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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assists in Scientology (ABM-73) - ABM580500
- Procedure CCH Continued (PAB 135) - PAB580500
- Scientology and the Reactive Mind (ABM-74) - ABM580500

P.A.B. No. 135
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

1 May 1958


Compiled from the Research Writings and Taped Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard
CCH 5:

This is Tone 40 Locational Processing, and the purpose of this process is to bring the preclear’s attention under control and unfix it from the facsimiles which usually control his attention. It is also a most valuable process to run when the preclear’s communication is too poor to run the present time problems with Problems of Comparable/Incomparable Magnitude.

It brings the preclear from the problem in which he is interiorized into a recognition of the environment, which gives him havingness, and he can consequently unfix his attention from the problem. It brings him into present time — the 6th dynamic — and he can have mass again.

Since this is a Tone 40 process the auditor does not acknowledge idle chatter from the preclear, but should HE say something, the process may be frozen after a few more commands have been executed and the auditor can discuss or “fish” the cognition. The auditor must point to and clearly indicate the object which he wants the preclear to see and must make sure that his “thank you” stops the preclear from getting stuck on the object at which he looks.

The commands are “With that body’s eyes notice that (indicated object, wall, etc.).” When the preclear has done so the auditor says “Thank you” with such intention as to stop the cycle of action completely and to start a new command in present time. If the acknowledgment really reached the preclear he will immediately look away from the object at which he was looking and look at you, smile and seem pleased. Incidentally, the auditor points to both that body and that object.

While using this process in CCH 0, the handling of the present time problem, it can be used as either ordinary or Tone 40 Locational.

CCH 6:

To bring the preclear’s attention further and fully under control of the auditor, Opening Procedure by Duplication 1957, with the following commands, is used: (Auditor takes a book and bottle, placing them some distance apart on tables so that the preclear doesn’t have to bend.) “With that body’s eyes look at that book.” “Thank you.” “Walk that body over to that book.” “Thank you.” (Auditor each time with the commands points to “that body” and “that book.”) “With that hand pick up that book.” “Thank you.” “Put that book down in exactly the same place.” “Thank you.”

“Turn that body round.” “Thank you.” “With that body’s eyes look at that bottle,” etc.

It is a Tone 40 process and should be run precisely, making sure that the preclear does not anticipate or distort the command. Duplication + Control = Communication is a formula which is well worth remembering during the running of all Tone 40 processes. This does not mean that if the preclear seems to be communicating, he is, for a lot of his machinery will go into restimulation during this process and one must be able to differentiate between the preclear’s originations and those of his bank.

This, being one of the most arduous processes in Scientology, should be run in one session until flat; otherwise the preclear will be hung up at the point where the process was ended and it will unnecessarily retard the progress which Procedure CCH brings about.

These two processes, when well run, will bring the preclear’s attention under the direction of the auditor. Since duplication will straighten out all the vias and twists the preclear might have in receiving the exact intention of the command which originated from the auditor, the auditor may then proceed to bring the preclear’s thinkingness under his control with

CCH 7: Tone 40 8-C — ”Keep it from going away,”

CCH 8: Tone 40 8-C — ”Hold it still,” and

CCH 9: Tone 40 8-C — ”Make it a little more solid,”

which should be run as a combo [combination of processes] one after the other until each one is flat.

As with most processes, make sure that the command is cleared before embarked upon, and then after a while, if the preclear doesn’t cognite or have any facsimiles, find out “how” and “what” he is doing, for there might still be a possibility that due to semantic difficulties he misunderstood the command and is really running another.

“Keep it from going away” and “Hold it still,” apart from the fundamental value in cognitions, are to exercise the preclear’s ability to control facsimiles — to keep them from going away and to hold them still when he later is going to run Then and Now Solids, which demands just that. Preclears who have been involved in Eastern teachings will cognite during running “Hold it still” and find out a lot about “serenity” and the eighth dynamic. All the things which the preclear has been keeping from going away will come to view. These are good exteriorizing processes. Refer to earlier PABs for further information regarding these processes.

“Make it a little more solid” is the first exercise in making MEST and facsimiles a little more solid and must be done before the preclear can progress to Then and Now Solids. His abilities to keep things from going away, hold them still and make them a little more solid must be thoroughly checked and rechecked, and the auditor must be sure in his own mind that the preclear has acquired these abilities.

Making things a little more solid is just what it says. The preclear does not have to make things very massive, but he should be aware of an increase in the mass, weight and density of the structure of that which he is making more solid. This process will increase his reality on the Prelogics and reverse the flow of solids. It will remedy the preclear’s havingness and push him further up the Scale of Reality.

The commands for the three Tone 40 8-Cs are: “With that body’s eyes look at that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Walk that body over to that (indicated object).” “With those hands touch that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Keep it from going away.” “Hold it still.” “Make it a little more solid.” Run each one flat individually.

Since these are Tone 40 processes, precision of execution of commands is closely observed by the auditor.

“These processes include a control of thinkingness of the preclear and therefore should be run with a tremendous amount of auditor trust of the preclear and should not be run until the lower levels of CCH are to some degree flat, as they will give the preclear losses. “ — LRH from “The Student Manual.”

CCH 12 and CCH 13:

CCH 12 is known as “Limited Subjective Havingness.” The commands for this set of processes are: “What can you mock up?” Preclear answers and the auditor says, “O.K.” to the preclear’s answer and then tells him: “Mock up (whatever the preclear said he could mock up).” “O.K.” “Shove it into yourself.” Run this flat then proceed in the same way except for then having the preclear “Let it remain where it is.” When this is flat enter on the third part, which is “Throw it away.”

Have the preclear shove the mock-ups into “himself” and not the body. Remember it is “have” for the thetan and “can’t have” for the body. It is important here to remedy the havingness of the preclear’s bank before going on to Then and Now Solids.

Should the preclear’s field be black, then run the following process until it clears up: Remedy the field with blackness. Have him mock it up, let it remain and throw it away. This preclear is holding on to blackness since he does not have enough blackness. This is remedying the havingness with blackness of which he has a scarcity.

If the preclear’s field is invisibility, put glass objects of all sorts and sizes on a table next to him and one after another have him “Keep it from going away” until his field returns.

As with all other processes in Scientology we are only interested in giving our preclears wins, and it is therefore necessary to see that he completes each step successfully before continuing with the next process.

Should none of these processes do what is required, CCH has not been properly applied and steps 0 to 5 should be run once more and the auditor can then run Control Trio, which is being spoken about in a later PAB.

CCH 13 is “Subjective Solids” and the first exercise to make things solid subjectively. The commands for this process are: “What can you mock up?” (which is asked every time one changes the type of mock-ups). “O.K.” “Mock up (whatever the preclear said he could mock up).” “O.K.” “Now make it a little more solid.” When this is done the auditor checks with “Did you do it?” for preclears often say they have when they didn’t execute the command.

Start this on a gradient scale. As long as he makes only a few atoms of the mock- up a little more solid the auditor should be satisfied. The preclear here will break through Effort on the Know to Mystery Scale and as he proceeds use less and less effort until he just postulates the solidity.

It is most important to ask the preclear what he is doing, how he is doing it to insure that he IS doing it properly.

Smoothness of auditing is essential. One does not desire to break ARC with the preclear, but a certain amount of policing is necessary and this is a “certainty” process. It is important that the preclear find the process “real,” otherwise he is not under control and will not be able to do Then and Now Solids, to which all these other processes lead.