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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demonstrations - B800514

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Демонстрации - Б800514R81
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Survival RD Basic Courses


Demonstration — Showing something by examples.

Demo — Abbreviation for "demonstration".

Part of Scientology study technology is the use of "demonstration" when a student is studying concepts and ideas.

The student is often asked to show such things as definitions of terms, basic principles, etc.

Two ways of demonstration that are commonly used are:

1. Demo Kit Demonstration — meaning the use of various small objects such as corks, caps, paper clips, batteries, etc. These objects are kept in a box or container called a "demo kit". Each student should have one. The pieces are used while studying, to represent the things in the material being read. Demonstrating helps make concepts and ideas more real. A demo kit adds mass (physical matter), reality and doingness to the significance and so helps the student to study.

When a student is required to do a demonstration using his demo kit, he simply takes whatever demo kit items he wishes and has them represent the ideas he is studying.

An example of this is:

The student is reading about how a student and his twin should sit across from each other, each with a dictionary and a demo kit.

To demonstrate this, he picks a blue battery and decides that that represents the student. He picks out a red battery and decides that represents his twin. He places the batteries across from each other. He then picks out two pennies which he decides will represent the demo kits and he places a penny (demo kit) beside each of the batteries (students). He then picks out two paper clips which he decides will represent dictionaries and places them next to each of the batteries (students).

The student now has sitting in front of him some actual objects that represent what he has read and he feels much better because the information isn't just in his head.

The demo kit pieces can be moved around by the student if he is studying about an activity or an action.

If a demo is being done for a twin or the supervisor, the student explains what the objects represent and what he is doing with them (but the idea is to actually have the objects showing any action, not the student's explanations).

2. Clay Demonstration — meaning the use of clay in demonstrating or representing facts, ideas, procedures, add mass, reality and doingness to the significance and so help the student to study.

Clay demos give a proper balance of mass and significance. They are used to teach a student to apply.

The student is given a word or auditing action or situation to demonstrate. He then does this in clay, labeling each part. The clay shows the thing. It is not just a blob of clay with a label on it. Use small strips of paper for labels. The whole demonstration then has a label of what it is.

On the checkout, the student removes the overall label. The student must be silent. The examiner must not ask any questions.

The examiner just looks and figures out what it is. He then tells the student who then shows the examiner the label. If the examiner did not see what it was, it is a flunk.

Clay table must not be reduced to significance by the student explaining or answering questions. Nor is it reduced to significance by long-winded labels of individual parts. The clay shows it, not the label.

The clay demonstrates it. The student must learn the difference between mass and significance.

For example, the student has to demonstrate a pencil. He makes a thin roll of clay which is surrounded by another layer of clay — the thin roll sticking slightly out of one end. On the other end goes a small cylinder of clay. The roll is labeled "lead". The outer layer is labeled "wood". The small cylinder is labeled "rubber". Then a label is made for the whole thing: "pencil". On checkout, the student removes "pencil" before the examiner can see it. If the examiner can look at it and say, "It's a pencil," the student passes.

If clay table training is not brightening that student up, then the above is NOT being done. Someone is in such a rush that real learning is being put aside for the sake of speed.


"Demo" on a checksheet usually refers to using a demo kit.

"Clay Demo" on a checksheet refers to using clay to demonstrate per the procedure given above.

A well done demonstration, which actually does demonstrate, will produce a marvellous change in a student. And he will retain the data.

as assisted by Technical Project I/C LRH:MM:nsp