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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Starting Cases - B601117

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise Holders


It should be remembered that most processes and routines for auditing require first that the pc be in session.

This is a factor often lost in processing.

Unless an auditor is aware of the definition for “in session” and uses it, very low, slow results will occur. The key to fast, high results is “pc in session”.

There are various degrees of being out of session. The most severe of these is the person who refuses auditing. The answer is usually old Presession One (Help, Control, Communication, Interest). The next degree is sitting in the chair but refusing to answer questions. Presession One or its Two-Way Help part is generally the answer. Failed Help is a useful tool here. The next degree is sitting in the chair and being uncooperative or even choppy. The best answer is Presession One or Two-Way Help.

Now in all the above “out of sessions” is meant the pc coming to have processing for the first time. There are similar aspects from different causes during session.

A pc used to processing can go out of session in varying degrees. A pc who refuses to answer questions is suffering from an ARC break or has a withhold.

If it’s an ARC break, then run O/W on “me” (the auditor) or, better, run O/W on an auditor. If the pc appears vague or nervous, it’s probably a PTP, and the specific terminal or terminals connected with it should be run on O/W. The withhold case can be handled with “What have you done?” “What have you withheld?” alternated.

The definition of “in session” is (a) Interested in own case, (b) Willing to talk to the auditor. When either of these is violated the pc is “out of session” and is receiving no benefit from processing.

For the beginning pc, these two factors must be established. If the above remedies do not suffice, then the auditor must run by definition. The auditor must find something in the pc’s case in which the pc is interested and something about which the pc will talk to the auditor. An E-Meter will fall on things that the pc is interested in and will talk about.

If a case already accustomed to processing goes out of session, the rudiments long ago were designed to get the pc running again. Rudiments can be used at any time during a session.

All the clever processes in the world will fail if the pc is out of session.

It is a high sign of auditing skill to get the pc into session — which is to say, interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor.

There is an exception to case interest — when the pc goes upscale on any one process he or she will hit boredom before enthusiasm. Don’t stop at that point. Go on even if pc infers it will slay him or her with boredom. The period of time they hang up in this is brief — a few minutes or at most a session.

Discussions of people the prospective or out of session beginning pc has failed to help usually solves this difficulty. Here is a lower point — people the pc intended not to help.

But however they get started, start them and get them into session before you worry too much about what’s wrong and what’s to be run. It pays off in results.