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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing of Solids (PAB-100) - PAB561115

The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W. 8
15 November 1956


Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures

Auditing could boil down to one process — that is, if the preclear is capable of doing it. Also, most importantly, if the auditor, if he has been recently indoctrinated, has established the rudiments, has the preclear well in the session and can handle any randomities that occur. In other words, this process takes the whole of Scientology into account.

That process is called SOLIDS. The way to run Solids is:

Find the principal stop point on the track, the principal vacuum or something you think might have been. Failing that you just arbitrarily pick an age somewhere in the middle — an incident after which the preclear says he became different to what he was before.

Before giving the command, explain to him the proper meaning of the word “facsimile.” Don't use the words “incident” or “pictures.”

Then you say, “Can you find a facsimile later than the incident?” — you mean the vacuum.

He finds one later and when he does you tell him, “Make it solid.” If the preclear is being pedantic give this command: “Make it more solid than you first perceived it.”

Making it a little more solid than it was is sufficient. The preclear will at first be using effort, but after a while he will be working by postulate.

Keep running this until the facsimile flicker-flacks and changes, and then take the preclear off it. Don't let the preclear communicate too much.

(Incidentally, don't have the preclear forget to make the invisible particles in the facsimile more solid as well, otherwise they will eventually build up a ridge to which the other facsimiles, as he finds them, will stick. Making the invisible particles solid will obviate that.

If the preclear doesn't understand what you mean by making the invisible particles more solid, ask him to open his eyes and look at the wall. Then ask him to make the particles between him and the wall more solid. He will then understand what you mean by invisible particles.)

Then you say, “Can you find a facsimile earlier than the incident?”

He finds one earlier than the incident and you say, “Make it solid.” After a while the automaticity of the facsimile disappearing or changing will wear off.

The preclear will not only make the picture more solid, he will stop it dead in its tracks. It won't blow unless you introduce this other command: “All right, dispose of that.

“Now can you find one later than (the age)?” “All right, make it solid.” “Okay, dispose of that.”

Keep him out of engrams because we are not running anything out. We are increasing and improving his ability. WE ARE RUNNING SOMETHING IN.

You are having your preclear, who has no mass, motion or space, confront something which has, and he cannot duplicate it, nor it him. And you are coaxing him into the understanding that he can.

You are trying to make the preclear capable of making things more solid. You are not trying to undo vacuums, engrams or operations.

You are trying to show him that he can handle a facsimile and make it solid.

See that the preclear does not directly address an engram or vacuum or a difficulty. Also don't upset his power of choice by telling him not to do it. Steer his attention off it. Tell him he can find a facsimile earlier or later than that.

Don't get sloppy as an auditor. It's a tough process. Use and maintain good 8-C to make sure that the preclear is always following directions. Make sure he does. Keep him at it and see that he executes the commands as given, for if he makes things solid before you ask him to, he may take the road which contains a lot of dynamite, such as touching a vacuum.

The preclear is not bright while he is being audited because his bank is too fascinating to him.

Keep him running the process and your preclear will suddenly realize what his conflicts with the environment are. These conflicts with the environment with which he is engaged are the real conflicts of life. Gradually his perceptics will turn on, BUT ONLY WHEN SOME EMOTION HAS TURNED ON. It's because you are running the band above solids.

It isn't an end-all process because there are other things above solids and effort. It has an extroverted side which is better than the old Trio — i.e. :

“Look around the room and find something you can have,” “Look around the room and find something you can permit to remain,” and “Look around the room and find something you can dispense with.”

This process runs this way: “Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind being solid.”

He finds something and you say, “Good. Make it more solid.” If you said,

“Make it solid” you would be invalidating him.

The preclear will say that the walls are getting very solid, too solid, for his comfort, because he has probably been taught in physics class that walls are composed of small particles with holes in them — which isn't true. Solids shed small particles, but that does not mean that a solid is made up of small particles.

Making something solid later or earlier in this lifetime only, is the limitation of this process.

After this his track starts coming in. As he makes things solid, the havingness starts filling the vacuum areas.

Don't run vacuum areas by making them solid or you'll sit in that auditing chair for a pretty long time.

The preclear will start picking up losses. Everything he picks up and makes solid is a loss, which is the first and foremost reason why he made facsimiles in the first place. They are substitutions for loss and that is the explanation of the phenomenon of sublimation.

He will keep on talking about the loss of possessions, marital partners and familial connections. This does not violate game conditions because he is running losses of things and times he lost and because you are not auditing the losses, you are auditing the pictures. As long as you are auditing the pictures you have got the primary game still going.

Don't have the preclear make incidents solid. Only have him make facsimiles of the incident solid, otherwise he will be feeling terrible. The thetan's game is to make nothing out of a facsimile, which is a no-game condition. He is going toward the truth, and by making the facsimile solid, you are going towards making a game.

When running solids subjectively, the preclear will start getting things way up the track when you ask him to find a facsimile earlier than the incident. You don't care about the incident. You want to know where the incident is so you don't run into it.

The values of running before and after facsimiles by making them solid, and auditing directly towards the reduction of a vacuum, are not comparable. If you try to take something out of the bank, you will lose.

If you try to ADD something to the bank you will win.

Why don't we just run S-C-S and blow the preclear out of his head and stabilize him through some exteriorization drills? Because we want to get the preclear to make things in his head more solid. Otherwise for the rest of his career in this universe, he will be leary on heads. The only thing that is wrong with any preclear who is stuck in the head is that he cannot handle the stuff that is there.

This process is the best to date and it takes a long time to run, but for the amount of ability it regains in the case it is the fastest process we have.

This process belongs to “EFFORT” on the Know-to-Mystery Scale.