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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Good Processes (PAB 106) - PAB570215

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P.A.B. No. 106
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

15 February 1957


Prepared from the research papers of L. Ron Hubbard The material in recent PABs, much of it, has come from an LRH research paper that still contains material, not covered, on some modern processes and general theory of primary value. In the research paper it is given in extremely staccato fashion, as the paper was the basis for conferences where the material could be expanded. Here is some more of the material.

The best processes are those which fastest convert unknowing games conditions to knowing games conditions. This does not disregard the fact that one’s goal of processing might be, at a very far reach, the static. No-games conditions do describe the static and various harmonics of the static. The no-games conditions list does not anywhere describe workable processing tools. Games conditions, and games conditions only, do that.

Here are some of those fastest processes:

CONTROL. Start, Change and Stop on objects or preclear’s body, emphasis on stop. Why emphasis on stop? It has long been known in Scientology (see Scientology 8-80) that the ability to hold points, locations, masses and objects, including bodies, in space at one’s own direction and choice is the essence of control. Without the ability to fix locations in space there is no self-determinism. Where one is concerned with the physical universe he collapses if he cannot hold space.

The exact commands and procedure of control processes are contained in recent PABs as well as in early Bulletins to be released.

The effectiveness of any processing is as great as the extreme of good control is exercised by the auditor. A corollary to this is that how well one lives life is measured by the extent of his good control of the things within his actual boundaries of interest.

FIGHT THE WALL. This is a very fascinating process. The auditor makes (he has to make him) the preclear fight the wall bodily. Since there is no accepted social behavior in man on this subject, the way that a preclear will DO this process varies somewhat wildly. What his running of the process does is to bring him up to a confrontingness of walls and environment. It does this through exercising a games condition (fighting) and causing the preclear to exercise this games condition knowingly. It is not designed to 7 nor does it, run out the preclear’s ability to fight.

The total command is, having directed the preclear’s attention to a wall, “Fight the wall.” You don’t tell them how to fight it, you tell them to fight it. The amount of bruised knuckles and holes in plaster can be cut down by providing the preclear with a mattress or other protector and it works just as well. The purpose of the process is not damage, although preclears are known to go into fighting walls with a peculiar enthusiasm.

This can also be run by mock-ups but not as a substitute for making the preclear use his body. Do not make a thinkingness process of this, it is a doingness and a confrontingness process. It can be run outdoors on trees, etc., as well as in the auditing room.

OPPONENTS. The main thing about opponents is that there are not enough of them. An opponent is a games condition. Have the preclear tell lies about the subject of opponents. That is a good process. Have the preclear invent opponents. Of these two, Invent is best, but Lie is a lower harmonic of Invent and can be run all the way south.

When opponents become scarce to an individual they become so precious and valuable that he will neither confront, have, nor let go of anything he considers to be one. He will fight himself and do all sorts of things but he will not do these things. He becomes extremely aberrated on this point and will attempt to “discover” enemies or “find out” or some such thing. This is a compulsive games condition, with unknownness. Havingness is extremely poor on such an individual.

The exact commands are “Tell me a lie about an opponent,” “Tell me a lie about opponents,” “Invent an opponent.”

INDIVIDUALITY. A lot is said about individuality. Indeed it is a highly important subject. Either individuality is a very bad thing and causes human troubles, is a very good thing, or it is a games condition. The truth is that individuality is an aberration and a games condition. It therefore, good or bad, processes, whereas namelessness (unidentifiedness) does not. An extreme or exaggerated view on the subject of individuality is a havingness upset and contains unknowingness. Knowingness about identity includes awareness of game. A good process is “Invent an individuality that would impress people.” Run it for all eight dynamics. Examples: “Invent an individuality that would impress animals,” “Invent an individuality that would impress God.”

CAN’T HAVE. An interesting little creative processing process is “Mock up a mockup” and then “Say that bodies can’t have it” or “Say that your body can’t have it.” A further use of this is to say that the MEST universe can’t have it. Auditors call this “Escape Processing.”

EFFECT. Lie about an effect you are having. Examples: “I’m not having any effect from my tooth,” “I’m not having any effect from that wall” or “That wall is giving me some money.” Lie about an effect you are having on (any dynamic).

PROBLEMS. Problems must be handled in auditing. Never leave the present time problem unhandled. This does not mean that the problem is flat when the preclear says he now knows what to do about it or can solve it, etc. The problem is not flat until he can tolerate it solved or not solved. If he MUST solve it then he is not able to tolerate the problem and it is not flat. People think that all problems or some problems MUST be solved. They think this because they cannot tolerate or confront the problems.

Problems are processed by “Invent a problem of comparable magnitude to (the problem).” Until preclear can have the problem.

Undercutting the above, is, having the preclear tell lies about the problem.

Inventing problems of comparable magnitude must each time be questioned as to “How could that be a problem to you?”

Another process related to problems is “Consequences of Solutions.” Since a problem not confronted persists and confronted does not persist, then preclears can discover that they have been not solving problems because they were scarce.

