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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Conditions of Auditing (Part 7 of 7, PAB-88) - PAB560612

The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W. 8
12 June 1956
by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E.
Continued from PAB 87



The third ability to be addressed by the auditor is the ability of the preclear to play a game. First and foremost in the requisites to play a game is the ability to control. One must be able to control something in order to participate in a game. Therefore the general rehabilitation of control by starting, changing and stopping things is a rehabilitation in the ability to play a game. When a preclear refuses to recover, it is because the preclear is using his state as a game, and does not believe that there is any better game for him to play than the state he is in. He may protest if this is called a game. Nevertheless any condition will surrender if the auditor has the preclear invent similar conditions or even tell lies about the existing condition. Inventing games or inventing conditions or inventing problems alike rehabilitate the ability to play a game. Chief amongst these various rehabilitation factors are control (start, change and stop), problems and the willingness to overwhelm or be overwhelmed. One ceases to be able to have games when one loses control over various things, when one becomes short of problems and when one is unwilling to be overwhelmed (in other words, to lose) or to overwhelm (to win). It will be found while running havingness as in the Trio above that one may run down the ability to play a game, since havingness is the reward of a game in part.

In the matter of problems it will be seen that these are completely necessary to the playing of a game. The anatomy of a problem is intention versus intention. This is, of course, in essence the purpose of all games, to have two sides, each one with an opposed intention. Technically a problem is two or more purposes in conflict. It is very simple to detect whether or not the preclear is suffering from a scarcity of games. The preclear who needs more games clutches to himself various present time problems. If an auditor is confronted with a preclear who is being obsessed by a problem in present time he knows two things: (I) that the preclear’s ability to play a game is low, and (2) that he must run an exact process at once to rehabilitate the preclear in session.

It often happens at the beginning of an auditing session that the preclear has encountered a heavy present time problem between sessions. The preclear must always be consulted before the session is actually in progress as to whether or not he has “anything worrying” him. To a preclear who is worried about some present time situation or problem no other process has any greater effectiveness than the following one. The auditor with a very brief discussion of the problem asks the preclear to invent a problem of comparable magnitude. He may have to reword this request to make the preclear understand it completely, but the auditor wants in essence the preclear to invent or create a problem he considers similar to the problem he has. If the preclear is unable to do this, it is necessary then to have him lie about the problem which he has. Lying is the lowest order of creativeness. After he has lied about the problem for a short time, it will be found that he will be able to invent problems. He should be made to invent problem after problem until he is no longer concerned with his present time problem.

The auditor should understand that a preclear who is “now willing to do something about the problem” has not been run long enough on the invention of problems of comparable magnitude. As long as the preclear is attempting to do something about the problem, the problem is still of obsessive importance to him. No session can be continued successfully until such a present time problem is entirely flat, and it has been the experience that when a present time problem was not completely eradicated by this process that the remainder of the session or indeed the entire course of auditing may be interrupted.

When a preclear does not seem to be advancing under auditing, a thing which he does markedly and observedly, it must then be supposed that the preclear has a present time problem which has not been eradicated and which must be handled in auditing. Although the auditor gives the preclear to understand that he too believes this present time problem is extremely important, the auditor should not believe that this process will not handle any present time problem, since it will. This process should be done on some preclears in company with the Trio.

If the preclear is asked to “lie about” or “invent a problem of comparable magnitude,” and while doing so becomes agitated or unconscious or begins to talk wildly or obsessively, it must be assumed that he will have to have some havingness run on him until the agitation or manifestation ceases so that the problem of comparable magnitude process can be resumed.

Another aspect of the ability to play a game is the willingness to win and the willingness to lose. An individual has to be willing to be cause or willing to be an effect. As far as games are concerned this is reduced to a willingness to win and a willingness to lose. People become afraid of defeat and afraid of failure. The entire anatomy of failure is only that one’s postulates or intentions are reversed in action. For instance, one intends to strike a wall and strikes it. That is a win. One intends not to strike a wall and doesn’t strike it. That is again a win. One intends not to strike a wall and strikes it. That is a lose. One intends to strike a wall and can’t strike it. This is again a lose. It will be seen in this as well as other things that the most significant therapy there is is changing the mind. All things are as one considers they are and in no other way. If it is sufficiently simple to give the definition of winning and losing, so it is simple to process the matter.

