The various lists designed to find by-passed charge and repair a faulty auditing action or life situation should be used heavily and thoroughly.
There are many such lists — Green Form, L1B, L4, etc. They are available in HCO B form and are themselves corrected and re-issued from time to time. They can be found in HCO B 5 July AD13 and others.
There are four ways to use these prepared lists.
1. The auditor starts at the top and takes up each read until he gets one to F/N. In this case the auditor does not do “Itsa earlier Itsa”. He just cleans each read.
2. The auditor starts from the top and on each read cleans it and does Itsa earlier Itsa to F/N or to a clean no-read and goes on.
3. The auditor assesses the list down until he gets a heavy read and cleans that, using Itsa earlier Itsa. Then he can go on to the next heavy read, cleans that. Etc. to F/N. In this case he can get several F/Ns on the same list.
4. The whole list is rapidly assessed over and over until one item stays in and that is given to the pc.
When a pc is very upset and misemotional the action in 4 above is the only one to use as it is the safest. On a very upset or antagonistic pc don’t engage in any chatter, just grab a list and assess it, and indicate the By-Passed Charge. The results are usually magical.
Repairing a case fully, as done in Qual or in an HGC, where the person has led an out-rud life, Method 3 above is the one to use. Various and assorted lists can be employed.
The best way to set up a case for auditing a major action is to Repair it. This can be necessary before the person is ever audited at all on any major action such as Dianetics or Grades.
Such an action can go on and on and should. The action is to bleed the list of all possible use, using 3.
This is a new discovery I have made.
Auditing repair usually uses Methods 1 or (for pcs upset from lists) 4.
The major error in using prepared lists is not to really get full use out of the list.
In using lists don’t be in a great hurry or do a superficial job.
The list is for the pc, not a statistic.