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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assessment Drills - B800422

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Auditors Surveyors Examiners Ethics Officers



(Note: It is required that anyone doing the following drills shall have done a TR course, an Upper Indoc course and the drills of the E-Meter Drill Book.)

According to HCOB 6 Dec. 73, the make or break point of an auditor was his ability to get reads on a prepared list. This depended upon (a) his TR 1 and (b) his metering.

In 1978 this was further studied, and in HCOB 22 July 78, ASSESSMENT TRs, it was found that correct voice pitches had everything to do with assessment.

I have just developed drills which improve this ability to make lists read and to improve an auditor’s auditing in general.

These drills will also be found to have great value to people who do surveys, to Examiners and to Ethics Officers.


To begin, an auditor should review his E-Meter drills and practice E-Meter Drill 27 on page 52 of the Book of E-Meter Drills, E-Meter Drill CR0000-4 and, if found necessary, E-Meter Drill CR0000-3. It is called to attention that E-Meter Drill 5 of the Book of E-Meter Drills has been replaced with E-Meter Drill 5RA and if not done, should be done. This E-Meter Drill 5RA is the only change in the original book. Further, it applies to the Mark VI just as well as it applied to the Mark V for which the book was written - the controls and actions of the Mark V and Mark VI are practically identical, though the Mark VI moves up to higher level cases.

Being able to see and read and operate an E-Meter has everything to do with getting reads off a prepared list. Where an auditor misses it is simply that he has not adequately done the drills in the Book of E-Meter Drills and has not practiced up to a point of full, easy familiarity with the E-Meter. The point of being able to make lists read is pointless unless the auditor can set up, handle and read an E-Meter. But the skill is easily acquired.


The following drills have the letter “Q” after them to mean that they are used for QUESTIONS. The Q is followed by a number to show that they are drilled in that sequence.

In these Q drills, the practice of twinning and any other TR tech normal to TRs is followed.

TR 1-Q1


NAME: Pitch of the Question.

POSITION: Coach sitting at the keyboard of a piano or organ or any usable instrument, student standing beside instrument.

PURPOSE: To establish the pitch differences of statements and questions.


TRAINING PROCEDURE: If the student is a girl, the coach asks her to say “Apple” as a statement. The coach then strikes the C above middle C (as given in the data above) and then the G above middle C. If the student is a man, the coach asks him to say “Apple” as a statement and then strikes middle C and then the F below middle C. This is repeated - saying “apple” and striking the two notes until the pitch of a statement can be duplicated by the student. In the event, the student has a voice pitch at variance with these notes, other notes can be found and used by the coach so long as the higher note is first and the second note is four or five whole notes below the first note. It must sound like a statement with the higher, then lower note.) Once the student has grasped this and can duplicate it, have the student use other two syllable words (or single syllable words preceded by an article), using these notes of the statement. Then, using these two notes, have the student make up sentences as statements, the bulk of the sentence said at the pitch of the higher note, but the end of the sentence at the pitch of the lower note. Once the student has this down and can easily do it and it sounds natural and he is satisfied that it does, go on to the question step.

The coach has the student say “apple” as a question. Then the coach (for a male student) strikes the F below middle C and then middle C. For a woman the coach strikes the A above middle C and then the D an octave above middle C. (In case this does not agree with the voice pitch of the student, the coach must work it out providing only that the upper note is three or four whole notes above the lower note. It must sound natural and must sound like a question.) The coach has the student say “apple” as a question and then strikes the lower and higher note until the student can duplicate it. Now take other two syllable words (or single syllable words preceded by an article) and have the student say these as a question, following each one with the two instrument notes, lower to higher. When the student can do this, is satisfied that it sounds natural and doesn’t have to think about dolling it, go on to the next step. Here the student makes up banal questions. The first part of the question is said at the lower note and the last part is said at the higher note. At each question, the coach strikes the lower note and then the upper note. When this sounds natural and the student does not have to think to do it and is satisfied with it, the drill is ended.

END PHENOMENA: A person who can state statements and questions that sound like statements or questions.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, April 1980, while doing the script for the soon to be produced training film “Tone 40 Assessment”.

TR 1-Q2


NAME: Walkabout Questions.

POSITION: There is no coach. Two students separate and walk around their neighborhood and then meet and compare notes. The object is to detect personal habits in questioning.

PURPOSE: To enlighten the student as to his own communication habits and people’s reactions to his questions.

COMMANDS: The most common everyday social questions such as “How’s it going?” “Do you like the weather?”, etc. appropriate to the activities and circumstances of the person. Only one or two questions to a separate person. The questions must be banal, social and ordinary but they must be questions.