This condition is best expressed, it appears, in processing by a process known as “overwhelming.” An elementary way of running this is to take the preclear outside where there are numbers of people to observe and, indicating a person, to ask the preclear, “What could overwhelm that person?” When the preclear answers this, he is asked about the same person, “What could that person overwhelm?” He is then asked as the third question, “Look around here and tell me what you could have.” These three questions are run one after the other. Then another person is chosen and then the three questions are asked again. This process can be varied in its wording but the central idea must remain as above. The preclear can be asked “What would you permit to overwhelm that person?” and “What would you permit that person to overwhelm?” and of course “Look around here and tell me what you could have.” This is only one of a number of possible processes on the subject of overwhelming, but it should be noted that asking the preclear to think of things which would overwhelm him could be fatal to the case. Where overwhelming is handled, the preclear should be given a detached view.

A counter-position to havingness processes, but one which is less therapeutic is “separateness.” One asks the preclear to look round and discover things which are separate from things. This is repeated over and over. It is, however, destructive of havingness even though it will occasionally prove beneficial.

It will be seen that havingness (barriers), “not-knowingness” (being in present time and not in the past or the future), purposes (problems, antagonists, or intention- counter-intention), and separateness (freedom) will cover the anatomy of games. It is not to be thought, however, that havingness addresses itself only to games. Many other factors enter into it. In amongst all of these, it is of the greatest single importance.

One addresses in these days of Scientology the subjective self, the mind, as little as possible. One keeps the preclear alert to the broad environment around him. An address to the various energy patterns of the mind is less beneficial than exercises which directly approach other people or the physical universe. Therefore, asking a preclear to sit still and answer the question “What could you have?” when it is answered by the preclear from his experience or on the score of things which are not present, is found to be non-therapeutic and is found instead to decrease the ability and intelligence of the preclear. This is what is known as a subjective (inside the mind only) process.

These are the principal processes which produce marked gains. There are other processes and there are combinations of processes but these given here are the most important. A Scientologist knowing the mind completely can of course do many “tricks” with the conditions of people to improve them. One of these is the ability to address a psychosomatic illness such as a crippled leg which, having nothing physically wrong with it, yet is not usable. The auditor could ask the preclear “Tell me a lie about your leg” with a possible relief of the pain or symptom. Asking the preclear repeatedly “Look around here and tell me something your leg could have” would undoubtedly release the somatic. Asking the preclear with the bad leg “What problem could your leg be to you?” or desiring him to “Invent a problem of comparable magnitude to your leg” would produce a distinct change in the condition of the leg. This would apply to any other body part or organ. It would also apply, strangely enough, to the preclear’s possessions. If a preclear had a vehicle or cart which was out of repair or troublesome to him one could ask him “What problem could a cart be to you?” and thus, requesting him to invent many such problems, one would discover that he had solved his problems with the cart. There is the phenomenon in existence that the preclear already has many set games. When one asks him to give the auditor problems, he already has the manifestations of as-ising or erasing taking place. Thought erases, therefore the number of problems or games the preclear would have would be reduced by asking him to recount those which he already has. Asking the preclear to describe his symptoms is far less than therapeutic and may result in a worsening of those symptoms, contrary to what some schools of thought have believed in the past but which accounts for their failures.

There are specific things which one must avoid in auditing. These follow:

1. Significances. The easiest thing a thetan does is change his mind. The most difficult thing he does is handle the environment in which he finds himself situated. Therefore, asking a thetan to run out various ideas is a fallacy. It is a mistake. Asking the preclear to think over something can also be an error. Asking a preclear to do exercises which concern his mind alone can be entirely fatal. A preclear is processed between himself and his environment. If he is processed between himself and his mind, he is processed up too short a view and his condition will worsen.

2. Two-way communication. There can be far too much two-way communication or far too much communication in an auditing session. Communication involves the reduction of havingness. Letting a preclear talk on and on or obsessively is to let a preclear reduce his havingness. The preclear who is permitted to go on talking will talk himself down the tone scale and into a bad condition. It is better for the auditor simply and discourteously to tell a preclear to “shut up” than to have the preclear run himself “out of the bottom” on havingness. You can observe this for yourself if you permit a person who is not too able to talk about his troubles. He will begin to talk more and more hecticly. He is reducing his havingness.

He will eventually talk himself down the tone scale into apathy, at which time he will be willing to tell you (as you insist upon it) that he “feels better” when, as a matter of fact, he is actually worse. Asking a preclear “How do you feel now?” can reduce his havingness since he looks over his present time condition and as-ises some mass.

