It has been some time since anything like a proper model session has been released. I have been researching on this for some little time now looking over the proper wording, and although the do’s and don’ts could fill a considerable book (and will), the exact form and sequence of a session and the exact wording of one can now be laid down for formal repetitive command type auditing such as we are doing with O/W and Responsibility and similar processes. I did not previously lay one down because I considered there was wide room for change. I find now that there are certain inevitable phenomena in an auditing session with all preclears, and these mechanisms are handled by using the following set sequences and wordings. In other languages some paraphrase of the words should be used but the sequences and sense remain the same.
There are good reasons back of these exact proceedings but it would take a book to set them all out exactly with examples. In this HCO Bulletin let it suffice that we lay down the form and wordings.
Adjust and calibrate as needful the E-Meter (don’t audit without a meter). Adjust pc’s chair (never let him place it. If he does, give it another slight shift as a control point).
Wording: “Is it all right with you if we begin this session now?” If not, two-way comm it out and repeat.
“All right; Start of session” (tone forty this). Drop it thoroughly over pc’s head. If you have any doubts say “Has the session started for you?” If he says “No” do it again and better. Emphasize that the session is started. This means in effect that it’s now the auditor’s ball and that the auditor will exert control from here on out in the session.
The instant this happens the Auditor’s Code is in full force on the auditor. There are no restrictions on the pc. The auditor’s control establishes the pc’s behavior as far as possible and the processes pick up the ARC breaks, etc.
Always use rudiments and use them in this order. Use them even with a child. Make a stab at them even with an unconscious person. The rudiments are in this order because the last three parts of rudiments may require some auditing, and if so you have started a session with no goals established, hence goals come first.
GOALS: “What goals would you like to set for this session?” “All right, any goals you would like to set for life or livingness?” Don’t challenge or question goals. Take what the pc says. Remember what he said because you will check it at session end.
ENVIRONMENT: “Is it all right to audit in this room?” If not, two-way comm it until it is all right or run Factual Havingness on the room. “Look around here and find something you could have.”
AUDITOR CLEARANCE: “Is it all right if I audit you?” If not and you get a meter fall, two-way comm it until it doesn’t fall or run O/W on the auditor. “What have you done to me?” “What have you withheld from me?” Until meter doesn’t fall. If this is going to be the session process anyway as in a co-audit team, ease it off here.
PRESENT TIME PROBLEM: “Do you have any present time problem?” If meter falls, run “Describe the problem to me.” “How does it seem now?” Run this until meter does not fall on the problem and tone arm is below where you started.
STARTING A PROCESS: “Now I would like to run this process on you (name it). What would you say to that?” Work out the wording by any means briefly or longly. Don’t challenge the pc’s definition of words. The auditor has reserved the right to change his mind. If it seems that the pc won’t be able to handle the announced process the auditor has said only that he would like to run it and may now say “According to what we have been talking about then it would seem better if I ran (name another process).” If this is all right with the pc then begin the process.
“Here is the first command.” (Give it.)
Acknowledge it.
Carry on with the session. Always audit a process until the tone arm is lower on it than when the process was started. A process even when it isn’t flat may stop dropping on the meter needle but it will still be able to move the tone arm from time to time. Abolish the idea that a rising needle tells you anything but that the pc is being irresponsible. Dropping needles tell you charge and shifting tone arms tell you increased or decreased responsibility. Things that start the needle rising are of no great use to you except to spot an irresponsibility and you don’t use it on the needle you use it on the tone arm.
If you start another process in the session start it exactly like the above.
If you are going to end a process in the session, bridge out of it smoothly. If the pc seems a bit alert and won’t be startled, tell the pc that “If it’s all right with you in a few more commands I am going to end this process.” Then do so, warning just before the last command “This is the last command” and then give it.
On all processes which cycle the pc in and out of present time use another wording as follows: “The next time you come close to present time I am going to end this process.” Then add before the acknowledgement “When was that?” to each pc answer and then acknoweldge. When you get an answer in the last day or two or in the same hour, end it. This is tricky going. Be careful with it. Be smooth. But end it in close to PT.
You can always get a pc into PT (when you’ve been running an engram or some process that leaves him back on the track) by starting a new process (which has to be started as above): “Recall something” “When was that?” Acknowledge. This is far, far better than “Come to present time” — you of course bridge out of this at the same time you start it. “We are going to run this only until you are close to present time and then end it!”
If a pc dopes off and then says something (not a cognition), or if a pc says something instead of an answer (not a cognition), the auditor understands it, acknowledges it and then says “I will repeat the auditing command” and does so. This must not be used as an invalidation. If the pc thinks he is answering the command or did answer it then apologize and give him the next one.
If the pc comes up with a cognition (something he suddenly understands or feels) (“Well what do you know about that?”), and yet has not answered the command, the auditor does not say, “I will repeat the auditing command.” The auditor understands the cognition carefully, then acknowledges it and repeats the command without saying that he is going to. To say, “I will now repeat the auditing command” after the pc has come up with a cognition is sometimes invalidative, since it yanks the pc’s attention to the auditor, the pc in the interest of the cognition having forgotten the command utterly.
The definition of in session is: pc interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor.
