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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- OT Procedures for HCS BSCN Courses - B600108

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Originally issued in Washington, D.C.)
HCO Secs Assn Secs Ds of P Staff Auditors

OT Procedures For HCS/BScn Courses

JAN 1960 LRH TAPES, 9 HOURS, 7 1/2 ips.



(a) Auditor checked out — o/w’s off on auditor or auditors or pcs until OK to be audited.

(b) Environment checked out — o/w’s on auditing room, associated personnel and people.

(c) PTP checked out — o/w’s on people connected with PTP unless it can be done by Problems of Comparable Magnitude or two-way comm.

(d) ARC breaks — check earlier sessions. TR5N.

(e) Goals for session.

Omit any or all of above except goals if pc already in session. Use any or all of above at any time if session bogs down or pc gets upset or choppy.


You do the auditing. This is all HGC type auditing, not PE Co-Audit. The auditor handles pc and improves pc on his own responsibility. Instructions which violate this (making auditor a via, not cause) may be disregarded both by student and staff auditors.

Audit the pc on the whole track as a general rule only when pc’s tone arm is sitting at Clear as a consequence of setting up the session, getting off present life overts, rehabilitating ability to withhold, getting responsibility run on incidents pc has revealed, getting off discreditable creations and getting responsibility run on them.

Don’t wound-up doll on pc. Keep finding out what he is doing and how he is doing it and if he is doing anything else. Be interested.

Use heavy control, as extreme as you feel necessary, as mild as works.

If pc is ARC breaky work rudiments over or look hard for present life overts and withholds discreditable to pc.

Enfin Do what you do thoroughly. If you only do a small portion of this, do it well and finish it before looking for greener pastures.

First Stage

1. Clean up and continue to keep cleaned up pc’s overts and withholds in life which would interrupt two-way comm with auditor. This includes anything pc has done in his life which disturbs the tone arm.

Rehabilitate pc’s ability to withhold on any terminal he has done lots of overts against.

(Overts include making another person guilty of anything. Don’t overlook these.) Always run responsibility on any major overts discovered.

2. Only when a pc has a needle reading at clear reading for his sex should you go for chronic somatics, etc.

Note: The following steps are not necessarily to be run in the order they are listed here. It is at the auditor’s discretion which is tackled when.

3. Hunt up pc’s “discreditable creations” (use wording that best communicates to pc in asking for these), starting with his present lifetime. Run responsibility on these. Use some such commands as: “What part of that incident could you admit causing?” — “What could you withhold from that person (those people)?”

4. Check well into his goals. What goals does he particularly want rehabilitated? Clean up his earliest present life “discreditable creation” on this goal line by running responsibility on it. You may do well to run several of these. This, of course, may be done much later in session after whole track. This is artistic rehabilitation.

5. Find out how he feels about generally improving himself. Burning question: Does he deserve to get well? Investigate his chronic somatics and find out who he is making guilty by having them. Do this by clever two-way comm, not by repetitive auditing command. This is the make-break point of a case. Get real real about it. This step applies ordinarily to the very boggy case that isn’t running well. Any case can benefit from it but it is a must on a boggy case.

6. Clean up “social atmosphere” of present life by getting off 2nd and 3rd dynamic overt-withholds. Family, job, etc. This step would be more germane to an HGC pc and may be omitted by students. However, a bad tone arm that won’t adjust to clear by the above will possibly adjust with this step if you rehabilitate the pc’s ability to withhold from such areas.

General Note on Above. Always run some responsibility when a pc communicates an overt or withhold of magnitude. The tone arm will not come down or go up when pc communicates overt or withhold unless he assumes responsibility for the act.

Always rehabilitate pc’s ability to withhold, especially when auditor is getting him to spill a great deal. “Mindless Object” reading (1.5) indicates pc’s ability to withhold has been badly shaken. Good command: “Think of something you could withhold.” Runs well, alternated with various forms of “What could you admit causing?”

Second Stage

1. If pc has a field, somatics, malformity or aberration, clean it up as follows:

(a) Find out what he is looking at.

(b) Date it with the meter.

(c) Run “What part of the scene could you admit causing?” (Keep on with the same command no matter how much the scene changes, until pc is in PT when he will most likely come up with the scene of present auditor and auditing environment within the last day or two. It is then flat for your purposes.

2. Disassociation from identities. Stable Datum: Any “identity” is a misidentification, therefore get it off case.

(a) Identity most in restimulation. (Whole track.)

(b) Identities of the last two or three lives, with special attention to the shifts of identity involved.

(c) Any identities you can get hold of. Be sure to get his most creative life. (Whole track.)

3. Immediate past lives. Most cases crack when the last life before this one and perhaps the last few lives are well explored. Tackle these with the E-Meter. Find out all about them.

The rule is that in stage one you set the pc up to be audited and clean up present life. In stage two you clean up immediate past life or lives and then the whole track.


The keynote is Increase Confidence by increasing ability. The gradient scale is:

(a) Confidence in being audited.

(b) Confidence in present existence (immediate time track).

(c) Confidence in present life.

(d) Confidence in regaining health by running off chronic somatics.

(e) Confidence in regaining memory of and recovering from past few lives, particularly the last one.

(f) Confidence on the whole track by removing overts and re-establishing withhold ability on the whole track.

If a step is done well and thoroughly, the next step is done more easily by pc. If no thoroughness is present and if pc never wins on any step, recovery is only partial.