TRAINING STRESS: The two students agree on the areas they will cover next time they will meet again. They then go over individually, not together. The student pauses next to people encountered and asks a social question, listens to his OWN voice tones and notes the reaction of the person asked. In this drill the student does not necessarily try to use TR 1-Q1 but is just himself, speaking as he would normally speak. The students then meet and compare notes and discuss what they have discovered about themselves on the subject of asking questions. If they have not learned or observed anything, the drill must be repeated.

END PHENOMENA: A person who has detected any habits he has in handling pitch of voice in asking questions so that he can cure these in subsequent drills.

HISTORY: Recommended by L. Ron Hubbard in February 1978, in the pilot for HCOB 22 Jul 78 ASSESSMENT TRs. Developed into a TR in April 1980, by L. Ron Hubbard.

TR 1-Q3


NAME: Single Word Question.

POSITION: Student and coach facing each other with a table in between them. The E-Meter is not used. The Book of E-Meter Drills used by student and another copy by coach.

PURPOSE: To be able to ask questions using a single word read from a list.

COMMANDS: The coach uses the usual TR directions of start, flunk, that’s it. The student uses single words from the prepared lists of the Book of E-Meter Drills, pages 66 to 72 of the Appendix.

TRAINING STRESS: To get the student to use the pitch of his voice to deliver a question consisting of a single word. It must sound like a question per TR 1-Q1 and use similar pitch’s to TR 1-Q1. The student is flunked for out TR-l, for keeping his eyes glued to the list, for sounding unnatural. The student is also flunked for slow or comm laggy delivery or pauses. The coach designates the list to be used, changes lists. When the student can do this easily, a second part of the drill is entered and the coach begins to use the PC Origination List on Page 58 so as to interrupt the student and make him combine his questions with TR 4. In this case the student acknowledges appropriately, uses “I will repeat the Question.” and does so.

END PHENOMENA: The ability to ask single word questions that will be responded to as questions and to be able to handle pc origins while doing so.

HISTORY: Developed in April 1980, by L. Ron Hubbard.

TR 1-Q4


NAME: Whole Sentence Questions.

POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other across a table. The E-Meter is set up and used. Copies of the Book of E-Meter Drills are used.

PURPOSE: To train the student to ask whole questions that sound like questions, read an E-Meter and handle a session at the same time.

COMMANDS: The usual coach commands of TR drills. The Prepared Lists of the Appendix of the Book of E-Meter Drills; the questions in these drills are reworded so that the item occurs as the last word; Example: List 2, pg. 65 or the Book of E-Meter Drills states that the Assessment Question is “Which tree do you like best?”. This is converted, for each question, to “Do you like _______?”; Prepared List 4 is converted to “Do you dislike ______?”; etc. A whole sentence is used in every case.

TRAINING STRESS: The usual TR commands are used by the coach. E-Meter Drill #5RA must be used to start. Any TR errors or Metering errors may be flunked, but special attention is paid to the student’s ability to ask a question that sounds like a question in accordance to TR 1-Q1 and that sounds natural. The drill has three parts. In the first part, although the coach is on the meter, the ability to ask the question is concentrated upon. The second part concentrates upon the student’s ability to look at the written question and then ask the coach directly without undue comm lag or hesitation. The third part is to do the first two parts and read the meter (in accordance with E-Meter Drills 27 and CR0000-4 which may have to be reviewed if flubby) and to keep session admin, all smoothly and accurately. If a question arises about meter accuracy, a third person who can read a meter or a video tape is employed to ensure that the student is actually not missing or dubbing in reads.

END PHENOMENA: A person who can do all the necessary actions of asking questions from a prepared list and run a session smoothly without errors or confusion’s and be confident he can.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in April 1980.

TR 8-Q



POSITION: Same as TR 8 where the student is in one chair facing another chair on which sits an ashtray, the coach sitting beside the student in a third chair. A square four-cornered ashtray is used.

PURPOSE: To deliver the THOUGHT of a question into an exact position, wide or narrow at decision, that is a question, with or without words.

COMMANDS: For the first part of the drill: Are you an ashtray? Are you made of glass? Are you sitting there? Second part of drill: same questions silently. Third part of drill: Are you a corner? to each corner of the ashtray, verbal and with intention at the same time. Fourth part of drill: Any applicable question, verbal and with intention at the same time put broad and narrow at choice into the ashtray, exact parts of it and the surroundings.

