The following are basic Case Supervisor actions.
It is to be noted Symptoms are double lettered (AA, BB) and the Directions to Auditors are numbered (1, 2, 3). When more than one Direction applies to a Symptom, a letter is added (1A, 1B).
In the future if a related Symptom is added, it will go to a triple letter for the same Class (BBB, JJJ).
In the future, for a triple letter, a Direction will be numbered as hundreds, (BBB 200, BBB 200 A).
Thus we have a system which can expand and be refined which can be charted and boxed.
A chart can be drawn up of Symptoms. This chart gives the numbers for Directions. To save himself from writing, the Case Supervisor can get the slips run off separately in quantity.
These slips can be packaged in envelopes. Or go into a covered wooden box with 80/100 pigeon holes. The door closes over the holes, the chart is on the inside of the door, the whole thing can be padlocked. The pattern is that of a flag locker in which signal flags are kept. Each pigeon hole is numbered.
The C/S then simply looks on his chart, deals out of the C/S locker a number of slips, staples them, puts on auditor and pc, uses a time/date stamp and he is very much in business.
The C/S does not issue the Symptoms in folders. Only the directions.
His comments to the auditor can be made on a blank sheet stapled in front of the separate slips.
He then has his locker, he has his independent copy of this HCOB for separate reference. He will have his chart.
His only real problem is how to keep himself supplied with slips of Directions. It is probably best to cut these all of a piece on mimeo stencils and get them run off in batches.
Standard grades are not part of this set-up as it is understood that the auditor knows these. Directions to do standard grades are written on the blank sheet.
Good Luck.
NAME | NO. | NO. | HOLE |
Rudiments, Light use | AA | 1 | 1 |
Rudiments, Fly all | BB | 2 | 2 |
Ruds, or GF | CC | 3 | 3 |
Green Form | CCC | 300 | 4 |
GF all Black | CCC | 300A | 5 |
GF, Misunderstood Case | CCC | 300B | 6 |
Ruds, High TA on | DD | 4 | 7 |
High TA Chronic | DDD | 400 | 8 |
Out Rudiments | DDD | 400A | 9 |
Complaints About F/Ns | EE | 5 | 10 |
Previous Bad Auditing | FF | 6 | 11 |
Nattery or Critical Pc | GG | 7 | 12 |
Crossed Rudiments | HH | 8 | 13 |
Rudiments, Protesting | HHH | 800 | 14 |
Out Rudiments | HHH | 800A | 15 |
Repeating PTP | HHH | 800B | 16 |
Bad Session last time | II | 9 | 17 |
Incomplete Actions | III | 900 | 18 |
Rock Slam | III | 900A | 19 |
Rock Slam at Examiner | III | 900B | 20 |
Assist | III | 900C | 21 |
Lists Errors In: | |||
Recent Possible Incorrect List | JJ | 10A | 22 |
Lots of Earlier List Available | JJ | 10B | 23 |
Old Earlier List Not Available | JJ | 10C | 24 |
List (Recent) Not Available | JJ | 10D | 25 |
List Item Didn’t F/N | JJJ | 100E | 26 |
List Error 3 SPs | JJJ | 100H | 27 |
Persisting Item | JJJ | 100J | 28 |
Alcohol | KK | 11 | 29 |
Drugs | LL | 12 | 30 |
Tiredness | MM | 13 | 31 |
Exteriorization, Bypassed | NN | 14 | 32 |
F/Ns Bypassed in Session | OO | 15 | 33 |
F/N Packed up | PP | 16 | 34 |
Exteriorization, Case Cannot | 17 | 35 | |
Exteriorization | QQQ | 170 | 36 |
Money, Has Trouble With | RR | 18 | 37 |
Solid, Bank Gone Solid | SS | 19 | 38 |
Process Split by Break | TT | 20 | 39 |
Gains Invalidated | UU | 21 | 40 |
Resistive Case, Assess 7 Cases | VV | 22 | 41 |
Resistive Case, Doesn’t Want Auditing | VV | 22A | 42 |
NAME | NO. | NO. | HOLE |
Resistive Cases, Recall Pretending | VV | 22B | 43 |
Resistive Cases, Prevent Auditing | VV | 22C | 44 |
Resistive Cases, Drugs | VVV | 220D+E | 45 |
Resistive Cases, Drugs, Poor Ethics | VVV | 220D+E | 46 |
Resistive Cases, Drugs, Overts | VVV | 220E(1) | 47 |
Resistive Cases, Former Therapy | VVV | 220F | 48 |
Resistive Cases, Earlier Practice | VVV | 220G | 49 |
Resistive Cases, Out of Valence | VVV | 220H | 50 |
LX3 | VVV | 220H(1) | 51 |
LX2 | VVV | 220H(2) | 52 |
