approaches, done by a clever auditor, can crack this sort of thing up on an even gone case. This is a point which occasionally needs attention, particularly when we have a pc who is not changing on APA or IQ. If an intensive didn’t change him, he can’t think against anything. The oldest workable remedy known is “Spot something around here that isn’t thinking”.

After being trained in the TRs it is necessary to run a student on the remain button of Control Trio or Trio and upon withhold processes to up his test.

I have turned out this bulletin rapidly for use in the HGC and on students in training. This bulletin will only be modified when necessity becomes apparent. Nothing in this bulletin will overcome sloppy, yakkeyety, wiggly or can’t-confront auditing.

I trust you will get good results with the above.