TRAINING STRESS: The coach uses usual TR coaching commands. There are four stages to the drill. The first stage is to land a verbal command into the ashtray. The second stage is to put the question with full intention silently into the ashtray. The third stage is to put verbal command and silent intention at the same time into exact parts of the ashtrays The fourth stage is to put any applicable question both verbally and with intention into any narrow or any broad portion of the ashtray or its surrounds at choice and at will. At the conclusion of the whole drill imagine the ashtray saying “Yes, yes, yes, yes” in an avalanche of yeses to balance the flow (in actual life, people, pcs and meters do respond and return the flow).

END PHENOMENA: The ability to land a question with full intention into an exact target area, broad or narrow, at will and effectively, whether verbally or silently.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in April 1980, as an extension of all earlier work on intention and Tone 40, as now applied to questions and assessments.

TR 4/8-Q1

NUMBER: TR 4/8-Q1 (TR 4 for Pc Origin, TR 8 Intention + Q for Question, 1 for first part.)

NAME: Tone 40 Assessment Prepared List Session Drill.

POSITION: Student and coach sitting across from each other at a table, E-Meter set up and in use, session admin, using prepared lists.

PURPOSE: To train a student to do all the actions necessary to a full, smooth, accurate session using prepared lists and to do Tone 40 Assessment of them.

COMMANDS: Coach commands are the usual TR commands of start, flunk, that’s it. For the student, all commands relating to starting a session, giving an R factor, assessing a prepared list, keeping -the admin, indicating any item found and ending a session. The Book of E-Meter Drills for Prepared Lists as in TR 1-Q4. Origins for coach as per pages 58, 59 and 60 of that book. “Squeeze the cans”, “Take a deep breath and let it out”, “This is the session”, “We are going to assess a prepared list” (assessment), “Your item is ______“ (indicate any F/N) “End of Assessment” “End of Session”.

TRAINING STRESS: Permit the student to continue to his first error, then have him drill and correct that error and continue. Finally, to conclude, let the student go through the entire sequence of the drill beginning to end three times without error or flunk for a final pass. It is expected that the student will not flub any TRs or metering or session patter. metering may be finally verified by a third student or video. All assessing must be in proper tone 40 with full intention exactly placed. The student must not wait to see if the meter read but catch the read of the last question as he starts the next one. His vision may shift from list to pc but at all times must embrace list, meter and pc. (This drill also would be the one used for tape or video passes as it includes all elements of metering and TRs.)

END PHENOMENA: A person who can do a flawless and productive assessment session, Tone 40.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, April 1980.

TR 4/8-Q2


NAME: Listing and Nulling Tone 40 Assessment.

POSITION: Same as TR 4/8-Q1.

PURPOSE: To teach a student to do the action of Listing and Nulling with all metering and admin, using Tone 40 Assessment.

COMMANDS: The usual coach TR commands. Two copies of the Book of E-Meter Drills. A prepared list is chosen by the coach and both use the same prepared list. The student reads the question and asks it and the coach reads the replies from the same list but in his own copy. The student must write down the answers in a proper session worksheet and note and write down any reads. (An F/N terminates the listing if it occurs.) The coach need not use the whole list of replies but only half a dozen chosen at random. The sequence of commands is the same as TR 4/8-Q1 except that the R factor is “We are going to list a question.” And, if no item F/Ns and no significant read has occurred, the additional action of nulling the list is undertaken with the command, “I will now assess the list.”

TRAINING STRESS: The laws of Listing and Nulling HCOB l Aug 68 apply in full as these are very important laws and ignoring them can result in severe ARC breaks not so much in this drill but in actual sessions. The coach may also require suppress and invalidate buttons be put in on the whole list. All errors, omissions, hesitations and lapses from Tone 40 on the part of the student are flunked. Coach similarly to TR 4/8-Q1. Pass when the student can do it flawlessly three consecutive times. (This drill may be used for internship tapes and videos for assessing and metering passes.)

END PHENOMENA: A person able to do a flawless L & N list as the session or as part of a session, with all TRs in, with perfect metering and proper admin and using Tone 40 in his listing and assessing.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in April, 1980.


The purpose of these drills is to train the student to ask questions that will get answers and to assess prepared lists that will get accurate reads. If a student dolling these drills has difficulty it will be traced to false data, misunderstood words or not having passed earlier TRs including Upper Indoc or his metering drills as contained in the Book of E-Meter Drills. If a satisfactory result is not obtained, the faults in the above items should be located and remedied and these drills repeated. If any earlier omissions are found and repaired and if these drills are honestly done, heightened success as an auditor (or a surveyor or examiner or ethics officer) is assured.