LX1 | VVV | 220H(3) | 53 |
LX1 Assessed to Grief or Loss | VVV | 220H(4) | 54 |
Resistive Cases, Overts | VV | 22I | 55 |
Resistive Cases, Grades | VV | 22J | 56 |
Resistive Cases, Rudiments | VV | 22K | 57 |
Resistive Cases, Rudiments | VVV | 220K(1) | 58 |
Resistive Cases, Engram Matching | |||
PT Dangers | VVV | 22L | 59 |
Resistive Cases, Physically Ill | VV | 22M | 60 |
Had Been Physically Ill | VVV | 220M(1) | 61 |
Resistive Cases, ARC Breaks | VVV | 220K(2) | 62 |
S&D, Singular Item | YYY | 250A | 63 |
Physically Ill | YYY | 250B | 64 |
PTS, Environmental Menace | YYY | 250C | 65 |
Assists | ZZZ | 260 | 66 |
Unwarranted Sec Checks | ZZZ | 260D | 67 |
Rudiments, light use of
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Fly the ruds to F/N.
Run the rudiments, ARC break, PTP and/or M/W/H to the first F/N. Use Suppress and False if pc edgy about ruds. Do not fly any ruds if pc has F/N at sess start.
Rudiments, fly all
To the Auditor
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Fly each rudiment to floating needle.
2. Use Suppress on a “clean” read.
3. Use False read (Has anyone said you had a_______when you didn’t.)
Rudiments or Green Form
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Fly a rud or do GF, Method No. 3.
(If there is no F/N on rudiments, then do a Green Form omitting the standard ARC Brk, PTP and M/W/H which have just been done anyway.)
2. Use itsa earlier itsa. No lists.
Green Form
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Assess GF+40 once through, marking lengths of reads.
2. Return folder to C/S (who should also have the FES info on the case available to do a proper C/S.)
Green Form
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. List what it was to an item or date it.
2. Running it is too heavy a Green Form action.
Green Form
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Handle Misunderstood Case Condition if it reads.
Get in Suppress and Invalidated.
Do a Remedy B on “Who or what haven’t you understood about (your case),” test if it’s “Case or Cases,” do a Remedy B on the question that reads.
2. Verify and rehab all grades and sections (if Clear omit Power).
3. Return folder to C/S for further action if (2) hangs up and doesn’t go.
Rudiments, high TA on
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Per C/S Series 1, Auditors Rights, check Protest or Overrun. If TA remains high, the trained auditor is to do a C/S 53 and handle.
High TA, chronic
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Assess Short Hi-Lo TA List (C/S Ser 53) and handle to F/Ning list.
(NOTE: Also handle any errors found in FES which the pc may not be aware of, like processes run twice etc.)
Out rudiments
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Fly each rud to F/N. Be alert for ARC breaks of long duration. Chase back to basic.
2. Assess:
3. Prepcheck each item that reads, in order of size of read.
4. Back to C/S (for a C/S based on what was found in FES.)
Complaints about F/Ns
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Check for cut communications (itsa E/S itsa to F/N).
2. Prepcheck floating needles “On floating needles_______” to F/N.
Be sure to clear the command well with a green pc.
Previous bad auditing
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Assess:
2. Prepcheck result.
Beware on the assessment pc doesn’t “get an item” just because he doesn’t understand it. If so, clear item and reassess.
Nattery or critical pc
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Prepcheck “Withholds?” “On withholds has_____.”
Clear command well.
2. Pull withholds, E/S.
Crossed rudiments
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Clear each rudiment thoroughly with preclear before running it and fly each rud to F/N.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Get in ruds with Suppress and False with prefix “In auditing has there been an/a _____“ ARC break, problem, withhold (not missed W/H).
