PURPOSE: To enable the Thetan to re-establish fuller communication with his body.
The degree of communication attainable on a gradient scale is limited only by the level of awareness of the Thetan.
INTRODUCTION: The Life Static „has the ability to postulate and to perceive. “ — From Scientology Axiom One (Definition).
Thus there is an OUTFLOW and an INFLOW.
The Thetan, to operate a mest body in a mest environment, outflows THETAN — MIND — BODY. The inflow is likewise BODY — MIND — THETAN.
To and from all parts of the body messages and perceptions flow by way of the brain, spinal cord and the network of nerves.
Throughout the life of the body there is a continual flow of electrical impulses through the brain and nervous system. This fact enables the body to be ready to serve the will of the Thetan at all times.
Masses, ridges, charge and unbalanced flows can build up in relationship to the body, resulting in transient or chronic breaks in communication between Thetan and body. This may be in respect of the whole body, or, more usually, with a specific body part or area.
Thus occur transient or chronic pains and disorders in the body.
These flow lines in the body are the pathways by which the psychomatic disorders and illnesses are created by the Thetan. They are also the pathways by which the Thetan is informed of the state of his psychosomatic creation.
Thus the Life Static and its OUTFLOW and INFLOW related to a body. METHOD:
„Bringing the static to view as-is any condition devaluates that condition. “ — Scientology Axiom 19.
The individual lies on his back on a couch, bed, or mattress on a table. In an intensive the position may be varied to advantage by lying face downwards at alternate sessions.
The clothed body with shoes removed gives satisfactory results. For optimum results, men in brief shorts, women shorts plus a bra, naturally in a warmed room.
First the purpose is cleared. A dictionary is kept present and available for use. Purpose given to be cleared is, „COMMUNICATION WITH MY BODY.“
Auditor gives the command, „Close your eyes,“ and acknowledges the action with „Thank you. “
Auditor: „Start of Session. “
Then: „This is the process. “
Auditor places his hands on the individual’s shoulders with a firm but gentle „ARC“ grip, using an „agreed“ firmness. That is a firmness which the Auditor knows is as agreeable to the individual as it is to the Auditor.
The Auditor must BE there with INTENTION and ATTENTION. i.e. have good TRs in throughout. This is to achieve optimum ARC and the best results.
The command is: „Feel my hands. “ („Feel my hand“ on the occasions when one hand is applied.)
The individual’s reply is acknowledged with „Thank you,“ (or „Good,“ „Fine,“ „Alright“ or „OK. “).
He continues to complete similar cycles down the body, over the chest, front of chest, sides of chest, hands on both sides of abdomen at the waist, then one hand going around the abdomen in a clockwise direction. (Clockwise because this is the direction of flow of the large bowel.) One hand placed over the upper abdomen pointed vertically towards the head. Both hands on the small of the back, one from each side and lift firmly. A hand over each hip with firmer pressure on these bony parts. Down one leg to the knee with both hands. Down the other leg to the knee with both hands. Back to the other leg and down over the calf, the lower calf, the ankle, the foot and the toes. The other leg from the knee to toes similarly.
Then work upwards in a flow towards the shoulders. Down each arm. Back to the shoulders. Both hands behind the neck, one from each side. Sides of face. Forehead and back of head. Sides of head.
The Auditor will know where next to place his hands or hand. An infinite variety of placings is available avoiding, of course, only the actual genital areas in both sexes. So the process proceeds up and down the body.
As ARC builds up, even as early sometimes as after the first command, the Auditor will notice that something is happening with the individual. It may be a comm lag, a slight suffusion of the face, a somatic or twitch of the body, or in some way he will know that a communication is available to him. He should then ask, „What happened?“
The individual describes what just happened or what is happening. The Auditor leaves his hands in position with exactly the same pressure sustained while the individual is talking. The communication is acknowledged and the Auditor continues with the process.
The process is terminated with „That’s it!“ immediately after acknowledgement of the first COGNITION.
The Auditor will know whether one session is sufficient, or whether a further session is needed towards flattening the process.
An Auditor’s Report is written up immediately after the session. It should include a record of moments of Emotion or Misemotion, any comm lags, individual’s appearance, somatics, how he is doing, physical manifestations (e.g. Yawning, body twitching), the cognition achieved, whether or not a flat point has been reached, and the presence or absence of good indicators.
After a successful session good indicators are apparent both Auditor and the individual who has experienced the Body Communication Process.