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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Exteriorization and High TA (INTRD-02) - B710104R78

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Экстеризация и Высокая РТ (Серия ИНТ РД 2) - Б710104R78
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 24 September 1978
Remimeo HGC Auditors Scn Chkshts AOs Cl VIII Chksht Cl IV Grad Chkshts (Revises and replaces HCOB 22 Mar 70 of same title by changing clearing of commands and wording of commands in Exteriorization Intensive.)
(Revisions in this type style)
(Ellipsis indicates deletion)
Interiorization Rundown Series 2


(This bulletin has been revised 24 Sep 78 to give the new, simplified Int Rundown Revised, which deletes the Recall and Secondary steps, includes the full array of Int buttons and the New Era Dianetics Int command. It corrects and replaces all previous issues on the original Int Rundown and all previously issued Int Rundown commands. It includes notes on the new "End of Endless Int Repair" Rundown.)



Note: Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears are not audited on this Int Rundown as they are not to be audited on Dianetics. The reference for handling repair of out-Int on these pcs and pre-OTs is HCOB 24 Sep 781, Int RD Series 4 Urgent Important, The End Of End­less Int Repair Rundown.

For a long while we have known that if you audit a person after he or she has exteriorized, you often get a high tone arm, somatics and an upset case.

The answer has been to cease to audit a person after exteriorization has occurred.

This is so much a fact that five out of five "in trouble" cases I recently examined had every one of them been audited for some time after they exteriorized. The TA had or had not gone high but the cases were bogged. They revived at once when the fact of exteriorization was located. F/N, VGIs and when rehabbed (by counting number of times) somatics ceased.

The rule has been — don't audit after a pc has exteriorized.

This is one of those very fundamental things that seems to defy research and yet if not solved will keep things messed up. Persons who exteriorize on lower grades need their upper grades and yet if audited further may mess up. This places a limit on auditing and yet the person may still have aberrations and somatics. But the fact of having exteriorized bars the road.

So I got to work and made a breakthrough on it. Hurrah!

It has now been fully vindicated by long tests and is now released for general use.


Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or without full percep­tion.

It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in 1952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that Man was an animal and that he was a spiritual being timeless and deathless.

Techniques have existed since 1952 that exteriorize a person. These are not now used be­cause (a) the person, still being aberrated and not Clear, soon returns to his body and (b) when audited thereafter has trouble.

This is a major problem a thetan sometimes has at death. How to exteriorize? He makes it eventually of course but he should be able to do so at once.

But, in my research, I found it unreasonable that a person would be hard to audit just be­cause he had exteriorized and had re-interiorized. For he has obviously done just that at every death and birth and must have done so hundreds of billions of times. So why should a recent exte­riorization then make him hard to audit? Yet it did.

My asking of that question was the first breakthrough. The rest soon followed.


We know in Dianetics that if you continue to run the last part of an engram which has in fact an earlier beginning which isn't being run and is ignored the TA will go up.

The reason for this is that the first of a chain or the first part of an experience or a first ex­perience (basic on a chain of incidents) has to be run for the chain or incident to erase.

If you only ran the end of incidents you would get a high TA and no erasure.

If you only ran incidents late on the chain you would get a high TA.

Pcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, when their TA is high (above 3.5 or up).

If you don't erase incidents or chains of incidents when auditing (or key them out as in re­lease) you get a perpetually high TA.

High TA cases have been "overrun" on something. That however is a very over-simplified explanation. The truth is that they have been run on something that didn't erase. The something has an earlier beginning than was detected or an earlier incident. In life one, having engrams about it, adds new incidents in living until something is "overrun" or done too often. The TA is therefore high.

A TA records mass. Mental mass has a higher electrical resistance and so measures more "ohms" of resistance, an electrical term for the trouble electricity has in passing through something. The more resistance the more units of resistance are recorded on the meter. The TA actually measures resistance.

Thus, the end of an incident can be restimulated. If the beginning of it is never touched then one will just accumulate more and more mass.


What has happened here, as regards exteriorization is that we have concentrated on ex­teriorization.

If one is in something, he must have gotten into it.

Therefore the beginning of an exteriorization is the interiorization.

The being went into something before he went out of it.

Exteriorization occurs at death. That's an engram. Interiorization occurs at birth, that's an engram.

So when somebody goes exterior he is actually liable to key-in having gone interior in the first place.

Get it?

So when you exteriorize somebody or he exteriorizes during auditing he gets keyed-in a bit and without having audited earlier interiorizations, he has been put in the last part (exteriorization) of an incident which began with interiorization.