If the pc or pre-OT can’t think of it, after he looks for it, you test False read with various questions.
“Who said you had an/a _____reading when you didn’t have one.” or
“Has anyone asked for answers you didn’t have.” or
“Has somebody pulled_____ that had been pulled before.” etc.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Pick up ARC breaks. ARCU CDEINR, itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N.
2. Handle PTPs. If it reads well, itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N.
Make a Remedy B out of the PTP if it requires handling in any way but mild itsa. Use the PTP she says it is in the question.
“In your past who or what was similar to_____.”
Make it make sense. Handle per the laws of L&N.
Bad session last time
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
NOTE: Study the folder to find and correct the error.
If out ruds:
1. Run ruds with the questions:
2. If no F/N yet, do L1C “In your last session_____.”
Incomplete actions
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. C/S is to handle as per C/S Ser 34 “Non-F/N Cases.”
Rock slam
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Prepcheck missed withholds.
“On missed withholds has anything been_____.”
2. Pull overts. (Be sure to get the crime back of the R/S. Use method of magnifying or exaggerating the overts if needed.)
Rock slam
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Clean up invalidation of last session.
2. Handle any continuous PT overts on Scientology and see if it continues to read as invalidation or as a real read. If it is even vaguely hard to clean, the correct action is to list.
3. “What are you trying to prevent.” List & null to one reading item.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Indicate to the pc overrun and bypassed F/Ns.
2. Assesses GF Method 5.
3. Return folder back to C/S.
Lists, errors in
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
Recent possible incorrect list.
(1) Find the list, do L4B, Method 5, on it.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
Lots of earlier lists available.
1. Find the earliest S&D. Do L4B to correct item by the Laws of Listing and Nulling HCOB 1 August 68. Give it to the pc as his first S&D item. Correct no further.
2. Find the earliest Remedy B. Do L4B to correct item as in (1).
3. Find the earliest list ever done on the case, do L4B as in (1).
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
Old earlier lists not available.
1. Assess review, auditors, auditing, lists, old lists, list items.
2. Do L4B with “On (item found in (1) “ Method 5). Handle each item as it reads with itsa and indicate the BPC.
Or as an alternate C/S do the following:
1. L4B on every list pc can recall (Method 5).
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
The earlier list (recent) not available.
1. Do L4B “On that list (specify)_____” (Method 5).
List item didn’t F/N in the matter of listing and nulling.
1. Do L4B on that list (specify), Method 5.
List error, 3 SPs found on one list.
Difficulty on the job.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Find and correct this incomplete list. Renull to one reading item.
2. Do L4B, Method 5.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
A persistent item that doesn’t blow. Wrong item.
1. Find which list it came from.
2. Correct the list by L4B, Method 5.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
Give pc B1 before session.
1. Fly ruds or GF to F/N.
2. Rehab any and all releases through drinking. Get number of times by counting.
3. 3 Way or Quad Recall:
F1. Recall another giving you alcohol.
F2. Recall giving alcohol to another.
F3. Recall another giving alcohol to another or others.
F0. Recall giving yourself alcohol.
4. 3 Way or Quad Engrams:
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving you alcohol.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving alcohol to another or others.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving alcohol to another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of giving yourself alcohol.
Dub-in engram.
Drugs, and also bio-chemical substances used in “treatment” or in tranquilizing the person produce delusion. This is done by making a reduced creation in the body so that the thetan is dragged into heavily creating. Makes a + and –.
If a person is heavily the effect of something, then he has done it as an overt.
A preclear who has recently been on drugs should not be audited until off them for 6 weeks.
B1 vitamin in heavy dosage has been known to alleviate the no-create body drag and so stop the obsessive create thetan drag.
Auditing someone during a drug delusion state heavily hangs up a case and must not be done. Vitamins are not drugs.
Drugs include a long category of substances and even some poisons.
Anything that produced a release of a thetan from the body can be rehabbed.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
The Class VIII Drug Rundown:
1. Fly rud or GF to F/N by itsa earlier itsa, no lists.
2. Rehab former releases for each type of drug taken, get number of times released on each. (Each should F/N.)
3. 3 Way or Quad Recall:
F1. Recall another giving you drugs.
F2. Recall giving drugs to another.