3. Too many processes. It is possible to run a preclear on too many processes in too short a time with a reduction of the preclear’s recovery. This is handled by observing the communication lag of the preclear. It will be discovered that the preclear will space his answers to a repeated question differently with each answer. When a long period ensues between the question and his answer to the question a second time, he is said to have a “communication lag.” The “communication lag” is the length of time between the placing of the question by the auditor and the answering of that exact question by the preclear. It is not the length of time between the placing of the question by the auditor and some statement by the preclear. It will be found that the communication lag lengthens and shortens on a repeated question. The question on the tenth time it has been asked may detect no significant lag. This is the time to stop asking that question since it now has no appreciable communication lag. One can leave any process when the communication lag for three successive questions is the same.

In order to get from one process to another one employs a communication bridge which to a marked degree reduces the liability of too many processes. A communication bridge is always used. Before a question is asked, the preclear should have the question discussed with him and the wording of the question agreed upon as though he were making a contract with the auditor. The auditor says that he is going to have the preclear do certain things and finds out if it’s all right with the preclear if the auditor asks him to do these things. This is the first part of a communication bridge. It precedes all questions, but when one is changing from one process to another the bridge becomes a bridge indeed. One levels out the old process by asking the preclear whether or not he doesn’t think it is safe to leave that process now. One discusses the possible benefit received from the process and then tells the preclear that he is no longer going to use that process. Now he tells the preclear he is going to use a new process, describes the process and gets an agreement on it. When the agreement is achieved, then he uses this process. The communication bridge is used at all times. The last half of it, the agreement on a new process, is used always before any process is begun.

4. Failure to handle the present time problem. Probably more cases are stalled or found unable to benefit in processing because of the neglect of the present time problem as covered above than any other single item.

5. Unconsciousness, “dopiness” or agitation on the part of the preclear is not a mark of good condition. It is a loss of havingness. The preclear must never be processed into unconsciousness or “dopiness.” He should always be kept alert. The basic phenomenon of unconsciousness is “a flow which has flowed too long in one direction.” If one talks too long at somebody he will render him unconscious. In order to wake up the target of all that talk, it is necessary to get the unconscious person to do some talking. It is simply necessary to reverse any flow to make unconsciousness disappear, but this is normally cared for in modern Scientology by running the Trio above.

Books on auditing are available from the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W. 8, and from the Distribution Center Incorporated, Box 242, Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S. A. , as well as from the local groups and other Scientology Offices throughout the world. Magnetic lecture tapes with lectures on Scientology for groups and auditors are also available. Individual processing by the staff auditors of Clinics is available from the above addresses and also at the Hubbard Guidance Center, 2315 15th Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. Training as an auditor is obtainable. An auditor should be trained in the very fine schools of the HASI London or the Founding Church in Washington, D.C. the same. These are the only official sources for diplomas in auditing and in professional Scientology.


With man now equipped with weapons sufficient to destroy all mankind on Earth, the emergence of a new science capable of handling man is vital. Scientology is such a science. It was born in the same crucible as the atomic bomb. The basic intelligence of Scientology came from nuclear physics, higher mathematics and the understanding of the ancients in the East. Scientology can and does do exactly what it says it can do. In Washington, D.C. there is an enormous file cabinet filled with thousands of case histories, fully validated and sworn to, which attest the scientific thoroughness of Scientology. With Scientology man can prevent insanity, criminality and war. It is for man to use. It is for the betterment of man. The primary race of Earth is not between one nation and another today. The only race that matters at this moment is the one being run between Scientology and the Atomic Bomb. The history of man, as has been said by well-known authorities, may well depend upon which one wins.



First Basic Course results are in!!

The following are the Before and After Test results of the Basic Course run in Stamford, Connecticut, by Sylvan Stein, DScn, DD, extracted from his report.

“Here are the test results of my first basic course. It consisted of six evenings. Three of the people had never heard of Scientology. The fourth received processing prior to the course.

Time Before Score Time After Score
2’30” 60 1’30” 66
3’45” 78 1’55” 94
2’30” 82 1’00” 86
2’00” 59 1’15” 75

Timed Tests Student





APA Student I Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Profiles Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft.
A -50 +90 -6 +8 -95 -74 +4 +4
B +20 +100 -55 +2 +62 +68 +30 +62
C -15 +50 -28 -34 +44 +24 -8 +58
D +20 +52 +46 +58 -2 +40 +34 +44
E +70 +85 -80 -30 +72 +88 +62 +90
F +45 +70 +8 +4 +72 +54 +81 +57
G 0 +100 +74 +46 +78 +78 0 s