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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- How to Get Tone Arm Action (S-All) - B631001

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Получать Действие Ручки Тона (Саенто Все) - Б631001
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


The most vital necessity of auditing at any level of Scientology is to get Tone Arm Action Not to worry the pc about it but just to get TA action. Not to find something that will get future TA. But just to get TA now.

Many auditors are still measuring their successes by things found or accomplished in the session. Though this is important too (mainly at Level IV), it is secondary to Tone Arm Action.

l. Get good Tone Arm Action.

2. Get things done in the session to increase Tone Arm Action.



The most elementary error in trying to get Tone Arm action is, of course, found under the fundamentals of auditing — reading an E-Meter.

This point is so easily skipped over and seems so obvious that auditors routinely miss it. Until they understand this one point, an auditor will continue to get minimal TA and be content with 15 Divisions down per session — which in my book isn’t TA but a meter stuck most of the session.

There is something to know about meter reading and getting TA. Until this is known nothing else can be known.


The Tone Arm provides assessment actions. Like the needle reacts on list items, so does the Tone Arm react on things that will give TA.

You don’t usually needle assess in doing Levels I, II and III. You Tone Arm Assess.

The Rule is: That which moves the Tone Arm down will give Tone Arm Action.

Conversely, another rule: That which moves only the needle seldom gives good TA.

So for Levels I, II and III (and not Level IV) you can actually paste a paper over the needle dial, leaving only the bottom of the needle shaft visible so the TA can be set by it and do all assessments needed with the Tone Arm. If the TA moves on a subject then that subject will produce TA if the pc is permitted to talk about it (Itsa it).

Almost all auditors, when the Itsa Line first came out, tried only to find future TA action and never took any present TA action. The result was continuous listing of problems and needle nulling in an endless search to find something that “would produce TA action”. They looked frantically all around to find some subject that would produce TA action and never looked at the Tone Arm of their meter or tried to find what was moving it now.

This seems almost a foolish thing to stress — that what is producing TA will produce TA. But it is the first lesson to learn. And it takes a lot of learning.

Auditors also went frantic trying to understand what an Itsa Line was. They thought it was a Comm Line. Or part of the CCHs or almost anything but what it is. It is too simple.

There are two things of great importance in an auditing cycle. One is the Whatsit, the other is the Itsa. Confuse them and you get no TA.

If the auditor puts in the Itsa and the preclear the Whatsit, the result is no TA. The auditor puts in the Whatsit and the pc the Itsa, always. It is so easy to reverse the role in auditing that most auditors do it at first. The preclear is very willing to talk about his difficulties, problems and confusions. The auditor is so willing to Itsa (discover) what is troubling the preclear that an auditor, green in this, will then work, work, work to try to Itsa something “that will give the pc TA”, that he causes the pc to “Whatsit Whatsit Whatsit that’s wrong with me”. Listing is not really good Itsa-ing; it’s Whatsit-ing as the pc is in the mood “Is it this? Is it that?” even when “solutions” are being listed for assessment. The result is poor TA.

TA comes from the pc saying, “It is” not “Is it?”

Examples of Whatsit and Itsa: Auditor: “What’s here?” (Whatsit) Pc: “An auditor, a preclear, a meter.” (Itsa)

Itsa really isn’t even a Comm Line. It’s what travels on a Comm Line from the pc to the auditor, if that which travels is saying with certainty “It is”.

I can sit down with a pc and meter, put in about three minutes “assessing” by Tone Arm Action and using only R1C get 35 Divisions of TA in 2½ hours with no more work than writing down TA reads and my auditor’s report. Why? Because the pc is not being stopped from Itsa-ing and because I don’t lead the pc into Whatsit-ing. And also because I don’t think auditing is complicated.

Tone Arm Action has to have been prevented if it didn’t occur. Example: An auditor, noting a Whatsit moved the TA, every time, promptly changed the Whatsit to a different Whatsit. Actually happened. Yet in being asked what he was doing in session said: “I ask the pc for a problem he has had and every time he comes up with one I ask for solutions to it.” He didn’t add that he frantically changed the Whatsit each time the TA started to move. Result — 9 Divisions of TA in 2½ hours, pc laden with by-passed charge. If he had only done what he said he had he would have had TA.

If it didn’t occur, Tone Arm Action has to have been prevented! It doesn’t just “not occur”.

In confirmation of auditors being too anxious to get in the Itsa Line themselves and not let the pc is the fad of using the meter as a Ouija Board. The auditor asks it questions continually and never asks the pc. Up the spout go Divisions of TA. “Is this Item a terminal?” the auditor asks the meter. Why not ask the pc? If you ask the pc, you get an Itsa, “No, I think it’s an oppterm because…………” and the TA moves.


