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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Are You Waiting the Meter Playing Dixie - B610608R79
- E-Meter Watching - B610608


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil Students Central Orgs Tech Staff


I have been a bit surprised by the length of time it is taking people to do assessments on the Pre-Hav, on Security Checks and Goals.

A query into this, which may reveal more, has discovered that students wait patiently for the meter to react, which Mary Sue has noticed.

It dawns on me that auditors believe they are doing an Analytical assessment on the Pre-Hav, etc. This is wrong.

The Pre-Hav Scale is not a picture of analytical thought. It is in the order it is in because it is a picture of reactive thought. It is how the reactive mind is stacked up. (See Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health for the chapter on the Reactive Mind.)

Now an E-Meter reacts only on the reactive mind. A Clear doesn't react because he is able to be conscious. An aberree reacts because he can't think without thought exciting the reactivity of the reactive mind. This, being composed of mass, energy, space, time and thought, responds to tiny electrical impulses.

If your auditing was not aimed at reactivity it would not register on a meter. Thus, you run what reacts because it reacts and is therefore part of the Reactive Mind.

The Reactive Mind responds instantly on data a billion years ago. How is this? Time in the Reactive Mind is out of order. So is Space. So is Matter, so is Energy. Pin a sign on the Reactive Mind: “Out of Order”. It connects wrong connections. Hence, the E-Meter.

What is wrong with the pc is not known to the pc. Therefore if a pc knows all about it, it isn't wrong with him.

That's why you never run what the pc says. You run only what the meter says. Example — pc is sure his current general Pre-Hav level that should be run now is “Order or Command”. “Order” rapidly vanishes. “Command” follows suit. CONQUER stays in. This is an actual example. I just assessed it a few minutes ago on a pc who is in pretty good shape. He didn't like CONQUER. He said Order and Command were long track. Somebody running a Q and A on his assessment would have said, perhaps, the pc knows best, so we'll run Order. Even if it doesn't fall. But when I said it was CONQUER that we were going to run as only it now fell, the pc sighed and gave in. Finding the Conquer level questions produced a very responsive meter needle. It was wrong with the pc because he didn't know about it. It was part of his reactive mind. Order and Command were analytical responses prompted by an entirely different thing CONQUER. If Order or Command had been run the pc would have had a lot of auditing time wasted on him.

Now, why are assessments wrong sometimes? Because the auditor is persuaded by the pc, not the meter. If the pc and the meter agree, so what. You can still run it. But only if the meter says so, for only then is it reactive.

Now, what about slow assessments? Well, the auditor thinks the pc must consider things before he answers, waits for the pc to answer and waits for the question to sink in so the meter will react.

This is entirely wrong. Based on a misunderstanding of assessment, the meter and the reactive mind.

  1. The pc does not have to be given a chance to think before the needle responds.
  2. The pc does not have to answer or say one word to make the needle respond.
  3. All needle response is reactive.
  4. There is no time in the Reactive Mind.
  5. If the pc knew what was wrong with him it wouldn't be wrong.
  6. Only the meter knows.
  7. The auditor has more control over the pc's Reactive Mind than the pc since the pc is influenced by the Reactive Mind responses and the auditor is not so influenced.

The Meter responds instantly. The reaction you will get on the needle starts to occur on the needle a fraction of a second after you utter it.

There is no need to sit there afterwards waiting for the needle to respond again, for it won't until you push that button again.

The only wait is caused by letting the needle come back at the end of a fall. This may take one second.


All the response you want will begin to occur instantly after you utter a goal, terminal, level or security question. Thus the maximum time between questions on the Pre-Hav level is at most a three second interval of silence while you digest the data.

Further, on an assessment for a Pre-Hav run on the General Scale (as in Routine 2, HCO B 5 June, 1961), you do not now say, “Do you…” or any other dunnage. You just say the level itself, note response, put a pencil point down on the level if it responds, say the next word, etc, etc. Takes about 5 minutes to run the Primary Scale up and down to find its level. You start at the bottom. You just say the word. If it responds you dot the sheet (using different symbols to tell them apart like dots, X's, lines). Then go back down the scale touching only those you marked going up. Add another dot if they still fall or react. Then play off those left one against the other, saying a level only once each time. The remaining level is now the only one that reacts. So you assemble your 5-way bracket and carry on with auditing.

The pc doesn't have to say a word throughout the whole assessment. You can even ask him politely not to, as breath going in and out in speech can vibrate the needle.

When you assess over into the Secondary Scale of the level you found, you do exactly the same as above. You read them all off once, then only those that reacted, eliminate them and you've got it. (And, by the way, if you go over the Secondary Scale, you then don't only run levels on that Secondary forever; in each new assessment you use the Primary Scale again to find a new Secondary Level to assess.)

This is also true of a Joburg. If you're going to get a reaction on the needle, it will come fast. No waiting. If you get a reaction you clear that reaction, not the pc's whole life. The moment the needle is nul, you go on to the next question. Of course, in a Joburg, the pc talks. He better!

All auditing actions except the CCHs are now done in Model Session.

And all auditing actions and questions are done effectively, neither frantically rushed nor slowly.

So it boils down to this. Weeks can be added to Joburgs and assessments if you think you have to wait for a needle response.

What are you waiting for? The whole action only requires a second. Don't wait for the E-Meter to play Dixie. It was made in the Nawth.