Yanking the pc’s attention to the auditor, making surprising motion toward the pc and sudden noises, or doing something off beat yanks the pc’s attention to the auditor and is the source of a lot of ARC breaks. This is quite painful to a pc sometimes and snaps whatever he is holding out from him down on him by spoiling his confront of it.
Audit the pc where the pc’s mind is. If you get drops on the meter you have where the pc’s mind is fixed. Run him on it, keep him on it until it’s flat. Don’t distract him.
If something goes wrong in the session it’s the auditor’s fault always. So if people knock or a phone rings, promptly apologize to the pc “I’m sorry.” If the disturbance knocked the pc clean out of session handle it as a present time problem as in the rudiments.
Establish the rudiments often and keep the pc from blowing. Never justify errors. Be effective and keep the code. You’ll win eventually even with the worst pc if you follow the Auditor’s Code and this model session.
Always end a session just as you began one — with full rudiments. Therefore, leave time to get it all done, and if you have time to spare then spend more time on end of session Rudiments, particularly havingness.
GOALS: “Do you feel you have made any part of your goals for this session?” Take this up and take what the pc says. This is a fairly rapid action, not to be prolonged as you will get him into problems from goals and mess it up if you hang around on it.
AUDITOR AND ARC BREAKS: “How do you feel about my auditing in this session?” If there is the faintest twitch of the needle, add: “I am going to run some overt/withhold on you so here’s the first command.” “What have you done to me in this session?” Acknowledge. “What have you withheld from me in this session?” Acknowledge. As soon as you have the needle behaving on the meter ask the pc how it is now, and if it’s much better bridge it out: “I will run a few more commands on this.” And do so, warn for the last command and give it and then drop it.
AUDITING ROOM: “Look around here and see if you can have anything.” If the E-Meter flicks about on this, at once start the process Factual Havingness, “I am going to run a bit of havingness on this. Here is the first command.” “Look around here and find something you could have.” Get the flick out of the meter needle and bridge it off.
PRESENT TIME PROBLEM: “Do you have a present time problem now?” If so run “Describe the problem to me.” “How does it seem to you now?” until it no longer flicks on meter. If the PTP didn’t flick on the needle, skip it.
Conclude the session when the end rudiments are done by saying “Is it all right with you if we end this session now?” “All right, here it is. End of Session” (tone 40).
The auditor can now say “All right, tell me I am no longer auditing you.”
When the pc does so, that’s that.
When a session is over it is over and the Auditor’s Code is over, but it’s poor taste and you’ll have a rough time next time if you criticize the pc or what he did or said in the session.
Always get the auditing command answered. Never let the pc skip an auditing command. If it isn’t answered to the pc’s satisfaction, there you are until it is answered. Never let any auditing command go unanswered.
With O/W, responsibility or a rough session in general, always run a lot of Havingness at the end of it.
Never restart a process the moment it is ended. You may suddenly see it wasn’t flat or he wasn’t really in pt. Well, that’s tough. Get it next time or get him into pt with “Recall something”, but don’t make a bad control example by restarting what you just now ended. In other words, never double bridge, note it down and get it next session.
Run at the case reality of the pc so he gets wins. If he ARC broke heavily last session you probably had him in over his or her head, so use an easier process this next time. That terminal is real to the pc that drops on the E-Meter even when he says it’s unreal or didn’t even know about it. Run things that fall and you will have interested pcs — clean them up on the tone arm once you’ve begun and you’ll have cooperative pcs.
Whatever you start do it well no matter how many sessions it takes or how minor it seems to be. Do one thing well on the case and you advance the case. Do one thing poorly and you drop the pc down tone. Two hundred hours on one engram (that’s an exaggeration) is better than one hour each on two hundred engrams. Do it well. It’s confidence regained that makes clears, not quantity of stuff run.
Run the pc always at cause.
If the pc is worn out with having created something in the last few lives or in this present lifetime, run anything that drops about the creativeness on “What about a (that terminal) can you confront?”
To get the pc over any condition or aberration that he is agonizing to get rid of, find a terminal that adds up to it and run single confront on that terminal. Example: If the pc is sick, the process would be “What about a sick person could you confront?” If the person is homo, it’s “What about a homosexual could you confront?” Just like old-time 8-8008 creative processes and SOP 8, but with terminals and confront. A person going round the bend on an obsession or a compulsion or a fixation shouldn’t be audited on sweetness and light. They are too desperate; run them where the mind is fixated and get their attention freed. Don’t run alternate confront anymore. It stalls the tone arm.
Don’t use “If it’s wrong with you then you did it”, or snide “Well what did you do?” when the pc is upset. Let him have a motivator or few as you ease him into the groove. But running the motivator and overt one after the other gives little or no gain. The motivator mentioned is a new overt and stalls the case.
The essence of good auditing is smooth confident control. The essence of control is smooth Start Change and Stop. Control is the background music to all overts and responsibility, knowledge and everything else, so let’s have a smooth Start Change and Stop in sessions and you’ll see it begin to win win win where it limped before. Academies really knock auditors into shape so they can. There is no substitute for good pro training. But pro or no it’s a smooth session that wins. People that won’t control can’t audit. So here is the model session and I hope for you brand new gains. Use it thoroughly and by the rote and you’ll have no arguments.