Now to give you some idea of how crazy simple it is to get in an Itsa Line on the pc, try this:

Start the session and just sit back and look at the pc. Don’t say anything. Just sit there looking at the pc. The pc will of course start talking. And if you just nod now and then and keep your auditor’s report going unobtrusively so as not to cut the Itsa, you’ll have a talking pc and most of the time good TA. At the end of 2½ hours, end the session. Add up the TA you’ve gotten and you will usually find that it was far more than in previous sessions.

TA action, if absent, had to be prevented! It doesn’t just fail to occur.

But this is not just a stunt. It is a vital and valuable rule in getting TA.

Rule: A silent auditor invites itsa.

This is not all good, however. In doing R4 work or R3R or R4N the silent auditor lets the pc Itsa all over the whole track and causes Over-Restimulation which locks up the TA. But in lower levels of auditing, inviting an Itsa with silence is an ordinary action.

In Scientology Levels I, II and III the auditor is usually silent much longer, proportionally, in the session, than he or she is talking — about 100 of silence to 1 of talking. As soon as you get into Level IV auditing however, on the pc’s actual GPMs, the auditor has to be crisp and busy to get TA and a silent, idle auditor can mess up the pc and get very little TA. This is all under “controlling the pc’s attention”. Each level of auditing controls the pc’s attention a little more than the last and the leap from Level III to IV is huge.

Level I hardly controls at all. The rule above about the silent auditor is employed to the full.

Level II takes the pc’s life and livingness goals (or session goals) for the pc to Itsa and lets the pc roll, the auditor intruding only to keep the pc giving solutions, attempts, dones, decisions about his life and livingness or session goals rather than difficulties, problems and natter about them.

Level III adds the rapid search (by TA assessment) for the service facsimile (maybe 20 minutes out of 2½ hours) and then guides the preclear into it with R3SC processes. The rule here is that if the thing found that moved the TA wouldn’t make others wrong but would make the pc wrong, then it is an oppterm lock and one Prepchecks it. (The two top RIs of the pc’s PT GPM is the service facsimile. One is a terminal, the pc’s, and the other is an oppterm. They each have thousands of lock RIs. Any pair of lock RIs counts as a service facsimile, giving TA.) A good slow Prepcheck but still a Prepcheck. Whether running Right-Wrong-Dominate-Survive, (R3SC) or Prepchecking (the only 2 processes used) one lets the pc really answer before acking. One question may get 50 answers! Which is One Whatsit from the auditor gets 50 Itsas from the pc.

Level IV auditing finds the auditor smoothly letting the pc Itsa RIs and lists but the auditor going at it like a small steam engine finding RIs, RIs, RIs, Goals, RIs, RIs, RIs. For the total TA in an R4 session only is proportional to the number of RIs found without goofs, wrong goals or other errors which rob TA action.

So the higher the level the more control of the pc’s attention. But in the lower levels, as you go back down, the processes used require less and less control, less auditor action to get TA. The Level is designed to give TA at that level of control. And if the auditor actions get busier than called for in the lower levels the TA is cut down per session.



As will be found in another HCO Bulletin and in the lectures of summer and autumn of 1963, the thing that seizes a TA up is Over-Restimulation. The rule is: The less active the TA the more over-restimulation is present. (Though restimulation can also be absent.)

Therefore an auditor auditing a pc whose TA action is low (below 20 TA Divisions down for a 2½ hour session) must be careful not to over-restimulate the pc (or to gently restimulate the pc). This is true of all levels. At Level IV this becomes: don’t find that next goal, bleed the GPM you’re working of all possible charge. And at Level III this becomes: don’t find too many new Service Facs before you’ve bled the TA out of what you already have. And at Level II this becomes: don’t fool about with a new illness until the pc feels the Lumbosis you started on is handled utterly. And at Level I this becomes: “Let the pc do the talking”.

Over-Restimulation is the auditor’s most serious problem.

Under-Restimulation is just an auditor not putting the pc’s attention on anything.

The sources of Restimulation are:

1. Life and Livingness Environment. This is the workaday world of the pc. The auditor handles this with Itsa or “Since Big Mid Ruds’ and even by regulating or changing some of the pc’s life by just telling the pc to not do this or that during an intensive or even making the pc change residence for a while if that’s a source. This is subdivided into Past and Present.

2. The Session and its Environment. This is handled by Itsa-ing the subject of session environments and other ways. This is subdivided into Past and Present.