F3. Recall another giving drugs to another or others.
''F0. Recall giving yourself drugs.
4. 3 Way or Quad Secondaries:''
F1. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving you drugs.
F2. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of you giving drugs to another or others.
F3. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving drugs to another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of giving yourself drugs.
5. 3 Way or Quad Engrams:
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving you drugs.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving drugs to another or others.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving drugs to another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of giving yourself drugs.
Tiredness is technically BLUNTED PURPOSE.
The most effective way to handle this is by the overt-motivator engram.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
F1. Find and run an engram or chain of the pc’s purpose being blunted to F/N.
F2. Find and run an engram or chain of blunting the purpose of another or others to F/N.
F3. Find and run an engram or chain of another blunting the purpose of another or others.
F0. Find and run an engram of the pc blunting his own purpose. (If a Quad pc.)
Exteriorization, bypassed
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
Int RD if the pc hasn’t had any yet. If he has, then:
1. Date/Locate the point of exteriorization.
2. Acknowledge pc’s release in last session. NOTE: If pc is still upset, the Int RD needs to be repaired.
F/Ns bypassed in session
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Rehab the F/N by asking “On the process (described) how many times were you released? “
2. Indicate the overrun.
F/N packed up
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Handle as per C/S Ser 34 “NON F/N CASES.”
Exteriorization, case cannot
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Assess:
2. Prepcheck what assessed out.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. C/S inspects the folder and orders an Interiorization Rundown.
Money, has troubles with
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
LM 1
1. Assess:
2. Prepcheck the items that read in order of size of read.
Solid, bank gone solid
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. L3B, Method 3, and handle. (Also can be done by Dn auditor.)
2. Then on to Dianetic C/S to handle any pictures and masses.
Process split by a break
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Check to see if the process went release out of session.
If so, rehab the F/N.
If no F/N to be had then run ruds “Between sessions_____.” to F/N and finish the process.
If TA high, do not do ruds. Instead assess Short Hi-Lo TA List (C/S Ser 53) and handle.
Gains invalidated
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Check for invalidation “Since last session has anything been invalidated.”
If no F/N run “Since last session has anything been suppressed.”
If no F/N do Green Form. No lists. Itsa earlier itsa only.
Resistive case
(Can be used more than once so long as same item does not get used again after being handled.)
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
Assess 7 cases
Separate RUDS & GRADES
Do not state “Resistive Cases” but “Special Cases,” HCOB 23/9/68 Issue II.
(a) Does not want auditing
(b) Pretending training or grades not attained
(c) Has not had auditing
(d) Seeking the same thrill attained from drugs
(e) Has taken drugs
(f) Former therapy before Scientology
(g) Has been part of earlier practices
(h) Out of valence
(i) Continuously committing overts in Scientology
(j) Audited with prior grades out
(k) Audited with rudiments out
ARC Brk_____ PTPs_____ Withholds_____ Ovt_____
(l) Has an engram exactly matching PT dangers
(m) Seriously physically ill
OR assess list of HCOB 30 June 71R “Expanded GF 40RB” Method 5 and fully handle per the list instructions.
The following C/Ses are included here to be referred to in using HCOB 30 June 71R “Expanded GF 40RB.”
(a) Discuss, in session start why he or she doesn’t want auditing and identify the cause, as it arises, ARC Brk, PTP or missed W/H and handle.
Don’t fail to pull the M/W/H if pc natters. Don’t call it an ARC break.
(b) 3 Way or Quad Recall
F1. Recall another pretending to you.
F2. Recall you pretending to another.
F3. Recall another pretending to another or others.
F0. Recall pretending to yourself.
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another pretending to you.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you pretending to another.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another pretending to another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you pretending to yourself.
(c) List and null who or what would prevent auditing? To one item.
(d) or (e)
1. Rehab drugs. Get how many times released for each type of drug to F/N.
2. 3 Way or Quad Recall
F1. Recall another giving you drugs.
F2. Recall giving drugs to another.
F3. Recall another giving drugs to another or others.
F0. Recall giving yourself drugs.
3. 3 Way or Quad Secondaries per C/S 12 Commands.
4. 3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3R
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving you drugs.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving drugs to another.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving drugs to another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of giving yourself drugs.