Not only are you touching on something (exteriorization) late on a chain (which has hun­dreds of billions of like incidents ahead of it), you are also touching something which is late in the incident (which began with interiorization).

On both counts then, the TA may go high.


The remedy is to audit out interiorizations (i.e. , times the person went in) using the correctly as­sessed Int button.

If this is done, then the pc can be audited all you want after exteriorization.

Auditing the interiorizations with R3RA, Quad or Triple Flows, restores the possibility of auditing a pc after an exteriorization has occurred in auditing.


Based on recent researches, the original Int Rundown has been newly revised and sim­plified.

A full array of Int buttons has been added.

The Recall and Secondary steps have been deleted, so the pc gets to the basic of any Int trouble on a faster route.

Int chains are run using a simpler R3RA command for Int, and each chain taken to full New Era Dianetics EP.

The revised rundown follows.


The case supervision directions for an Interiorization RD are to be done by a Scientology auditor who is also a Hubbard New Era Dianetics Auditor.

He must have an excellent command of metering, TRs, R3RA, the theory of Int and the Int RD commands, and he must know and be able to recognize an F/N, a postulate and full Dianetic EP when these occur.

1. Omit ruds of any kind and do not attempt a rapid L1C. The TA will just go up out the roof on any type of ruds or list. Simply start the session and go right onto the following steps.

2. With the pc on the meter, have him read pages 1-3 of this bulletin (HCOB 4 Jan 71R), through the section entitled "The Remedy. " Clear up any confusion. Handle any mis­understood words. Help the pc do a simple demo of the theory that: "In" is the earlier beginning or the earlier similar incident of "Out".

(This is not to be a clay demo nor complex. Keep it simple, just ensure the pc gets it.)

3. Clear EXTERIORIZATION with the pc as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. Make certain he's got it. Demo it, if necessary.

4. Check for having been audited after exteriorization. (TA should come down and F/N, cog, VGIs.)

5. Rehab (rehabilitate) this condition by getting or counting the number of times exteriorized. You should get F/N, cog, VGIs.

6. Assess the following list of Int buttons. (Do not clear the buttons first.)


If none of the Int buttons read on this assessment, get in Suppress, Invalidate and Mis­understood on the Int button list. (Do not omit this basic rule of assessment. Ref: HCOB 15 Oct 73RA, C/S Series 87RA, Nulling And F/Ning Prepared Lists.)

7. Then clear and demo only the button that reads.

If the pc seems disinterested or unhappy with the button that reads, check False.

Caution: The pc may have an MU which caused a particular button to read. Thus ensure the button is not reading on an MU, and if a button has read on an MU then clear it and reassess it. Don't give the pc a wrong item or even monkey around with a wrong item. The above actions help you ensure getting the correct Int button.

It is important, in clearing the reading buttons, that the pc understands you will be auditing times he went in or was being trapped, etc. and not "was in" or "was already trapped" or "was stuck in," etc. You will be auditing the actual times the action of moving in occurred.

The above clearing steps are vital, as the pc will not be able to do the Int RD over misunderstoods or on a misassessed int button. To audit him over MUs constitutes a breach of the auditor's code. On the other hand, do not overdo these clearing actions, as you already have a pc on your hands who is in trouble.

Note: If none of the Int buttons read even when Suppress, Invalidate and Misunder­stood are applied, do not clear them and do not continue the Int Rundown steps.

8. When the largest reading button has been cleared per Step 7, take that button and run it R3RA Quad. (Triple if pc is only triple. ) Each flow is taken to full Dianetic EP, using the command:

"Locate a time when you (Int button). "


Int button with largest read: Forced In


(NOTE: The Quad command wordings for each of the Int buttons are listed on: HCOB 25 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 5, Quad commands for Int buttons.)

Do not ever run a pc on flow zero for the first time on Int. A Triple pc can be quaded up after int handling is complete, but it is never done on int handling or Int repair.

9. When all four flows on the reading button have each been run to full EP, reassess the Int button list per Step 6. If another button now reads, repeat Steps 7 and 8.

Should you have a persistent F/N after the four flows on the first button have been run, reassess the next day per Step 6 and if any button then reads, repeat Steps 7 and 8. If, on the other hand, you now have an F/Ning Int button list, it is safe to end off the Int Rundown.

10. Otherwise, you continue to assess the Int button list per Step 6 and to run any reading item R3RA Quad (or Triple) per Steps 7 and 8, until the entire Int button list is F/Ning on assessment.

Do not overrun the Int rundown. See section below on "Vital Data on Int RD End Phenomena. "

Caution: Any flow on any reading button must be run to EP in one session, and the Int Rundown must be completed in as few sessions as possible.

