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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Flagrant Auditing Errors - BTB690717-2R74

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Вопиющие Ошибки в Одитинге - ТБП690717R74
17 JULY 1969R
Revised and reissued
as BTB 28.6.74
Remimeo Dianetics Course Class VIII Academies All Levels


The following auditing errors, were discovered by asking the pc what was done in their sessions after the sessions had mysteriously failed without any reason apparent in the auditor report sheets. Each one of these is a flagrant departure from standard auditing and is adequate to stop all pc gains for the session and to leave the pc stuck down the track and heavily keyed-in.

These are just given as samples of outnesses to show what you will find by asking the pc and to show what can cause a Dianetic session to have a poor result. These instances and others actually occurred in sessions and the sessions failed. There was no mention of them in the Report Form Summary or Worksheets and only asking the pc brought them to light.

1. Auditor not remembering one or more of the commands.

2. Auditor delaying the pc while thinking of the next command.

3. Auditor failure to give the next command.

4. Giving wrong or altered command.

5. Incorrect procedure.

6. Invalidating the pc’s cognitions.

7. Not recognizing that the pc has gone through the incident and just waiting or saying „OK continue“ when the pc had said that was all.

8. Auditor during session looking up something he (the auditor) didn’t understand that the pc said.

9. Auditing pc in circumstances where the pc is expecting he may be dis­turbed at some time later in the session.

10. Auditor walking out of auditing room leaving pc folder in room with pc.

11. Continuing to audit on a chain that the pc insists is erased (usually because auditor missed the F/N).

12. Not acknowledging pc originations.

13. Telling pc to close eyes when pc already has eyes closed.

14. Keeping pc waiting after pc has carried out command.

15. Telling pc to wipe her hands on her dress during session (auditor at­tempt to change TA position by session additive).

16. Auditor running out of ink and having to borrow a pen from the pc during session.

17. Forcing pc to continue looking for earlier incidents when the pc can’t find any.

18. Auditor talking too quietly for pc to hear (out TR 1).

19. Auditor ignoring pc originations (out TR 4).

20. Continuing to ‘audit’ when auditor doesn’t know what should be done next.

21. Auditor staring at meter for long time looking for F/N (can turn off a real F/N and bring on an ARC break needle).

22. Auditing with a contemptuous, sympathetic, too sweet, motherly, or any attitude that is a departure from a pleasant businesslike attitude.

23. Auditor talking to pc about auditor’s own case in session.

24. Auditor discussing other pcs with current pc in session.

25. Bull baiting pc when doing C/S-1.

26. Auditor and/or pc smoking or chewing during session.

27. Auditor doing or saying anything during session other than assessment and exact R3R procedure.

28. Auditor talking to pc after session about something the pc ran during the session.

29. Auditing with a discharged meter.

30. Auditing with legs up on table or some other improper posture.

31. Auditor commenting on the pc’s cognitions.

32. Auditor continuing to grind on the same incident when there’s an earlier one.

33. Auditor keeping voluminous admin during which the pc has to wait.

These are just a few examples. There is an infinity of wrongness pos­sible. Every session additive is a departure from TR 0-4 and a violation of the Auditor’s Code and a gross goof.

The auditor did not do these things maliciously. He was unaware of these as goofs and that the session didn’t come of f seemed to him to be a complete mystery, the failed sessions were also a mystery to the Case Super­visor who/also thought tech had failed until he had others ask the pc what happened in that session. ;

Needless to say, the auditors who goofed as above were extensively audited and retrained using TRs 101, 102, 103 and 104.

Brian Livingston CS-5