Run engrams by the book. Then to Dn auditor for Dn Drug Rundown.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Get in ruds with attention to missed withholds and overts. Look for R/S, clean to basic.
2. Rehab any and all drugs.
(f) 3 Way or Quad Recall
F1. Recall another giving a former therapy to you.
F2. Recall giving a former therapy to another.
F3. Recall another giving a former therapy to another or others.
F0. Recall giving a former therapy to yourself.
3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3R, by the book.
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving a former therapy to you.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving therapy to another.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving therapy to another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving a former therapy to yourself.
(g) 3 Way or Quad Recall
F1. Recall another forcing an earlier practice on you.
F2. Recall you forcing an earlier practice on another.
F3. Recall another forcing an earlier practice on another or others.
F0. Recall forcing an earlier practice on yourself.
3 Way Engrams, R3R, by the book.
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another forcing an earlier practice on you.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you forcing an earlier practice on another.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another forcing an earlier practice on another or others.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you forcing an earlier practice on yourself.
OUT OF VALENCE (For Section K of Expanded GF 40RB.)
1. Assess LX3.
2. Handle all significantly reading items in order of read by 3 Way or Quad Recall, 3 Way or Quad Engrams on each item.
3. Continue as above with LX2 then LX1. End off when pc has a marked change in valence.
If no valence change on LX lists then continue with 3 Way or Quad Recall, 3 Way or Quad Engrams on being someone else per 4 and 5 below.
4. 3 Way or Quad Recall each leg to F/N.
F1. Recall another causing you to be someone else.
F2. Recall you causing another to be someone else.
F3. Recall another causing another or others to be someone else.
F0. Recall causing yourself to be someone e/se.
5. 3 Way or Quad Engrams
F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another causing you to be someone e/se. R3R to erasure and F/N.
F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you causing another to be someone else. R3R to erasure and F/N.
F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another causing another or others to be someone else. R3R to erasure and F/N.
F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you causing yourself to be someone else.
3 Way or Quad Recall
F1. “Recall another causing you to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
F2. “Recall you causing another to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
F3. “Recall another causing another or others to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
F0. “Recall causing yourself to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
3 Way or Quad Engrams (Standard R3R)
F1. “Locate an incident of another causing you to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
F2. “Locate an incident of your causing another to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
F3. “Locate an incident of another causing another or others to take the attitude of (LX3 item).”
F0. “Locate an incident of you causing yourself to take the attitude of (LX3 item). ”
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
1. Fly a rudiment to F/N.
2. Assess LX2 (or use existing list if previously assessed. Handle in order of read.)
3 Way or Quad Recall
F1. “Recall another causing you to feel (LX2 item).”
F2. “Recall you causing another (to feel) (LX2 item).”
F3. “Recall another causing another or others (to feel) (LX2 item).”
F0. “Recall causing yourself to feel (LX2 item). ”
3 Way or Quad Secondaries
F1. “Locate an incident of another causing you to feel (LX2 item).”
F2. “Locate an incident of you causing another (to feel) (LX2 item).”
F3. “Locate an incident of another causing another or others (to feel) (LX2 item).”
F0. “Locate an incident of you causing yourself to feel (LX2 item). “
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
1. Fly rudiments to F/N.
2. Assess LX1 (omit any item handled earlier) — run 3 Way or Quad Recall and Engrams.
F1. Run “Recall another causing you to be (LX1 item).”
F2. Run “Recall you causing another to be (LX1 item).”
F3. Run “Recall another causing another to be (LX1 item). ”
F0. “Recall causing yourself to be (LX1 item). ”
F1. Find and run an engram of “ another causing you to be (LX1 item). ”
F2. Find and run an engram of “you (LX1 item)ing somebody or something.”
F3. Find and run an engram of “another (LX1 item)ing another.”
F0. Find and run an engram of “you causing yourself (LX1 item). ”
LX1 assessed to grief or loss.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
1. Fly ruds to F/N, check for any protest.
2. Run “Recall grief” to F/N.
3. Find and run a secondary or chain of grief and loss to pc or pre-OT.
4. Find and run overt secondary or chain of causing grief and loss.
5. Find and run a secondary or chain of another causing grief and loss to another.
6. Find and run a secondary or chain of you causing yourself grief and loss.
List and null “What are you trying to prevent” by the laws of listing and nulling to one item.
