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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- How to Find a Why on a Person and Handle (CRAM-16) - BTB720406R75

6 APRIL 1972R
Revised & Reissued 16 October 1975 as BPL
HCO Policy Letter of 6 April 1972
Issue II
Same Title
Remimeo Cramming Officers Cramming Series 16

How To Find A Why On A Person And Handle

(See HCO PL 19 March 1972, Issue II, Data Series 25, "Learning to Use Data Analysis".)

The tech of finding a Why on an individual person is extremely important and is the fundamental tool of the Est O, Cramming Officer, Dept of Personnel Enhancement and others.

The resolution of a major broad Why can depend on the finding and handling of individual Whys. Example: In LRH ED 174R INT the Why of failures in Tech and Admin areas was found to be "Study Tech not in use for individual whys for each supervisor and student". A similar example exists where tapes with Scientology materials were not in full or proper use, the Why being "Tapes with Scientology materials not in use for an individual Why for each org person concerned". In each case, the tech of finding the individual Why is necessary to handling the broad Why.

This tech is contained in the Data Series PLs and is restated here in brief form for finding the Why on a person.


1. Know the Data Series PLs. (Don't have any misunderstood words on them.)

2. Work out exactly what the person should be producing.

3. Work out the ideal scene.

4. Investigate the existing scene.

Observe the scene around the person for outpoints related to what the person should be doing in an Ideal Scene.

Verify that there is a situation with that individual and that you know what the situation is. Don't go trying to find the Why of a no situation. (A bad situation is measured by the difference between existing scene and an Ideal Scene and threat to Ideal Scene.)

5. Ask the person exact specific questions pertaining to the situation.

6. Do not at any time ask the person for the Why. If the person knew the Why, the situation wouldn't exist.

7. Use the comm formula and get your questions answered. Don't be diverted by the person's "reasons".

8. Note all outpoints.

9. Be alert for the area(s) with the most outpoints which relate to the situation.

10. Verify the data by looking. This will often reveal the major outpoint which leads to the Why. It must be realized that you are often looking for an omitted something, hence a knowledge of the Ideal Scene and product is required.

11. When you find a major outpoint, trace down the chain of outpoints to the Why. Pull the string by asking more questions in the area of the Major Outpoint.

12. The big crashing outpoint that explains all the other outpoints will be the Why.

13. The Why must have something to do with the person. If not, you will have a "Why is God" and it won't resolve.

14. Indicate the Why to the person. Correct Whys result in Cogs and VGIs. A wrong Why can make the person feel degraded, will not bring in VGIs and will not lead to a resolution of the situation.

15. Look over existing resources.

16. Get a Bright Idea of how to handle.

17. Handle or recommend handling so that it stays handled. The handling of the Why must directly relate to the Why that was found.


1. Situation: Supervisor not using study tech.

Investigation: Supervisor was observed, found to be very casual with students. No 8-C. Supervisor questioned. All outpoints in area of Supervisor not wanting to tell students what to do and himself not liking to be told what to do.

Why: Big button on control and does not want to control others. Why was indicated with cognitions and VGIs after initial HE&R on the subject.

Handling: Objective processes especially SCS.

2. Situation: Student taking forever on study of tapes.

Investigation: Observed student transcribing tapes so he could later look up the words. Didn't know why you don't go past a misunderstood word.

Why: Never studied the study tech.

Handling: Primary Rundown.

3. Situation: Staff member not doing his job. Ineffective on post.

Investigation: Found out what the person was doing. Found he was given and had been doing the functions of another post.

Why: Accepting illegal orders.

Handling: Offload of extraneous functions. Word Clear relevant PLs.

4. Situation: Folder Page backlogging folders. Not getting them through to C/S.

Investigation: Questioned Folder Page to find her product. Found it was a C/S not overloaded with folders.

Why: Working for a wrong product. Didn't know required product.

Handling: Product Rundown.

5. Situation: D of P not doing standard duties. Letting Pcs stall on lines.

Investigation: Checked hat and flow chart. Found flow chart had been done but never referred to and missing all the key points where Pcs can stall on lines. Expecting Pcs to arrive back at HGC of their own accord.

Why: Unawareness of lines and terminals and how they can be influenced.

Handling: Line Drills (following pipes and flow lines in an engine room). Make up correct flow chart and drill it.

After finding the Why and getting the handling implemented, the situation is again reviewed to see if it still exists. If so, a wrong Why was found. The Handling is to redo the steps and get the correct Why. A Why which cannot be handled or does not lead toward attainment of the Ideal Scene is of course a wrong Why.

The finding of individual Whys on persons is normally a very fast action. The Why is simply found and the handling implemented.

The more you do of them, the faster and more expert you become.


When Why Finding is done on a meter, the above steps still pertain; however, meter reads are used to help establish the situation and track down the Why. Falls or a BD would indicate the right area. The correct Why would result in F/N, Cog, VGIs. (At this point, you would indicate the Why and continue with steps 14-16.)

Metered Why Finding should end with an F/N. Worksheets are kept.

After any Why Finding, metered or not, the person is sent to the Pc Examiner. The worksheets are routed to Tech Services so they can be filed in the person's Pc folder.

Training & Services Aide and Dissem Aide by order of
Revised by Msm John Eastment; A/CS-5 and Molly Gilliam; Flag Mission 1234,
2nd Reissued as BPL by Flag Mission 1234, 2nd Molly Gilliam
Approved by the Commodore's Staff Aides
and the Board of Issues for the