3. The Subject Matter of Scientology. This is done by assessing (by TA motion) the old Scientology List One and then Itsa-ing or Prepchecking what’s found.

4. The Auditor. This is handled by What would you be willing to tell me, Who would you be willing to talk to. And other such things for the pc to Itsa. This is subdivided into Past and Present.

5. This Lifetime. This is handled by slow assessments and lots of Itsa on what’s found whenever it is found to be moving the TA during slow assessment. (You don’t null a list or claw through ten hours of listing and nulling to find something to Itsa at Levels I to III. You see what moves the TA and bleed it of Itsa right now.)

6. Pc’s Case. In Levels I to III this is only indirectly attacked as above.

And in addition to the actions above, you can handle each one of these or what’s found with a slow Prepcheck.


Assess for TA motion the following list:


At Level II one gets the pc to simply set Life and Livingness goals and goals for the session, or takes up these on old report forms and gets the decisions, actions, considerations, etc., on them as the Itsa, cleaning each one fairly well of TA. One usually takes the goal the pc seems most interested in (or has gone into apathy about) as it will be found to produce the most TA.


Whatever you assess by Tone Arm, once you have it, get the TA out of it before you drop it. And don’t cut the Itsa.


The skill of an auditor is directly measured by the amount of TA he or she can get. Pcs are not more difficult one than another. Any pc can be made to produce TA. But some auditors cut TA more than others.

Also, in passing, an auditor can’t falsify TA. It’s written all over the pc after a session. Lots of TA = Bright pc. Small TA = Dull pc.

And Body Motion doesn’t count. Extreme Body Motion on some pcs can produce a division of TA! Some pcs try to squirm their way to clear! A good way to cure a TA conscious body-moving pc is to say, “I can’t record TA caused while you’re moving.”


As you may suspect, the pc’s case doesn’t do a great deal until run on R4 processes. But destimulation of the case can produce some astonishing changes in beingness. Key-out is the principal function of Levels I to III. But charge off a case is charge off. Unless destimulated a case can’t get a rocket read or present the auditor with a valid goal. Levels I to III produce a Book One clear. Level R4 produces an O. T. But case conditioning (clearing) is necessary before R4 can be run. And an auditor who can’t handle Levels I to III surely won’t be able to handle the one-man band processes at Level IV. So get good on Levels I to III before you even study IV.


By slow assessment is meant letting the pc Itsa while assessing. This consists of rapid auditor action, very crisp, to get something that moves the TA and then immediate shift into letting the pc Itsa during which be quiet! The slowness is overall action. It takes hours and hours to do an old preclear assessment form this way but the TA flies.

The actual auditing in Level III looks like this — auditor going like mad over a list or form with an eye cocked on the TA. The first movement of the TA (not caused by body motion) the auditor goes a tiny bit further if that and then sits back and just looks at the pc. The pc comes out of it, sees the auditor waiting and starts talking. The auditor unobtrusively records the TA, sometimes nods. TA action dies down in a couple minutes or an hour. As soon as the TA looks like it hasn’t got much more action in it the auditor sits up, lets the pc finish what he or she was saying and then gets busy busy again. But no action taken by the auditor cuts into the TA action. In Levels I to III no assessment list is continued beyond seeing a TA move until that TA motion is handled.

In doing a Scientology List One assessment one goes down the list until the TA moves (not because of body motion). Then, because a TA is not very pinpointed, the auditor covers the one or two above where he first saw TA and, watching the pc for interest and the TA, circles around that area until he is sure he has what made the TA move and then bleeds that for TA. by Itsa or Prepcheck.

Yes, you say, but doesn’t the auditor do TRs on the pc? One question — one answer ratio? NO!

Let the pc finish what the pc was saying. And let the pc be satisfied the pc has said it without a lot of chatter about it.

TA not moving signals auditor to act.

TA moving signals auditor not to act.

Only the auditor can kill the TA motion. So when the TA starts to move, stop acting and start listening. When the TA stops moving or seems about to, stop listening and start acting again.

Only act when the TA is relatively motionless. And then act just enough to start it again.

Now if you can learn just this, as given here, to act when there’s no TA and not act when there is TA, you can make your own start on getting good TA on your preclear.

With this you buy leisure to look over what’s happening. With half a hundred rules and your own confusion to worry about also, you’ll never get a beginning. So, to begin to get TA on your pc, first learn the trick of silent invitation. Just start the session and sit there expectantly. You’ll get some TA.

When you’ve mastered this (and what a fight it is not to act, act, act and talk ten times as hard as the pc) then move to the next step.

Cover the primary sources of over-restimulation listed above by asking for solutions to them.