If 2 or more read on 1st nulling, extend the list until only 1 reads when all are called.
Check sub-zeros, grades up to IV and run those not previously run.
Run each to F/N: In auditing have you had an ARC break.
(Itsa, earlier itsa, ARCU CDEI.)
In auditing have you had a problem?
(Itsa earlier itsa.)
In auditing have you had a withhold?
(Itsa earlier itsa and WHO nearly found out?)
Run each to F/N:
1. In auditing have you been audited with an/a _____ARC Brk, PTP, withhold.
On ARC Brk use ARCU CDEINR itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N.
On PTP handle with itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N.
On withholds, who nearly found out, itsa earlier similar itsa to F/N.
2. Then “Have you audited someone over an “ ARC Brk, PTP, withhold, each to F/N.
Assessed to ARC breaks
1. Prepcheck ARC breaks.
2. If no good indicators at end trace back breaks by ARCU CDEINR.
Itsa earlier similar itsa.
Engram matching PT dangers
(Please use LRH C/S YYY, C/S 250C, “Environmental Menace”)
Get a competent medical analysis. When well or if no improvement, find and audit any engrams or chain to F/N, R3R Triple or Quad.
(Ruds do not have to be flown.) (Be careful in auditing a person running a fever, audit lightly. Do not force them into anything.)
Had been physically ill.
Protesting the item.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
1. Fly ruds to F/N, check protest on illness item. If so, handle protest fully, (itsa earlier similar itsa). If item still reads, find and run an illness engram chain to F/N.
You can’t run a recall process on illness or engrams. It is too much. If it doesn’t read on illness reassess and send back to C/S.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
1. PTS interview per C/S Series 79 or HCOB 10 Aug 73.
2. 3 S & Ds, if necessary.
Flubbed S & D.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:_________________
Auditor: __________ Time: ________________
1. Renull the list, not the represent list. Indicate the item to the pc. Indicate error of represent. Handle any PTPs and missed withholds.
2. Then get on with the grade or section.
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Fly a rud.
2. Assess:
3. Prepcheck each reading item in order of size of read to F/N. Being careful to handle any ARC breaks.
Environmental menace
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Fly each rud to F/N.
2. Find the environmental menace to the pc just by discussion. It’s the obvious one. It is a situation that is wanted, not an item.
3. Find an engram containing a situation that exactly matches the PT situation found in 2.
4. Run subject of engram three ways or quad.
F1. “Locate an engram that matches PT dangers.”
(Use as command 1, then 2, 3, 4, etc.) R3R.
F2. “A time when you gave another such an engram.” R3R.
F3. “A time when another gave another or others such an engram.” R3R.
F0. A time when you gave yourself such an engram.” R3R.
Handle as per HCOB 23 July 71 –”Assists,” Section “Injury Rundown.”
1. Touch Assist.
2. Contact Assist.
3. L1C on the injured member.
4. Then R3R on the injury incident.
Usual Dianetic actions would follow as necessary.
