CCH 0 — Starting Session:
“Is it all right with you if we begin the session now?” “The session is started.”
GOALS: “What goal might you have for this session?”
(Be certain to end session with “Have we gained anything of your goal at the session’s beginning?”)
PT PROBLEM: (Caution: Problem itself, not just its terminals, must exist in pt.) “Do you have anything worrying you so much that you will have a difficult time keeping your attention on auditing?”
(If pc has)
“Describe the problem to me.”
(Pc does.)
“Does that problem exist in present time now?”
(If pc thinks it does): “What part of that problem could you be responsible for?” — or, “Invent a problem of comparable magnitude to that problem.” (Repetitive questions.) (No further descriptive name is allowed auditor in this command.)
Auditor frequently asks, “Describe that problem to me now.” — ”Does that problem now exist in present time?”
ARC Break: “Have I done something you feel is wrong in this session?” “Describe it to me.”
Plenty of acknowledgement to pc, no further apology and certainly no explanation. Object is to get pc’s attention on auditor in present time, not earlier in session. Goal of TR 2, of goals, PT Problem and auditing is to get pc’s attention into present time, so don’t stack commands on the track or park pc somewhere in session or leave him in an out-of- session problem.
S-C-S: (Note: All formal auditing, except for final acknowledgement of cycle, which is Tone 40.) Commands:
START: “I am going to tell you to start. And when I tell you to start, you start the body in that direction. Do you understand that?” “Good.” “Start.” “Did you start that body?” “Thank you.”
STOP: “I am going to tell you to get the body moving in that direction. Somewhere along the line I will tell you to stop. Then you stop the body. Do you understand that?” “Good.” “Get the body moving.” “Stop.” “Did you stop the body?” “Thank you.”CHANGE: “Do you see that spot?” “Good. We will call that Spot A. Now you stand here. O.K.” (Auditor indicates another spot.) “Now do you see that other spot?” “Good. We’ll call that Spot B. All right, now when I tell you to change the body’s position, YOU move it from Spot A to Spot B. All right?” “Good. Change the body’s position.” “Did you change the body’s position?” “Thank you.” “Do you see that spot?” “Well, we’ll call that Spot C. Now when I tell you to change the body’s position, YOU move the body from Spot B to Spot C. Do you understand that?” “Fine.” “Change the body’s position.” “Did you change the body’s position?” “Thank you, “
(NOTE: Change is run only to unflatten START and STOP, when both are flat.)
CONNECTEDNESS: Use: Only to unstick pc on meter when meter can’t be read well or when auditor desires to clear an object wrongly chosen as rock in order to look for another.
(a) “You get the idea of making that (object) connect with you.” (Auditor points.)
(b) (If pc isn’t looking at object with Mest body’s eyes, use following:) “Look at that (object).” “You get the idea of making that object connect with you.”
(c) (On blind humans:) “Feel that (object).” “You get the idea of making that object connect with you.”
1. SCOUTING. This is a 2-way comm activity.
(a) “How do you feel about ..?” Vary any object that sticks by asking about specialized form. If a specialized form frees, go back to object that stuck. Gradually sort object that consistently sticks from objects that stick by association with it only.
(b) If pc reads high on Tone Arm, gets inconsistent lie reaction, use following: “What have you had to be responsible for?”
To be sure pc is reacting, turn Sensitivity knob very high.
Guide him carefully around his life until he gets on a sticky point. Then sort it out, attempting to get parts of it to clear up. Do not let pc linger on matters which do not stick.
Responsibility sorts the matter out. His realization (cognition) of various zones is what does him good.
This is not necessarily a repetitive command. It can be varied with “What part of that (discovered area or item) have you had to be responsible for?”
Large area of current lifetime can be freed up and with clues from what he has stuck on repeatedly and using what would not free, return to a standard scout as above.
By using part (b) a pc can be brought down on the Tone Arm and can be made to react more normally on meter.
2. Running Help in general: USE generalized items, not specific people or objects (don’t pin pc in current life).
General Help bracket: 9-way:
“How could you help yourself?”
“How could you help me?”
“How could I help you?”
“How could I help myself?”
“How could you help another person?”
“How could I help another person?”
“How could another person help you?”
“How could another person help me?”
“How could another person help another person?”
Running Help on an item:
“How could you help a .........?”
“How could a ...........help you?”
“How could another person help a .........?”
“How could a ...........help another person?”
“How could a ...........help itself?”
“How could you help yourself?”
“How could I help you?”
“How could you help me?”
Run in sequence as above. Do not give same command twice.
CLEARING COMMANDS: Clear each word and the full phrase once each with the following:
“What is the usual definition of the English (or other language) word .........?”
Do not ask for definitions over and over as a repetitive command. If pc’s definition is poor, clear command every few commands.
Clear only each different word in a bracket. Don’t clear each line in a bracket.
Select simple non-significant objects. Run:
“In front of that body you mock up a .............and keep it from going away.” “Did you?” “Thank you.”
Then use all directions from the body — ”Behind that body…,” “To the left of that body . . . ,” “To the right of that body . . . ,” “Above that body . . . ,” “Below that body ....”
Run 6 objects each on six sides of the body on “Keep it from going away,” then proceed to “In front of that body you mock up a .....and hold it still.” Same procedure, then “In front of that body you mock up a........and make it a little more solid.” (There is no acknowledgement by auditor after pc mocks it up and keeps it from going away, etc, or the “Did you?” — there is acknowledgement only after full command is executed. Otherwise acks will thin pc’s mock-ups.)
Note: The objects should be simple at first, leading on up to complexity. But at first, keep them simple and non-significant.
[The above section on Clearing Commands has been excerpted as HCO B 28 February 1959, Clearing Commands, page 430. ]