11. The final step, which is done after the final session, preferably on another later day, is a 2-way comm session on Int/Ext. (Ref: HCOB 30 May 70R, Int RD Series 3, Interiori­zation Intensive 2-Way Comm.)


The R3RA steps and procedure are standard except that they address the subject of "interiorization" (expressed as any one of the buttons on the Int button list).

Note that New Era Dianetics preassessment is not included in the revised Int Rundown, nor is the running of AESPs. (See HCOB 24 Sep 78 II, Int RD Series 13, Preassessment, AESPs And Int.)

In running the Int chain (or chains) it is important to run the actual "going in" action which would be near or at the beginning of the incident. Thus, if the pc is running an incident where he is "already in," ensure you check for an earlier beginning to the incident to pick up the "going in" type of action.

The questions to find an earlier beginning when running R3RA are:

The earlier similar command when running R3RA is:

Each flow must be taken to basic and the full Dianetic EP of: F/N, postulate (postulate off = erasure), and VGIs.

The auditor must have an excellent command of New Era Dianetics tech.

(Reference for New Era Dianetics R3RA commands and procedure is: HCOB 26 Jun 78RA 11, NED Series 6RA, Urgent Important, Routine 3RA, Engram Running By Chains.)


Exteriorization is not the EP of the Int Rundown. If it happens that the pc goes exterior during the RD, you end off gently as in any other auditing. But that is not the EP, and you may have to pick him up again later and complete the Int RD or handle it with the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.

The EP of the Int Rundown is no more concern or trouble with exteri­orization or interiorization.

This is generally accomplished by auditing the pc to an F/Ning Int button list.

But there is another phenomenon that can occur while running Int. It is vital that an auditor does not miss this should it happen.

It goes like this: You're auditing along and suddenly some mass discharges, down comes the TA, you suddenly have a floating TA, and that's it. The pc has hit the EP.

If you proceed past that point you're in trouble. You don't then reassess the Int button list and you don't continue running Quad Flows, even if all the flows have not yet been run on one reading button.

You do nothing but take your paws off the meter and gently end the session. If you do otherwise you can mess up a case.

It isn't exteriorization. Exteriorization could occur at the same time; however we could not care less because exteriorization is not the EP of the process.

But at any point at which the above phenomenon occurs on the Int RD — mass moves off, the TA comes crashing down and you can't keep the needle on the dial because the TA it­self is floating — you end off the rundown because you have the EP.

What has happened here is that you've blown the stuck flow of "going in. "

Int sends the TA up because the person has plowed deeper into more and more mass and come out of less and less mass. You have been auditing the pc on what has been, for eons, a stuck flow of obsessively going in. At any point in the auditing that stuck flow can suddenly give way. It heaves in the opposite direction, and the stuck flow of "going in" vanishes.

When that happens it's the end of the process, as that is all you want to accomplish with the Int Rundown.

If you were then to check the Int button list (which you do not do at this point) you would find the Int buttons all F/Ning.


When the pc has attained the EP of Int, either on the above phenomenon or by re­assessing the Int buttons and running them on the flows to an F/Ning Int button list, one should now be able to audit the pc even after exteriorization.

However, HCOB 7 Mar 75, Ext And Ending Session would still be applied.


The Int Rundown is a major case action and should only be run when the pc is rested and in good physical shape.


The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown (HCOB 24 Sep 781, Int RD Series 4, Urgent Important, The End Of Endless Int Repair Rundown) is the superbly workable new process just developed to handle any needed Int repair.

It resolves any Int troubles that might persist even after a pc has had an Int Rundown done totally standardly.

It does not replace the Int Rundown; rather, it complements it, when necessary, as it runs Int by Recalls. We audit out the Int engrams on the Int Rundown. Then if repair is needed, the End of Endless Int Repair RD can be used to clean it up smoothly with Recalls. It is the answer to overrepair of Int on any pc.

Additionally, it can be used for handling Int repair on Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears.

The above HCOB, 24 Sep 78 I, fully covers the purpose and use of this valuable new re­pair rundown.


If a pc goes exterior on Dianetics or any Scientology auditing you must, as his next ses­sion, check the Int buttons for read, and if any read, clear them and do the new, vastly simpli­fied and revised Int Rundown using the above C/S. With this done the pc… can go on being audited. And if repair is needed, the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown is the answer.

These new developments and refinements give us a simpler, more thorough tech for resolving Int than we have ever had before.


The way is open to more powerful OTs.

All fundamental discoveries are essentially simple ones.
