All study drills and auditing on a doll are checked out star rated by the Course Supervisor. Drills are important. They show whether or not the student understands the mechanics of the mind and what he is handling. The object is not to see how quickly the student can gloss through the course. The purpose is to produce a 100% standard auditor an auditor — that produces 100% results on every pc.
For a Supervisor to be certain that the required results will be obtained he or she must be ruthless on checkouts. ‘Hmmms…’ and ‘Errrs…’ and uncertainties are not acceptable. The Supervisor must consult the student’s understanding. He must ask questions and call for demonstrations and example until he and the student are both certain the student has a total grasp of the material.
A checkout on a demonstration does not depend on the imagination of the Supervisor. It depends on a very clear complete demonstration that requires no explanation by the student and no great figure figure by the Supervisor. For example the demonstration of a Key-out is not a blob of clay with a smaller blob of clay sitting away from it. A demonstration of Key-out would show the pc, the reactive bank, what is being keyed-out, what it is being keyed out from, how it relates to the time track, what happens to what is being keyed-out and how all these things relate to each other. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate piece of artistic modeling but must clearly show what the thing being demonstrated is all about. The Supervisor must know the materials cold and refer the student to the exact bulletins and materials that cover what the student has misunderstood or inadequately learned.
The health, happiness, and sanity of the planet depends on the Supervisor turning out auditors who really can audit
These are a vital part of the course and must be well studied. Don’t just read the C/S. Study the session, read it all, locate any errors in handling the pc, procedure, or admin. Notice also where the session was standard. Study the C/S, look back through the session to see exactly what is being referred to and not what actions LRH has ordered and why, referring to the bulletins when any uncertainty arises
By the time you complete this course you must be a competent Dianetic Case Supervisor.
This is done by:
1. Knowing cold all the materials of the course.
2. Being able to audit standardly
3. Being able to supervise the auditing of others by knowing what happened in session from session reports, being able to pick up all departures from standard tech, being able to give the instructions which will now put the pc right (if previous session goofed) and able to proceed with standard Dianetics to completion of case
This is achieved by thorough study of the LRH C/Sed sessions.
There are 45 LRH C/Sed sessions on the course. Study 15 sessions each time through the checksheet (a different 15 each time). On the third time through the checksheet the final C/S is removed. The student studies the session then does his own C/S. He is then given the LRH C/S for comparison and correction of his own.
Only the approved LRH C/Sed sessions are permitted to be used for study and training purposes.
A group or Org setting up a Dianetics Course must purchase sets of the official LRH C/Sed sessions from their nearest Org
To ensure that student auditors really do read and understand the C/S instructions the Supervisor checks out the student on the C/S instructions before the student audits. In doing this the Supervisor adds nothing to the C/S. He simply checks to see that the student auditor has duplicated, understands, and can apply the C/S instructions for that session