SOLIDS. “What are you looking at?”, “Make it solid,” “What are you looking at?”, etc.

VACUUMS. A vacuum is a super-cold object which, if brought into contact with bank, drinks bank. Objects at 25°F or less have high electrical capacitance, low resistance. This was psychiatry before Earth. Shocks, ether, can act similarly. This is how one mechanically forgets the past. He depends on pictures, loses pictures to a vacuum incident. Vacuums drink up the preclear’s havingness. They are just incidents and they are brainwashing. You encounter these running solids. Opponents, individualities, more solids, problems, undo them.

RESTIMULATION. When one violates a games condition, intends to have an effect on something and doesn’t, one often puts the effect on the body. One thus gets “no- effect” on opponent, makes an effect on self. This is restimulation. It is also stimulus- response.

“Effect you could have on (people, preclears, any dynamic)” remedies this. The condition of self-auditing while auditing is the above restimulation. The same process resolves it.


A term that really makes a psychiatrist feel like somebody is “schizo,” their nickname for the schizophrenic. It is an odd misnomer in that it means split personality and the trouble with a schizo is that he needs splitting, not that he’s split. He’s in another’s valence, and what is required is to remove or split the preclear out of that other’s valence.

STEPS. A series of steps rather than a single process or command worked best by test at the Hubbard Guidance Center and the London HASI Clinic.

  1. Get the preclear under control with Start-Change-Stop. Lots of it. This can’t be slid over or brushed through carelessly. The total reason for getting the preclear under good control is that he is under bad control or he wouldn’t be a preclear, even though the bad control is his own. Though it is his own it is not knowing. The auditor’s job is to make the preclear CAUSATIVE throughout. The preclear must be CAUSE toward all things in the session. The control by the auditor is necessary because, left to his own devices, as he has been for aeons, the preclear will be EFFECT of his reactive bank, pictures, circuits and figure-figure. The one thing, of course, that the preclear is effect of in session and not causative toward is the auditing. The auditor pan-determines the whole thing.
  2. Unjam the track with “What are you looking at? Make it solid.” Anything jamming (sticking, holding) the track (time) can be run AS A VALENCE in the following steps. Examples could be: Mother, dog, book, machine, town, house, gun, etc. You can readily see in this command “Make it solid” that the preclear is being CAUSE toward the thing or person. It is of considerable relief to the preclear.
  3. Choose valence or valences, weakest universe preferred. At this point skill comes into great demand. The OBVIOUS here would be usually the correct valence to run. Obvious to the AUDITOR. It won’t be obvious to the preclear. For example, the weakest universe would be to the preclear the one that gives no trouble. He never gets bothered or upset about that person. He never even thinks about that person or when he does it is only with the mildest feelings. Why? Because he’s “wearing the head” of that person! He’s looking FROM, not AT. If you find you have picked the wrong valence to run, go back to (1) and choose again at (3).
  4. “What would interest (universe so chosen)?” Run this flat.
  5. “Invent an opponent of comparable magnitude to .” You are getting a games condition here. Scarcity of opponents is the stickiest condition there is in human relations. Run this until preclear does it well and comm lag is flat.
  6. “What would get the attention of ?” Here the preclear will name or invent things that would get the attention of the universe being run. What you know about the SERVICE FACSIMILE will apply here. Run it out this way. “What would get the attention of ?”
  7. “Look around here and find something that can’t have.” Answers must be things physically observable in the auditing environment. This must be run very, very flat. A key process.
  8. “What could you protect from?” This actually could be run as above, having the preclear look around the room and find what he could protect from. However, if (7) has been run flat as a pancake it can be run as a subjective process as given.
  9. “What communication could you prevent from originating?” You will see that this gives the preclear a games condition and an opponent. It isn’t flat when the preclear is still giving answers from the bank. He should make some.
  10. Problems of Comparable Magnitude. The command is: “Invent a problem of comparable magnitude to .” This is an important process. Note that it has to be flattened well and that it is not flat when the preclear says he feels better about it or will handle it. It is flat when the preclear can HAVE the problem, does not HAVE TO solve it. Could have it, permit it to remain, or dispense with it. Problems: games condition. Solutions: no-game condition.
  11. “Invent a game you could play with .” This light-hearted little process is dynamite. Don’t neglect it. Run it on the preclear and you’ll see what a high- level process looks like when it really bites. (It will bite if you have properly run the preceding ten steps.)
  12. “Make fight the wall.” This is done, of course, with mock-ups, until the preclear does them extremely well and with full control of the mock-ups and comm lag is flat.
  13. Run (4) to ( 12) again to check.

This procedure cleans up universes and valences. When running this, keep the preclear at it and do not lapse into discussion or excessive two-way comm aside from the processes themselves. Use two-way communication in delivering the process to the preclear, not in getting the preclear to deliver the bank to the auditor.

This is a lot of processes for one bulletin, but we can include more detailed material on these in future PABs.