Learn to spot TA action when it occurs and note what the pc was saying just then. Co-ordinate these two facts — pc talking about something and TA moving. That’s Assessment Levels I to III. Just that. You see the TA move and relate it to what the pc is saying just that moment. Now you know that if the pc talks about “Bugs” he gets TA action. Note that down on your report. But don’t otherwise call it to pc’s attention as pc is already getting TA on another subject. This pc also gets TA on Bugs. Store up 5 or ten of these odd bits, without doing anything to the pc but letting him talk about things.

Now a few sessions later, the pc will have told all concerning the prime source of over-restimulation I hope you were covering with him or her by only getting the pc started when he or she ran down. But you will now have a list of several other things that get TA. The hottest TA producer on this list will get a pc’s goal as it is his Service Fac. You can now get TA on this pc at will. All you have to do is get an Itsa going on one of these things.

Any TA is the sole target of Levels I to III. It doesn’t matter a continental what generates it. Only Level IV (R4 processes) are vital on what you get TA on (for if you’re not accurate you will get no TA at Level IV).

From Levels I to III the pc’s happiness or recovery depends only on that waving TA Arm. How much does it wave? That’s how much the case advances. Only at Level IV do you care what it waves on.

You’re as good an auditor in Levels I to III as you can get TA on the pc and that’s all. And in Level IV you’ll get only as much TA as you’re dead on with the right goals and RIs in the right places and those you don’t want lying there inert and undisturbed.

Your enemy is Over-Restimulation of the pc. As soon as the pc goes into more charge than he or she can Itsa easily the TA slows down! And as soon as the pc drowns in the over-restimulation the TA stops clank! Now your problem is correcting the case. And that’s harder than just getting TA in the first place.


Yes, you say, but how do you start “getting in an Itsa Line?” “What is an Itsa?”

All right — small child comes in room. You say, “What’s troubling you?” The child says, “I’m worried about Mummy and I can’t get Daddy to talk to me and………” No TA.

This child is not saying anything is it. This child is saying, “Confusion, chaos, worry.” No TA. The child is speaking in Oppterms.

Small child comes in room. You say, “What’s in this room?” Child says, “You and couch and rug…….” That’s Itsa. That’s TA.

Only in R4 where you’re dead on the pc’s GPMs and the pc is allowed to say it is or isn’t can you get TA good action out of listing and nulling. And even then a failure to let the pc say it is it can cut the TA down enormously.

Auditor says, “You’ve been getting TA movement whenever you mention houses.

In this lifetime what solutions have you had about houses?” And there’s the next two sessions all laid out with plenty of TA and nothing to do but record it and nod now and then.


TA motion is caused by the energy contained in confusions blowing off the case. The confusion is held in place by aberrated stable data.

The aberrated (non-factual) stable datum is there to hold back a confusion but in actual fact the confusion gathered there only because of an aberrated consideration or postulate in the first place. So when you get the pc to as-is these aberrated stable data, the confusion blows off and you get TA.

So long as the aberrated stable datum is in place the confusion (and its energy) won’t flow.

Ask for confusions (worries, problems, difficulties) and you just over-restimulate the pc because his attention is on the mass of energy, not the aberrated stable datum holding it in place.

Ask for the aberrated stable datum (considerations, postulates, even attempts or actions or any button) and the pc as-ises it, the confusion starts flowing off as energy (not as confusion), and you get TA.

Just restimulate old confusions without touching the actual stable data holding them back and the pc gets the mass but no release of it and so no TA.

The pc has to say, “It’s a “ (some consideration or postulate) to release the pent-up energy held back by it.

Thus an auditor’s worst fault that prevents TA is permitting the dwelling on confusions without getting the pc to give up with certainty the considerations and postulates that hold the confusions in place.

And that’s “Itsa”. It’s letting the pc say what’s there that was put there to hold back a confusion or problem.


If the pc is unwilling to talk to the auditor, that’s What to Itsa –”decisions you’ve made about auditors” for one example. If the pc can’t seem to be audited in that environment, get old environments Itsa’ed. If the pc has lots of PTPs at session start, get the pc’s solutions to similar problems in the past.

Or just Prepcheck, slow, the zone of upset or interest of the pc.

And you’ll get TA. Lots of it.

Unless you stop it.

There’s no reason at all why a truly expert auditor can’t get plenty of TA Divisions Down per 2½ hour session running any old thing that crops up on a pc.

But a truly expert auditor isn’t trying to Itsa the pc. He’s trying to get the pc to Itsa. And that’s the difference.

Honest, it’s simpler than you think.