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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- New PE and the New HAS Co-Audit - B601229

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise Holders

THE New PE And The New HAS Co-Audit

The new HAS Co-audit takes company in a PE Foundation with the free PE Course, the new Anatomy of the Human Mind Course (requisite for HPA/HCA) and a tape play.

The PE Course can run 3 nights a week or 5 nights. The Anatomy Course (consisting of 20 lectures) should run 2 nights a week. HAS Co-audit can run 3 to 5 nights a week but might work better running the same nights as free PE. The tape play can be run at any time — 5 nights or two hours on Saturday afternoon or Sunday.

As to materials, I am now assembling these. This HCO Bulletin gives the backbone of the HAS Co-audit. I am readying up full texts of the Anatomy Lectures. PE Text will shortly be more fully released. I have installed a new PE Foundation in HASI Johannesburg and it is successful at the rate of 30 new people a day. But to smooth it out and make it economical is taking me a bit longer.

An HAS Co-audit should be run only for people who have been "trained" on a PE free Course. The PE free Course should consider itself a training activity for the Co-audit, rather than a selling activity for Scientology. One should assume in teaching a PE that the student wants to help people and get help for himself. Elementary (very) Comm Course TRs should be sketched in and a touch assist taught. The only selling is defining Scientology and saying that to know the parts of the mind one should take an Anatomy Course.

The following is conditional, subject to review:

People who take a Free PE and an Anatomy Course get an HAS Certificate. It is also required that they spend 3 weeks on the Co-audit. Free PE is the only requisite for Co-audit attendance.

The HAS Co-audit consists of the same elements as always. The people come in, show the Instructor their paid invoices, are put in their chairs and auditing started by the Instructor. Cans can be held by the pc if a switchboard E-Meter rig exists. But individual E-Meters are not used.

At the end of the first period of auditing, the teams are shifted but not just exchanged. People are not audited by their pcs. They are started again by the Instructor. The session is ended by the Instructor.

Extreme muzzle is used. The auditor needing help puts his hand back of his chair for the Instructor to arrive.

The commands are written on one or two boards for the auditors to see. They are also issued on sheets of paper.

The pc faces outward into the room. The auditor inward.

The fee should now be per evening, perhaps 5s. or 50 ¢ per person.

There are just two processes to be used. These are to be called the HAS Co-audit Process I and HAS Co-audit Process II. They are complicated enough to hold interest. HAS Co-audit Process I runs ARC breaks, PTPs, Somatics, the bank and the room and hits all case levels. Leave standard O/W, help and other clearing processes alone, no matter the temptation. The HAS Co-audit processes are what the attendee can do, not what the Instructor can do in individual session. The Instructor runs all cases present, and he needs something that bites just enough to improve the case but not enough to make a bog.

The HAS Co-audit Process I, I developed from the 1950 ARC triangle. A new process type that is permissive between bank and room makes this new development unique.


The commands are as follows:

"Find something you disagree with"

"Find something you agree with"

"Find something you would rather not communicate with"

"Find something you would communicate with"

"Find something that seems unreal"

"Find something that is real"


The commands are as follows:

"Get the idea of attacking"

"Get the idea of not attacking"

HAS Co-audit Process I is of course a fundamental way of raising tone. It also has a taste of Rising Scale (8-8008) in it. This is the confront process. If the pc gets sticky or dopey or choppy, one shifts to II but HAS Co-audit I is the workhorse — it is done longer than II.

HAS Co-audit Process II is of course the havingness process. If a pc looks too belligerent or too mild, the Instructor should run II heavily on the pc. The worse off a case is, the more automatic the attack factor is and the less the pc can attack anything. All psychosis is is dramatized attack, so this process runs from low to high. Naturally you can see that it is an O/W version, but no withholds need be announced.

In HAS Co-audit Process II the Instructor may substitute "think" for "get the idea" at his discretion with cases that have trouble with "Get the idea", but a higher percentage of cases, I believe, bog on "think" than on "get the idea". In II the Instructor may in some cases at his option assess a generalised terminal and add it after "attacking" in the command.

Process II may be run on a case before I. But a little II goes a long way. If a central meter switchboard is used, cases that get sticky on I can be shifted to II. Try to end a session on I, not II.

I think you will find that II makes roaring tigers out of pcs and I makes them into serene angels.

Both processes are unlimited. I and II could be run for 500 hours. They might actually clear people if used long enough but the fact is not yet known.

If a pc continually stays in PT and uses only the room on I, shift the pc to II for he is afraid of his bank, just as some are afraid of past lives.

These are both new, powerful processes. I think you will find Co-audit attendees very happy with them.

L. RON HUBBARD LRH:js.rd [Free PE Course data in this HCO B is to be disregarded per HCO B 19 December 1960, PE Change, page 182.]