Unwarranted Sec Checks
Pc or pre-OT: __________ Date:________________
Auditor: __________ Time: _______________
1. Do a Prepcheck on Joburg or Sec Checks, whichever reads.
2. Clean up this evaluation and needless action and indicate to the pc or pre-OT it was needless.
3. L1R.
4. Pc or pre-OT to next grade or action.
Alcohol | KK | 11 | 29 |
All Black | CCC | 300A | 5 |
ARC Break, Resistive Case | VVV | 220K(2) | 62 |
Assist | III | 900C | 21 |
Assist, Has a Severe Injury | ZZZ | 260 | 66 |
Bad Session | II | 9 | 17 |
Bad Indicators | BB | 2 | 2 |
Bad Auditing, Previous | FF | 6 | 11 |
Blows, Course or Org | VV | 22 | 41 |
Breaks in Session | TT | 20 | 39 |
Critical Pc | GG | 7 | 12 |
Crossed Rudiments | HH | 8 | 13 |
Drugs | LL | 12 | 30 |
Drugs, Poor Ethics History | VVV | 220E(1) | 47 |
Drugs, No F/N on Rehabs | VVV | 220E(1) | 47 |
Engram LX1 | VVV | 220H(3) | 53 |
Engram Matching PT Dangers | VVV | 22L | 59 |
Ethics, Poor History | VVV | 220E(1) | 47 |
Exteriorization, Case Cannot | 17 | 35 | |
Exteriorization Bypassed | NN | 14 | 32 |
Exteriorization, Overrun | QQQ | 170 | 36 |
F/N, Bypassed in Session | OO | 15 | 33 |
F/N, Complaints About | EE | 5 | 10 |
F/N, Packed Up | PP | 16 | 34 |
Gains Invalidated | UU | 21 | 40 |
Green Form | CCC | 300 | 4 |
Green Form or Ruds | CC | 3 | 3 |
High TA, Chronic | DDD | 400 | 8 |
High TA, Ruds | DD | 4 | 7 |
Ill, Physically Ill | YYY | 250B | 64 |
Incomplete Actions | III | 900 | 18 |
Invalidation of Gains | UU | 21 | 40 |
List Errors | |||
List Errors in | |||
1. Lists Recent | JJ | 10A | 22 |
2. Earlier List Available | JJ | 10B | 23 |
3. Old Earlier List Not Available | JJ | 10C | 24 |
4. Recent Lists Not Available | JJ | 10D | 25 |
5. Item but no F/N | JJJ | 100E | 26 |
6. S&D, List Error | JJJ | 100H | 27 |
7. Persistent Item | JJJ | 100J | 28 |
LX3, Assessment Engram | VVV | 200H(1) | 51 |
LX2, Assessment Secondary | VVV | 220H(2) | 52 |
LX1, Assessment Engram | VVV | 220H(3) | 53 |
Long Session | VV | 22 | 41 |
Money, Has Problem With | RR | 18 | 37 |
Out Ruds | DDD | 400A 9 | |
Out Ruds, ARC Break Needle | HHH | 800B | 16 |
Process Split by a Break | TT | 20 | 39 |
PTP, Repeating | HHH | 800B | 16 |
PTS, Environmental Menace | YYY | 250C | 65 |
Resistive Cases | |||
Assessment 7 Cases | VV | 22 | 41 |
Doesn’t Want Auditing | VV | 22A | 42 |
Recall Pretending to F/N | VV | 22B | 43 |
Prevent Auditing Auditing | VV | 22C | 44 |
Drugs | VVV | 220D + E | 45 |
Drugs Poor Ethics | VVV | 220E(1) | 46 |
Drugs Overts | VVV | 220E(1) | 47 |
Former Therapy | VVV | 220F | 48 |
Earlier Practices | VVV | 220G | 49 |
Out Valence | VVV | 220H | 50 |
LX1 List | VVV | 220H(3) | 53 |
LX1, Assessment to Grief or Loss | VVV | 220H(4) | 54 |
Overts | VV | 22I | 55 |
Grades | VV | 22J | 56 |
Rudiments | VV | 22K | 57 |
Rudiments | VVV | 220K(1) | 58 |
Physically Ill | VV | 22M | 60 |
Had been Physically Ill | VVV | 220M(1) | 61 |
ARC Breaks | VVV | 220K(2) | 62 |
Rock slam, Hard to Clean | III | 900A | 19 |
Rock slam, At the Examiner | III | 900B | 20 |
Roller-Coaster | VV | 22 | 41 |
Rudiments, Resistive Case | VV | 22I | 55 |
To F/N | AA | 1 | 1 |
OR Green Form | CC | 3 | 3 |
Fly All | BB | 2 | 2 |
Protesting in Session | HHH | 800 | 14 |
S&D List Errors | JJJ | 100H | 27 |
WSU | YYY | 250 | 61 |
Flubbed | YYY | 250A | 61 |
Unskilled Auditor | YYY | 250B | 62 |
Sec Checks | ZZZ | 260D | 65 |
Secondary LX1, Grief and Loss | VVV | 220H(4) | 54 |
Solid, Bank gone Solid | SS | 19 | 38 |
Thick Folder, Resistive Case | VV | 22 | 41 |
Tiredness | MM | 13 | 31 |
Unwarranted Sec Checks | ZZZ | 260D | 65 |
Valence Recall another Person, Engram or Chain | VVV | 220H | 50 |